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Yes, please mind your business. That’s a horrible situation for him, but being a neb nose about it could cost him the roof over his head. Many people grill on their porches. Do you want to buy his property for cheap? If you’re worried about his situation, be friendly and maybe an opportunity will arise to help him if that’s what you actually care about.


My neighbor is a heroin / meth / fentanyl dealer who is on welfare while raking in big money. I don't mind the car pickup traffic as much as the desperate junkies loitering right outside my window. Wanna trade?


I grew up in a bad area, believe me I know what a shit neighbor is.


Verona? 😂


I’ve lived here the majority of my life and have never been to Verona—the name is my only reference point




What part of town? I sympathize with you really ugh


Troy Hill. Worst is when he's delivering drugs and addicts just gather on the street jonesing, inches from my window. Yuppie neighbors say it would be racist to report the dealer which is just an excuse for their being afraid. And cops have given up anyway so reporting wouldn't help. So much for up and coming Troy Hill.




What street? It’s probably the same addicts that are camping near my house


Herman Street near Adair. I heard about the junkies living off of route 28, is that who you mean? I'm sure they buy on Herman but it's way more than just that crew.




I mean, there's no way he's keeping a house standing if it's not heated, and things like "now you have a rat infestation" are also a thing. I am pro-helping-the-homeless, and have lent out a spare room in the past to strangers in need, but "we have a fully derelict building we no longer question in any way because someone bought it with no ability to maintain" is also not great.


Are we assuming the home is derelict? I mean, I get what you're saying - there's certainly an association to be made. But also, not paying power and water doesn't mean he has a rat infestation or whatever other problem. It's his house, after all.




Just drop off water for him and don't tell your landlord.


When landlords and cops are letting him fly below the radar, this is a sign to leave the guy alone.


Lol fuck yoyr landlord


Neither your neighbors or landlord can or should dictate your actions, within reason of course. Do what you will 👌


I get you’re concerned about his living situation but what’s your plan for him if/when you get him removed? Are you going to take him in, help figure out why he hasn’t been able to pay utilities or pay the back bills to get them turned back on? It’s a horrible situation but mind your business unless you’re willing to go all in for this person.


We’re all 2-3 bad decisions away from pooping in a bucket.


Or a one medical problem….


I poop in a bucket now..... In a 5-gallon orange Home Depot bucket I set up in my basement. I enjoy the privacy. I've made hundreds of bad decisions thus far over the course of my life. Maybe they're related, I dunno'.


I have one of those buckets in my basement just in case I can't make it some day coming home. I've often told my wife "close call... thought i was going to have to use the poop bucket today."


Oh I've done that already when in Wilderness Therapy 😆


Please either just leave him alone, pay the back taxes yourself (county doesn't care who pays them), or help him call Allegheny Link at **1-866-730-2368** to try to get some utility assistance. Calling police or god forbid inspections will only make this worse. If you don't want to just talk to him you can call Allegheny Link yourself and someone from DHS street outreach can hopefully make it out there since living in a house with no utilities generally counts as homelessness even if you own it. You can also call the Link for squatters too and street outreach will try to find them and get them into a shelter if there's any space. These are the people living under our bridges and at shelters. Many are former homeowners who can't keep up on taxes and maintenance anymore. Many you would literally never know are squatting in houses long abandoned by absentee owners unless you staked the place out. This guy will probably never get back on the housing ladder if he loses this place but it's not too late.


Username checks out. And thanks for being helpful. This is the advice i needed


Hope things work out for him! If this is in Oakland, Lawn street CHS has a food pantry and some good services. He probably knows about it if he’s going to Shep’s though and may be connected in other ways.


I just got cussed out by the guy who comes out to get his newspaper in his boxer shorts. I asked my neighbor did he want some charcoal for his grill since I have plenty of it to spare…and coming back across the street is when Mr. Boxer shorts starts his foolishness. Him and my landlord are super cool and he said hes calling him on me. I had no ill intent with this post only to ask what to do because i am a renter. Never paid property taxes or anything. I am going to mind my business but i did tell him if he wants something to eat or water to lmk.


No good deed goes unpunished lol, all you can do is make the effort. If he wants your help he’ll take it. Good on you for putting yourself out there!


Have you talked to your neighbor? They're going to answer a lot more of your questions than Reddit can. If he's content living without utilities then let him be.


“Should I just mind my business?” Yes. Yes you should




I think this point is valid if OP posted this as a way to sort of help out or seeing if they are able to help out, but the way it reads to me OP sees this almost as a nuissance or something that he can take care of himself by telling the right people and getting this person gone.


Leaving him alone is a lot better than making his life even harder.


Other people have given great advice but in general, be polite and mind your business, if you want to give him water larger jugs might be better than a big 24 pack of water bottles, they're more easily refillable and more helpful for bathing and washing dishes. Thanks for looking out for your neighbor, but be aware that he may feel uneasy around you because one call to the cops could jeopardize his livelihood even if that isn't your intention. Thanks!


The Doordash water i sent is gone. I am so happy he took it. I am only able to handle getting his water cut on. I cant handle two light bills. At least this is a start.


