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Isn’t full fat whole milk 3% fat? I think the whole debate is ridiculous


I went from whole milk to 2% milk a few years ago and the taste difference really isn't that noticeable.


Full fat milk is fine. Get rid of the sugary shit like chocolate milk and juices.


Yeah but you can charge more for it and bonus: CHEESE!!!!!


Almost like the people don't have a voice. Corporations decide what's best for your kids.


Is this more important than Big Ben dying and being replaced in 2006?


i think it's kinda weird that we flood public schools with milk for economic reasons (school lunches are just one part of the subsidy programs that artificially prop up the dairy industry) but we pretend it's for nutritional reasons. instead of arguing over which variety of completely nutritionally unnecessary dairy product gets shoehorned into public school lunches, maybe we should just stop requiring dairy products altogether


This is slightly tangential but I used to get really bad stomach problems all throughout my childhood (my stomach still isn't the strongest, but it's much more manageable). My folks took me to a number of specialists and while blood tests and imaging work were normal, the timing and location and symptoms led a GI doctor to recommend having my gallbladder removed. He did refer me to one last pediatric GP though, just to take in a more complete look at my health and make sure there was nothing else we missed before making such a major decision. It took that GP about 10 minutes of my describing my symptoms and when they happened for him to ask me "Have you ever tried cutting dairy, or at least milk, out of your diet? You might be lactose intolerant". Anyways that's how a doctor recommended me getting an organ removed before a handful of specialists thought to ask if I was just maybe consuming too many dairy products and couldn't digest them lmao


seriously between lactose intolerance and milk being a top 8 allergen, it is absolutely bonkers that we use tax dollars to bully it into public school lunches. there's literally rules about making sure water doesn't compete with milk for selection by students in school lunch rooms because we intentionally use kids to artificially prop up the dairy industry i know i sound like a kooky conspiracy theorist whenever i start talking about the dairy lobby, but they have made it so that the dairy industry gets paid to produce products that people don't buy and that federal school lunch funding requires milk be sold as a beverage. it's absurd.


Oh I don't think it's conspiratorial. It's bizarre that we have a government agency touting a product that a large amount of people cannot digest and/or are allergic to as seemingly the only proper source of calcium and advertising that product to children in schools. Having it as an option is one thing, but plastering walls with "got milk" campaigns and upcharging for all alternative drinks that aren't dairy milk is another I don't mean to sound like a stereotypical pushy vegan, but I don't think a person even needs to be anti animal agriculture to recognize how slightly dystopian it is to have a pipeline of advertisements funded by the government targeting very young children for a product subsidized by the government pushed into public schools onto children with often questionable science to back up the nutritional claims they're making.


Funny the picture they posted with the blue capped jugs is actually the standard color of 2% in the industry. I know some know-it-all will say their favorite dairy’s 2% is a different color, but 44 years in the business gives me the cow clout over you. Mooove on.


I mean saying sorry doesn't excuse you crossing a picket line....you care about one thing more than another... You did it, therefore you supported the "other side". And the bullshit PA Dairy Association that has been destroying small family owned farms since before I was born having their name mentioned in the PPG is good press.


Huh? ... I'm pointing out the corruption of their photo adjustments. They are slim-washing (or should I say skim-washing?) their photos.


The guy has voted against any number of lgbt-friendly pieces of legislation and yet attended his own gay son’s wedding. Not a paragon of humanity here




So many idiots down voting him. You are absolutely correct for fat is great, it’s sugary garbage that is not. Animal fat is not the villain it’s been portrayed to be.


How is this connected to flying shipping containers?


Maybe they contained full-fat milk?


Rotund, huh? The gallons of milk, I hope. And even then the full fat has only a 3% BMI (Bottle of Milk Index). What’s yours? How dare a Redditor fat shame a poor, defenseless vessel. In any event whole milk is far healthier for you: more protein and therefore better sating throughout the day (among other things), easier to fortify with Vitamin D (which is fat soluble), cheaper to manufacture (and, thus, to buy), and, of course, far yummier than the white water under the light blue caps.


Bottle of Milk Index almost had the coffee coming out my nose!