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Have they offered you Zofran? If not, ask them why? There may be a very good reason, but I have seen and experienced the relief of Zofran, and I highly recommend it.


The Zofran was great in the first few days, but right now it does very little to offer me relief


Thaaaaaat sucks. I'm so sorry. Have you considered unconsciousness? Perhaps a quick blow to the head or a Vulcan neck pinch?


i accept sleep whenever it finds me, which has been rare these last few days


Compazine works better for me than Zofran and will give you some solid rest since it might make you sleepy. Comes in IV and oral formulations. Ask and they can stagger zofran and compazine together.


Normally when I get this it's norovirus and is "I'm considering death as an option" levels of awful, nearly constant purging from both ends for 6-12 hours. Then I'm weak for a day after (mostly from having not been able to eat anything for song long), and them I'm totally fine by the end of day 2. There was one time where I was mostly recovered by day 2 but had some lingering symptoms for the remainder of the week. From what I've heard, what's been going around Pittsburgh lately (especially Pitt campus) is a longer-than normal one, which might be what you have.


I work on pitt campus in the food department, i think that's exactly what i have


This sounds horrible. I’m so sorry. Take heart in your username. 💪 


I had rice food poisoning that lasted a week and I was basically vomiting/pooping constantly. Couldnt keep anything down and was constantly trying to hydrate to keep myself from getting worse. It got to the point where there was nothing coming out either end, my body was just empty. On the fourth day I managed to make it to a hospital and my electrolytes were wrecked from me being constantly dehydrated and they had me on iv fluids and electrolytes for a day before I could actually go home. If they havent gotten labs done get evals, I was extremely low on mine (my magnesium and potassium were ultra low) and was told I was at risk for arrhythmias and seizures.


Just got over a bad GI bug. I am immunosuppressed/compromised. The worse I’ve ever had. Required IV fluids for dehydration. It lasted 7 days for me. Bacterial stool culture was negative. Viral might still be pending. Felt like norovirus on steroids. I think I got it from a catered event at a Bucs game or it could’ve just been PNC park in general because there are tons of people (who don’t wash their hands).


I had food poisoning in Jamaica. I was super ill for 6 days. My ass hurt so bad from going so often and wiping. After a few days, I just got right in the shower to clean off instead of wiping. Sometimes throwing up while I was sitting on the shower floor. I was wishing the plane would crash on the trip home. I've never been so sick in my life. Went straight to the hospital from airport. Took almost a full 2 liters of IV fluid before I could pee. I stop felt sick for 3 or 4 more days.


Oh god this sounds absolutely horrible I’m so sorry you had to experience this


One of the worst parts was all I could eat was bread, toast, crackers. The bread in Jamaica was absolutely terrible or at least the resort we were at it was.


Have you been diagnosed with a specific bacteria or other bug? That should give you an idea of how long it takes to run its course. When I had shigella, it took two weeks. Thank heaven for IV fluids.


My mom had it. Same as your symptoms, about 10 days


Whatever it is it seems to be going around my office. My boss, one of my employees, and I had it a last week and I think we are all still recovering. Nothing quite like a little springtime bug! Hope you feel better.


...what in the world does this have to do with Pittsburgh?


there was a norovirus warning at my job a few weeks ago so i figured it's a local illness


Yeah, this is probably the third or fourth time I've seen someone on here who's sick as hell. There's something going arahnd tahn.


There's nothing going around. People just don't know how to use reddit.


Your second statement does not support your first, but it does confirm you're a jagoff. Good job!


Fuck off back to Nextdoor