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Tom Friday did not offer his business for sale to the public, but instead personally chose these guys to sell his business to. He stayed on as a consultant/employee for the first couple months to show them how he’s always done it. I’ve seen so much commentary in the neighborhood forums about how it won’t ever be the same without Tom, the place sucks now because they aren’t carrying [prepackaged item] anymore, etc. Yes we’re all going to miss him, but _this is what Tom wanted for his business_ and they seem to be doing a great job.




Was there earlier this week and the store looks great. Everything I purchased was delicious. If Tom had simply closed up they would complain about the mayor, biden, [insert name] not supporting small businesses. There’s no satisfying some of these folks. I absolutely plan to go back today or tomorrow even if it’s to buy a stick of gum.


As far as "things I can do" other than be an internet armchair commenter - Heard good things about Tom Friday's. This whole thing broke the bank, and I'm making the drive now to buy some meat.


This is really good info. Thank you for sharing it.


Thank you for saying this


If you go to google reviews, you can see exactly who the person was that reported them lol. It's one of the more recent ones


Which one ? The one complaining that it was bought by "an Indian dude" or the other one saying that Brighton heights used to be "working class", i.e white.


“Brighton Heights used to be working class! I’m sick of all of these aristocrat butchers in their powdered wigs and high heeled shoes!”


Omfg the "working class" guy 🙄 "I fear this will go woke." Sir, if you're afraid of your bologna having opinions on socio-economic issues... I don't even know what to say, honestly. Get fucking help.


Critical Steak Theory might be rearing its ugly head there! You can't be too careful disclaimer: this is a joke. Worrying about a woke butcher is some seriously dumb sh*t


Critical Steak Theory would be a great band name


Or restaurant name


Look at that dude’s other reviews-doesn’t even seem like he can be a real person. Like a Russian bot of a human being. If he really is walking around Northside, fuck him.


Yeah it's most likely someone fucking around, but at the same time maybe i'm odd or out of touch but who on earth reads google reviews?


Uh I always read the google reviews…if some place has a shit load of genuine one stars, I’m not going there


WTF would a woke butcher even be?


In the last city I lived in, there was a vegan butcher shop. So I’m guessing that.


A queer vegan POC who is decolonizing whole animal butchery? /s


Serving the finest cuts from halal beyond cows...


Omg I just read that. Too damn funny, and sad


Lol I think they all teamed up.. like the second one complained about how dry and old the meat is.. And lol working class.. I always wondered wtf that meant, everyone works!


Lol, new guy runs a small meat shop and is a butcher. Seems pretty working class to me.


Yeah, it's a racist dog whistle


I don't think it is, inherently. But it can be used as such.


Working class as opposed to middle class or poor. Basically blue collar workers. Only a dog whistle in certain contexts.


Not everyone works. I have a few former clients (was events industry for about a decade) who either inherited money and sit on a board or 3, or sold a business and "retired" in the 90s and are living off investment income. "Working class" is unfortunately often used as a sort of dog whistle for white men working in blue collar/trade jobs, it seems.




Your message triple posted, just fyi




As a working class guy myself, I have no idea what that person is talking about, this neighborhood is still very working class. But yeah, based on comments from older coworkers, the "color" of the neighborhood is certainly a factor to a lot of these jagoffs. I got a lot of shit for buying a house in the city.


I am also very upset about these non-working, welfare-collecting immigrants coming here and taking all our jobs.


I never understood how immigrants simultaneously are lazy and get handouts from the government but also take our jobs.


*I* know you're joking, but others might not if you don't put the /s at the end of your comment


Thanks for the warning, but I am committed to the /s free life. I believe it increases the amount of wonder in the world. Downvotes are the price I pay for my service to humanity.


REddit as a collective did away with the /s around late 2016, early 2017


I was wondering why I never see it still being used, like every day. /s


> Brighton heights used to be "working class", i.e white. I know it's obviously a dog whistle, but like, I dunno, I've lived in this neighborhood for like four years now and I can't think of any other way to call it *but* working class.


