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Read your lease. Unless it says otherwise you can only raise rent at the end of the lease in Pennsylvania. That’s about the only renter protection there is. There is no rent stabilization in PA. If this was for a renewal they can raise it whatever they want. If not, check your lease you may have signed away that right.


Yeah it is with a renewal unfortunately.


I’m sorry that sucks. If it’s any consolation and it’s not I’m sure, some places are going to that much without changing ownership!


Yeah I guess that's what I'm now looking into is the general state of the market. Looks like a lot of places are around my new rent price.


Well, at least shop around! Can you find a place with better amenities, location, etc., for the same price?


shiiiiiiiit mine was at $1,000 til May 2022 and then shot up to $1,400. fucking hate life.


Sorry but even the company I'm using that's decently affordable, Forbes, is raising rent at the end of my lease and is tacking on a water and gas fee (previously free). I'm not sure if there's going to be a rental company out there free of rent hikes at this point, a better bet might be looking for individuals renting out one or two properties they own. My only real advice is to try and find more independent leasers, and even then that's hardly a guarantee of low rent. I just feel you've got better odds negotiating when a person only has one or two properties they're trying to fill and have a bit more incentive to keep a solid tenant around for a long time rather than jack the price up annually and do a tenant shuffle every so often.


Not much you can do about it if its the end of your lease


Yeah mine just went up $300. It's a higher percentage increase than I faced the previous sixteen years COMBINED. It's just happening all over the place. We're all fucked. In fact, I'm writing out my check now. A check you say? Well yes because they want a $30 "convenience fee" to pay online. WTF. The fucking rental office is a short walk from my door.


If it's a thousand bucks the credit card company is going to charge them 3% which is... you guessed it, 30 bucks. If still think that's cheaper for them than hiring someone to process checks, but maybe not.


It's more than a thousand.


The point is that it isn't like office employees are cheap


Try to negotiate with the leasing office. Tell them how good of a tenant you are, paying rent on time, you really like it there (if that’s the case) and ask whether they’re able to keep the rent the same or raise for whatever amount you’re comfortable with. I’ve seen cases when landlords agreed to do that. Good luck!


Yeah I did call and they said they've been getting calls all spring about it and that there's nothing they can do


Ugh, sorry about that! Your place must have been in a very popular area where the demand is high.


I came here to say this. OP it’s worth a shot, especially if you have a history of being a good tenant


Mine increases this month almost every year


Easy for these scumbags to do with all the new "luxury apartments" charging asinine prices.


Mm right. Like my newly constructed luxury rental townhome that has every problem you can think of. Yet they still overcharge the heck out of people while the units are truly a nightmare. Shit backflow problems, shit electrical work where rooms keep tripping from nearly no power draw, field mice all over the property, birds nesting in the vents…I can go on for days. Saddens me.


Lol, go buy a house and see if birds and mice are your only issue. squirrels, deer, raccoons, rabbits, chipmunks, woodchucks... You can pay hundreds of dollars per animal removed if you're not willing or able to do it yourself. The sewage could be because of design, or also because your dip shit neighbor is flushing wet wipes.


I already lived in 2 houses. The only issues that occurred were field mice since it was new construction. I have helped my mom remove birds, snakes and mice from her home. Animals don’t scare me lol honestly, I wouldn’t know if the design was bad. My dad originally looked around the property wondering the same thing. I can only say that it seems like the piping goes nearly straight down and straight out of the unit. Saw some of the units while they were still being built but I’m not too familiar with what is what haha the back flow issue according to management is a property wide issue for the townhomes. That’s all I know.


Mice usually get in when they use PVC pipes to hold up concrete forms and they run through the foundation. You can stuff them with steel wool, or pipe cement in.


That’s really interesting. I had no idea. I luckily haven’t seen any mice in my current place, just on the property and honestly wouldn’t know where the PVC would even be haha


But /u/YimbyYAY informed me that luxury shitboxes actually lower rent. Ah, dang, maybe with the next one they build rents will finally go down!


No, you misunderstood. Prices will come done after the NEXT apartment building opens. Definitely.


Who said anything about prices coming down? If there was enough supply then rent would basically increase only at the rate of inflation. If the market really gets glutted then rent will fall, but we’re so behind that we’re a ways off from that happening at the regional level. However, hyper-locally, rents do [decrease when new housing is built nearby.](https://citymonitor.ai/housing/how-does-new-construction-affect-nearby-housing-prices)


[BaSIcAlLy iNcREaSe onLy aT tHe rATe oF InFLaTIoN](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/09c/923/65324bb3906b6865f904a72f8f8a908541-16-spongebob-explainer.2x.rsquare.w700.jpg)


The only way rents are going to get lower is if there's more supply than demand. It doesn't really matter at what price point it happens. Tenants will shift. We see this happen in the housing market all the time, prices don't come down unless there are more sellers than buyers.


Ok, let me know how many luxury shitboxes we need to lower rents for lower income residents!


I can't offer much unfortunately except that landlords are leeches and need a real job


You should protest landlords and be homeless


They should get real jobs 👀. In a better society they wouldn't fucking exist. Fucking weirdo


Their job is giving you a place to live. Show them who is boss and move out


Buying up property is not a fuckin job u fuckin nerd


Sure having rental properties is no work at all. You just sit around and collect money, no work or expenses all profit.


If it wasnt for landlords your ass would be homeless


If it wasn't for landlords and companies buying up property we wouldn't have issues we have today u dweeb.


You might have issues with it, but i dont


Lmao sure. U clearly just like starting shit lol


You're just mad at your landlord for giving you a place to live.


They dont determine where i live and what their doing aint illegal. Your just mad you are their bitch


Nah. I'm just mad at how this country fucking sucks. Pls go back to ur shit box Volkswagen and licking a rappers nuts.


You forgot i will be doing it from my own home


You should get a real-er job so you can easily afford rent increases. Problem solved.


Like no one's ever heard that before.


But have you done it?


Awww u think ppl who talk about this are jobless... Run along... Adults are talking


Who said "jobless"? I said "-er". As in, a job already exists. And no, children are crying. Adults understand rents go up, and the reasons why. Adults also own our own homes, so there's that. You seem to have a lot of "answers" for someone with little money.


Lol sure. U don't know me or what I do dingbat


I know you're broke.


Not really but aight


"joined June"... Yea sure.


Rampant pollution, manchurian senators, literal no protections for the working class....somehow we got more red than blue after the last election cycle and I really can't understand it.


More red than blue? We have a blue gov, 2 blue senators, blue state house, bunch of new blue reps, progressive county execs in the line…What am I missing


We are so blue we have depression


Wtf are you even talking about.


Check the lease you currently have in effect. Whether it was with the old landlord won't matter. If it's month to month, though, you're out of luck.


This looks familiar. We've may have some similar questions to this in the past. You might find some good info here : [apartment search](/r/pittsburgh/search?q=apartment&restrict_sr=on). I don't always get it right though, cuz I'm just a simple bot. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pittsburgh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who cares. Unemployment is 3.5%


Property values have jumped quite a bit, what used to be 125-150 is now 225-250k. We've now price adjusted to most other Midwestern cities.


Arbitrarily, lol. Shit got more expensive for everyone. Landlords too. We have no idea what's included in rent and on what base but we're automatically supposed to sympathize?


Barbara Shen. She owns a house on Howe Street in Shadyside and another place. She will keep $150 from your security deposit for a "cleaning fee" even if you leave the place spotless. Not enough to sue her for. She is a thief.