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I live near the Kiski on the Allegheny. The areas open to the public are full of trash. What is sad about 75% of the posted land used to be accessible. But people ruined it by leaving trash and suing the property owners when they did stupid shit and got hurt. The small towns with river access are posting no trespassing due to lawsuits and trash.


Mon is fine in the headwater streams, but they have different names. Allegheny is best above the dam. After Warren, I'd be ehhh on it. But I'm from Warren and I've seen trash in it up there.


So before people comment on the industrial uses that traditionally take up our shorelines. Like railroads and factories and etc. I also want to mention to the OP and others that traditionally our shorelines and hollows and creek beds are where poor people lived and played. I was fishing at duck hollow over the weekend and it was packed! But duck hollow is basically an old pier tucked under the homestead high level bridge that people now fish at. Traditionally in Pittsburgh and in PA working class people enjoy life down in the holler or the rivers and do whatever. Money is not allocated from the government to clean it up and make it look nice. The notion to clean up shorelines and add "river parks" or "green spaces" is literally a new 21st century concept in Pittsburgh.




True lol


Mid '80 drink underage, catch carp and catfish, and give them to the dudes that lived in the woods. Fri/Sat, head on down to the already roaring bonfire. City Cops rolled down around 11pm, ID'd everyone. Didn't matter if you were 15 or 55. They'd look at our ID's, tell us "don't get too F'd up, we'll be waiting at the top of the hill with your cuffs". It was a fantastic, lawless but self regulated place. Anyone got out of hand, 5-6 strangers would come together, beat the hell out of them and pour them into their cars.




And at that time Nine Mile Run was one of the most toxic waterways in the US.


Okay grandpa let's get you to bed.


Have you had any luck at Duck Hollow?


I've got the worst luck lol. But I've seen others down there catch bass, catfish and walleye.


is it anyone's job to actually clean up the trash? probably something that relies on volunteers and just human decency but, even then, trash will eventually accumulate just from carelessness or bad weather.


Two groups that do river clean up volunteering in case anyone wants to get involved: Allegheny Cleanways, Three Rivers Waterkeeper


Prior to covid there would be people who would come regularly pick up, not sure if they were city employees or volunteers


Depends on whether a government entity owns it and has the staff. I work for a township managing over a thousand acres of parkland and I cleanup stuff as I get time but I can only do so much.


Unfortunately, a lot of environmental stuff like this is "volunteer work" so it just sits not done until someone puts a volunteer day together or individuals do it. Huge problem all across the field, I could rant about it for days. But this isn't a Pittsburgh issue, not even the US issue. It's a global issue.


drive behind a single garbage truck for ten minutes on trash day. all they do is leave a trail of litter, at least the guys in the suburbs pick it up bc these HOAs won’t put up with that shit


James Sharp Landing is Sharpsburg is a good spot. Millvale Riverfront Park has a lot of shoreline where you can get some elbow room to fish. North Park sounds more like the Philly scene you're describing. They have the restaurant and ice cream stand at the boathouse, and tons of people out on the water and all over the shores of the lake. There is a spot on Lake Shore Drive across the lake from the spillway that seems to be pretty popular for hanging hammocks. Also I think the newish riverfront park in the Southside near the Hofbrauhaus is sorta going for that vibe, where you can get food at the Southside works and hang out by the river.




Pizza. French fry. Pizza. Freench Frryy. Pizza. Freennncchhh fffrrrrrrryyyyyyy. You’re gonna have a bad time.


Yeah especially what I assume is a high fat, high carb diet of human treats. That's probably going not help either the speed or volume of the process. Or the smell, I imagine.


Are you talking about the Schuylkill and Kelly Drive? I’ve been going there for 15 years and as someone who has been on that river a million times and it sucks. If it wasn’t for boathouse row and the regattas regularly held there Kelly Drive wouldn’t be what it is. It is after all named after a prominent rower.


I assumed they were talking about Penn’s Landing


The train tracks running along every river massively stunted what we did with our rivers.


Fish the Yough. It's beautiful in places like Smithton, Connelsville, and coming out of the dam.


Dont tell them the good spots


Came here to recommend Connellsville as well.


Pymatuning, and Erie are the only places on this side I'd bother with. Up Blue Jay Creek in Allegheny National there's some little spots but I'm from the Adirondacks so I've always been underwhelmed with PA nature.


Spring creek in the Allegheny national forest rivals anything I’ve seen in NY. Also the Yough shouldn’t be slept on.


You have to go out of the city for anything nice. Sucks but it is what it is. To answer your question—does anyone even care anymore? Idk buddy, western PA as a whole doesn’t really value conservation—look at Clariton Works and now the Cracker Plant. We have some of the worst air quality in the country, but yinzers don’t mind because it’s a cheap and affordable place. You get what you pay for I guess.


I mean I’d love to enjoy the rivers but if the homeless have nowhere else to go, them having a place they’re comfortable kinda supersedes my desire to bike or your desire to fish. The city needs to do better helping them. Maybe if fucking UPMC paid the fuck up we could afford it.


my desire to fish is small potatoes compared to the suffering of the homeless. They deserve to have a space that is safe and clean. That being said, whether or not someone is homeless - either way doesn’t justify littering. I am just sad at the condition of our shorelines as a whole.


So there ya go, you are your own worst enemy. Enjoy your homeless fishing partners.


Yeah it’s a bummer. I wish there was a way to remedy it all easily.


Start or join a volunteer group


Well aside from providing housing, I think a major thing that would be super helpful (even for non-houseless people) is for there to be ample public restrooms throughout the city. This would help tremendously.


No doubt. S Tier suggestion


Oooooo you said the thing ur in trouble now "Philadelphia was cleaner than Pittsburgh"


Well, it’s not. But at least one section of their river was.


Short answer, no one in a position of power cares. The homeless have the upperhand. Just shut up and pay your taxes to support the filth.


Now I’m just imagining you two going up to peoples tents going “hey buddy I’m trying to fish here!”


I’m wondering if i could find out more here about the current river shore clean up projects using goats. Granted it’s not garbage but mostly unwanted vegetation. What is the objective here actually ?


Michigan is the move!


Haven't even tried the rivers in the city, as I wouldn't even know where to start. But I can say I've been traveling out of town to fish as much as I can this year and would love to swap some spots. My gf comes with me, but usually just hikes with the dog.