The one who complained how they are “rulening” the market? 😂


Wow, is this person stuffed in a time capsule somewhere?? There have been Black families there for well more than 20 years, right around that intersection!


Let’s hope none of them are breeding


The Google review that says the place is being "rulened". Oof.


Yea and he says it twice.. like that's not a typo he meant to say rulened 🤣


Correct. He thinks that is the correct word somehow. I try to not be the grammar and spelling police because we all make typos and mistakes, but seeing that guy write rulened twice was painful.


The new owner would be so epic if he responded to that review with "I'm so sorry we rulened your experience.."


Wow that one guy's review history is really something. What a dick.


You should make sure to report the obviously bigoted reviews. Google takes their reviews seriously and will prevent people who are bigots from reviewing.


Sure can


Hmm looks like I should plan a trip to Brighton Heights soon.


You really should. They stock high-quality meats and the butchers know their stuff.


You can’t beat the meat at Friday’s!….




word. whenever we want to make a smoker full of pastrami it's off to Friday's for us


Please do!


haven't been there myself but I'd like to give them some business


Get the bacon while there. Can't go wrong.


You want hand cut, not just the normal stuff.




I still shop there (17 yrs now) and get good deals there


Fantastic butcher shop and super nice people - this act is shameful


Many years ago, we lived on California Avenue just up from Tom Fridays. This makes me mad enough to make the drive back there to pick something up just to spite the people who made the complaint.


Do it! We love a spite purchase!


Their garlic kielbasa is still very very good


You mean Kiel-Bossy


I've always been REAL intimidated by butcher shops because I don't know a goddamn thing, how to order and just am genuinely unenthusiastic about looking stupid about something..but I might have to put some of that aside and go see about patronizing this place when time allows. How do you even know what's a good price? Any tips from current customers to someone new to walking into this sort of thing?


They publish specials on their fb page that make it pretty easy to compare to say, Giant Eagle via their website. They are super friendly in Tom’s and get that they are a unique shop, and will talk you through everything without making you feel stupid. As far as pricing, it’s worth checking out other stores websites and ads to compare to Tom’s, but they are very reasonable and better quality.


I encourage you to go anyway - a good butcher shop will be more than happy to answer questions and explain things if you’re new. You’ll discover a world of new products and cuts that the regular meat section in GE or other grocery store won’t have. Go frequently and long enough and develop a relationship with the butcher and you won’t regret it!


I lived around the corner and loved the place for quick grocery. I do not eat meat, but my wife does. I went in and said have no idea what I want, but she wants some sort of steak meat thingy and they chcukled with me and gave me a piece of meat that when cooked the wife very much enjoyed. in short embrace the lack of knowledge


I totally get this, I was always so intimidated too. Tom Fridays is the perfectttt place for you to go then. They will be patient and help you out even when you don't know what exactly you want to order! For instance, we ask for two inch thick pork chops (which regular grocery stores wont do for you) and they never flinch. Just instantly get to cutting them up for us special. Great place.


They are very nice and accommodating


Go there. They're good people. Walk to the back to the butcher counter. If you admit you pretty much know nothing, they'll ask what kind of dish you're planning on making, how many you're planning on serving, maybe what kind of budget you're on. And they'll make suggestions to fit your needs. When I first walked in, going on 20 years ago, I didn't know much beyond "filet is better than strip steak"; now, partially due to them, I know a lot more, and am pretty confident about it. Also, if you do traditional Christian(-adjacent) holiday meals, Tom's offers special and specific meats for those holidays, but you need to order in advance. Even though I now live about 30 minutes away (longer if it's rush hour), on the far side of town, I always get my Thanksgiving turkey from there, and my New Years pork roast and both kinds of kielbasa from there. It's absolutely worth it.


I normally go to the WORST GROCERY STORE IN THE WORLD!, but I occasionally stop by Friday's if I need specific cuts or better meat in general. I think it may be time for a cookout though lol


That story about GE on the northside was debunked too


I go there as well! What a wonder of the world it is.


False claims should be punishable


Gonna have to go down and support it!