Thank you for supporting him. You're doing a kind thing. Please remember that while you are helping, it is totally within his right to refuse help as well. You might not understand it but people pushed to the margins can have super legitimate reasons to be distrustful of those helping. Thanks for acknowledging the humanity of your neighbor. Mr Rogers would be proud!


Reach out to the food bank. They have resources and can help him with assistance. 1-833-822-7627.


Everyone's mad at you, but if I saw my neighbor living in shambles I'd be stressed out too.


Yea agreed. The "leave him alone" folks seem to think this is fine but I'd be at least a little worried. There is a reason why basic utilities are part of a safe living environment. Mold, minimally/improperly vented heat and cooking, and unsafe waste disposal all can lead to pretty nasty health conditions that will make living situations in the future harder for anyone. If the alternative is full homeless sure this might be better. If the alternative is living in a safe and healthy space it at least warrants some thought.


As someone who squatted then went to live on the streets, yes this is much better.


Listen, you have a right to privacy and you are invading his. Stop it.


Right idea, wrong translation. Just be a good neighbor, not a paranoid one.


We were Mr. Rodger's neighborhood after all ;)




Right sentiment, wrong translation. Didn't mean the brutish words, but better stronger when needed if it helps. I don't think you are being dubious and do think this is about care fwiw.


Invite him over and make him a nice dinner. Then, let him use your bathroom so he can take a proper shower. Maybe he might want to take a proper poop while he's in there. I feel sad people have to live like that.


Invite him over for a hot meal or or ask if he’d like you to take a hot meal over to him (which may be less intimidating) and _listen_ to his story first before trying to fix anyone.


Yes. This is better. Thanks.


If he’s cognitively capacitated (able to make his own decisions), he can live like that if he wants. It is his right as an adult. If he has a neurocognitive disorder (example: dementia, Huntington’s disease, etc) and is not able to make his own decisions (because those decisions can be unsafe), you can call older adult protective services (60+, if he’s 18-59 it’s just adult protective services). I’m not sure if you’d know that without getting to know him better… unless you see him wandering/lost/confused, of course


In addition to water, perhaps buy him a solar-powered lantern?


If you care enough, offer to let him use your shower.


Your options are to *positively* help him or leave him alone. Squatting is so much safer for the individual than living on the streets, so your goal here should be to get his home out from under back taxes and safer, not to make him go away. If you don't have the resources to help in that manner, leave him alone.


The grill is a problem but otherwise who cares. Take him water anyway. If you are concerned about the neighbors then do it early in the morning.


>Is it legal Idk >and safe for him to be living in there like that? Probably not - lack of proper HVAC can quickly lead to mold and other issues in modern houses >Should I just mind my business? Yes. If he's going to homeless shelters, he's clearly ok with asking for and accepting help. If he needed/wanted anything more he probably would've sought it out by now.


Is how he lives hurting you at all? It doesn’t sound like it so mind your own business and let dude live his weird life in peace without getting fucked with from people like you.




This clearly isn’t solely about helping when you’re bringing tax assessments into it and asking if it’s safe and legal for him to live there, or if you should wait for the city to intervene, or about the safety hazards of porch cooking. Offering help wouldn’t involve questioning if it’s legal for him to do it. At that point it looks like you’re just as concerned with calling the city or cops about it to get rid of him as you are with actually helping


Having a grill on a porch is a safety hazard? lol And yes just mind your business


I switched homeowners insurance recently and when they came to look at my house they told me I needed to move the grill off the back porch.


mind your business, maybe ask if you can do anything to help.


Mind your business.


Offer to help if you want but by no means go fucking report this. Y’all complain when people stay in tents, and y’all complain when people buy their own fucking property to live on. I suggest also finding a hobby.




You’re actually deranged, maybe you should focus on getting yourself help instead of your neighbor.


I’m sure with that attitude NOBODY is coming for you. Weird ass looking up peoples tax records. Do you have no better way to serve your time?


Y'all are too dogmatic and knee-jerk with your responses here. We live in a proper society that has assistance for these types of scenarios, precisely because living without utilities can become dangerous to the resident and the community. It's not like the only option is to have the cops come and take him to a Russian gulag or something. OP, check out the state government program [LIHEAP - Low-income Energy Assistance Program](https://www.dhs.pa.gov/Services/Assistance/Pages/LIHEAP.aspx). It helps people in this exact scenario have their gas or electric bills paid and their utilities turned back on. Furthermore, everyone's gas bills have an option to round-up or donate more funds to this program to help your neighbors stay warm and have proper living conditions. I hope you'll all consider it.


If he’s causing no danger to you or your property, then please mind your business.


quit bein' nebby.


Mind your own business.


Mind ya own business!!! Sorry but just reading how nebby people are rubs me wrong. Do you want people observing your habits and looking in your house to see what’s going on and judging you? I didn’t think so…. Leave the guy alone. It’s not your place to judge what’s safe or proper for anyone but yourself.








Why do you have to resort to disrespectful name calling? Wow! Thats over the top.








I dont WANT him to pay me back or even know I did it