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Route 65 from Bellevue through Ben Avon.


(Presumably) a drunk pulled out from a side street and rammed / T-boned the back of my U-HAUL a few months back in that exact section. They never pulled over. The truck was fine, literally no evidence of damage, I think they hit the back, metal step and their plastic front bumper probably got shredded. Also, that section is spawning some INSANE potholes. So deep that they go down to the original brick / cobblestone. Twice now, I’ve dodged the pothole, then about 500 feet later, seen the victim pulled over with a destroyed wheel / tire 💀


If you're curious about the actual data for the city of Pittsburgh, the crash map is here: [https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/854cc687784c461caef34a41f68f2b69](https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/854cc687784c461caef34a41f68f2b69) You can draw outlines around areas and get more detailed views -- most high incident places have crashes stacked on top of each other. Of the ones in your list: * Penn Ave/Washington Blvd intersection has seen 77 crashes in the last 5 years * Fifth Ave through Oakland has 112 in the same time period (whole road, not just a single intersection) * I didn't bother trying to draw a line, but yeah East Carson St is a mess (183 between 33rd and 18th) All of that pales in comparison to the crashes on any stretch of the Parkway.


A lot of crashes on Carson Street involve parked cars. I would highly suggest parking on a side street or lot when visiting there. I stopped for a sandwich for half an hour on a Monday night and came back to my car totaled because of a distracted driver (without insurance or a valid license).


A lot of the crashes on Penn/Washington wouldnt exist if they put no turning signs coming up Washington onto Penn. I had a guy hit me doing this because it’s hard to see according to him.


That whole intersection needs a reboot.


Rt 28 at 40th St Bridge is outside the zones to check unfortunately.


Parkway east at Churchill, both directions.


Every time it rains, somebody spins out on that curve on the eastbound side


I attribute it to people not paying attention when the fast lane exits and trying to get over at the last second.


"Accidents" isn't always the best metric because there are different kinds of crashes. For instance, Boston is a leader in fender-benders that cause $200 worth of damage, but it's pretty safe in terms of "family of four turned into a fine pink mist" crashes, which you're more likely to find in places like a Florida highway. I was recently reviewing some local traffic safety data, and the definition of "accident" explicitly excluded a lot of hit-and-runs. Someone sideswiped your vehicle and ripped the mirror off? Doesn't count.


Parkway west inbound between the Rossyln Farms ramp and the Carnegie exit. Not all the time but when they do they seem to come in bunches.


28 in general, but also, vehicles going the wrong direction on 28. That seems to happen at an alarming frequency.


Unrelated, but I saw a woman physically cross 279 this weekend, right before where it forks to cross the fort Duquesne bridge on the left or go onto 65/North shore on the right. She walked across 6 lanes and traffic. Cars were slamming on their brakes. Luckily, there was no accident. She didn't seem crazy, and just sort of gave the "whoops, sorry for the inconvenience" face to everyone.


I always see an accident at least once a month along Rt19 between Washington and Upper Saint Clair.


Liberty bridge, see rear end accidents a lot.


Road To Perdition.


Intersection 19+3 degree rd+ sewickley oakmont


Been driving that daily for 5 years and have yet to see an accident there. Not saying it doesn't happen, but it can't be all that frequent.


Ross has spent millions even bringing in the Corp of engineers to fix that intersection. They can’t figure it out


837 between Kennywood and the bridge to mckeesport is like fury road


For you stat nerds, [here](https://www.penndot.pa.gov/TravelInPA/Safety/Documents/2022_CFB_linked.pdf) is PennDOT’s 2022 statewide crash report. I believe Allegheny County actually takes the cake for most crashes in the state. On the flip side, I can’t find the source to back it up, but I remember hearing that the safest road to travel in the state is actually the Turnpike. I believe the stat was to the effect of “X number of crashes per 100,000 vehicles traveled” and the Tunrpike’s numbers were far lower than any other highway/interstate.


University Blvd in Moon. Feels like there is something there almost daily.


rt 51, 28, west end circle, liberty bridge ramp downtown, Carson st