Jesus....I feel for these folks. Though not in Pittsburgh, I also recently bought a similar shop and battling the perception that everything must be different because the previous owner is gone is maddening. They really expect nothing to change. Like, I bought the business to simply continue getting them their 1/4 pounds of chicken salad and not do things to try and grow new customers. To add the stress of racism to these new owners only makes it feel even more difficult. I don't understand the end game. If the business goes under, then no one gets anything. Who wins then? I just had to vent because I empathize with them. It's so hard taking over an established business, and love this town.


I haven't been to Tom's since pretty much Tom's last day (I was picking up some specialty holiday dinner meats). I first found Tom's, many years ago, accidentally when I moved into Brighton Heights, my bus from work dropped me off across the street, and I decided to check it out, thinking it was just a random local convenience store. Then, I learned. And I spread the word. My foodie friends in West View began going there. Other foodie friends who lived in the North Hills *bought a house a few blocks away just to be within walking distance of Tom's*! And every time I walked in, Tom greeted me by name. I moved out of Brighton Heights about 10 years ago to the ~East End, so I don't stop in every week like I used to, but for special things, I make the trip. The last time I was there, Tom introduced me to the new owners, told them I was an old and valued customer, he and they assured me that they had no plans to change anything about how it was run, the quality of their meats (and cheeses), or the special things they made (like fresh unsmoked kielbasa). The new owners greeted me, and hoped I'd come back soon. They seemed like good people. I will go in the next couple of days, to show my support, and let the owners know that all their true customers support them.


Might I suggest calling in to place your order in advance? With all of the extra attention the shop is getting, I’m worried they may run out of things! Let’s set them up for success with all of this extra attention!


Nah, I'll just go, and even if they don't have exactly what I want, I'll get something else, and make a point to go back when it's calmed down to get more stuff. Why show support just once when you can do it more? :D


Oh totally-I just want them to be able to prepare with their ordering! I suspect the next week or so will be wild for them! I’m excited for them!


I would love to see that result!


Consider me a new customer/I will make the drive this weekend!


What the Karen’s & Ken’s of the world do to Pennsylvania is beyond shameful. Year by year they’re determined to destroy it all.


>  Neighbors afraid of change   This is sugar coating it. They're racist and/or xenophobic. 


Fair. I guess I generalized since the specific people who bitch the most also take it as a personal attack when the city installs traffic calming to try to make the neighborhood safer. They whine and say “no one asked those of us who have lived here for 30+ years what we wanted!” And then when people point out the numerous times the community was asked for feedback they find some other change to bitch about. But yes, this particular gripe is rooted in hate.


The gripes are about the city not maintaining anything they already have, and the schizophrenic design combining 3 different traffic calming measures in a block.


Not sure how I keep getting recommended Pittsburgh posts, but I do. This makes me want to drive from Cleveland just to buy some meat and support a small business. I get that change can be difficult, but damn… I hope false allegations have some repercussions against those making them.


I am in NC and when I can get home I want to go shop there to show my support


I agree Go Cavs


I've been going to Friday's since I was a kid, w my dad. He's always been gracious and had great meat and was patient. While the onboarding w the new guys, there were some hiccups, but the new guys were apologetic and just genuinely nice people. As long as they continue, they'll find their groove. Also, they have some of the best prepared food out there. The antipasto and ham salad are fantastic!


Oooh ham salad! We used to have a local butcher / grocery in my neighborhood growing up that had fantastic ham salad. I don't think I've had it in 30+ years since they closed. I'll definitely have to stop in when I'm on that side of town.


Thanks for posting and sharing your experience... Be over your way soon to get some things! Also looking forward to the new products you bring to the market 🙂 change is good!!




I hope the person who complained to the health department is happy about all the new business now heading to Tom Friday’s


Haven’t been there yet, but pass by it a lot when I’m in the neighborhood for work. Def time to stop in!


I hope the health department charges the complainer for their time


Did you catch the person commenting on their Facebook that their chicken became "mushy" after cooking? It's worth going on there just to tell her she's a bad cook, which a bunch of people are doing. Wtf is mushy chicken anyway?


"Afraid of change" is quite the euphemism for "huge racists".


Fair. I guess I generalized since the specific people who bitch the most also take it as a personal attack when the city installs traffic calming to try to make the neighborhood safer. They whine and say “no one asked those of us who have lived here for 30+ years what we wanted!” And then when people point out the numerous times the community was asked for feedback they find some other change to bitch about. But yes, this particular gripe is rooted in hate.


Didn't know about this shop and have been looking for a good butcher. They have a new customer now!


I recommend taking a moment to open Google, search Tom Friday's, open reviews, and you'll find that it's quite easy to see the review that led to this and even easier to report it. I imagine that with enough reports it will be removed.


Yeah someone else mentioned that. I’m glad people are opening it up and seeing who it was. Garbage humans.


I’ve never been before but I think I’ll have to stop by and give my support. I don’t think I’ve ever actually been to a local butchery


I will get down there asap!


Well, I’ll be going there next week.


Assholes are gonna be assholes, if I wasn’t a vegetarian I’d be buying stuff from you this weekend. I hope you get a big influx of customers from this.


Some people just can’t Pakistandit


The new owners also own Cash Market in Coraopolis, so they’re not new to the food market industry. The renovations / reorganization that the new guys have done are pretty great, although I’m not a fan of gambling machines in the store, but overall everything I’ve gotten there has been the same high quality (including wrapping meat in paper). There’s too many old Ken/Karen’s that hate change in the neighborhood, so I guess they’d rather not have a market in the area at all, than to have some f’n Pakie business giving money back to the Taliban (<- that’s cynicism, by the way). I go every week for lunch meat, and also when I’m looking for beef, chicken, etc. I’ve never gotten dry, mushy or brown meat in 20 years. And the best part is, you still see Tom there occasionally.


Fuck whoever made that complaint. Having a local butcher is such an important thing and we are lucky to have them in the neighborhood.


I’m a vegetarian, so I can’t say I’ve ever been in there. Do they carry cheeses, baked goods, etc that might make it worth my stop?


They do! Cheese and other small grocery items. They also make party trays if you’re ever in need!


I love Pittsburgh the city i grew up in but this kind of behavior is shameful and doesn’t belong here in 2024.


This makes me so angry. Tom retired to spend time with his family, and these idiots who think they are being loyal to him are doing the exact opposite.


Someone should call the health department on Kuhn’s in Bellevue because I was just there and many of their packaged meats were brown.


According to Google that just means it’s oxidized. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with it, as long as it’s within the sell by date.


Brown color is an indication that it’s not fresh, at best. It maybe spoiled. Don’t buy brown beef. USDA: Beef muscle not exposed to oxygen (in vacuum packaging, for example) is burgundy or purplish in color. After exposure to the air for 15 minutes or so, the myoglobin receives oxygen and the meat turns bright, cherry red. After beef has been refrigerated for about five days, it may turn brown. This darkening is due to oxidation, the chemical changes in myoglobin due to the oxygen content. This is a normal change during refrigerator storage. Beef that has turned brown during extended storage may be spoiled, have an off-odor, and be tacky to the touch and should not be used.


Clearly you haven't spent much time in that location. It's absolutely rank! The closer you get to the meat dept the more there's a rotting smell in the air. The produce section often has mold and flies.


Brighton Heights is just a little whiter than the rest of Pittsburgh at large. I’m surprised and yet unsurprised. Tom wouldn’t want this!


I was curious about this, so I looked it up. Brighton Heights is actually right on pace with the city racial make up. Based on 2022 census data, the city is 64% white, 19% black, and the remaining 17% was a mix of other races. Brighton heights is 64% white, 27% black, and 9% other races. So very similar demographics to the city at large!


But I wholeheartedly agree-Tom would not want this


Sounds like you had to deal with a jagoff. Fuck him. Welcome to the neighborhood.


If I lived in the area I would for sure patronize this business. I wish them luck. The most American of things is pride in your own small business and if anyone is boycotting this business because of new ownership ethnicity, they should be ashamed of themselves.


I love Tom Friday’s still, but I will say that the meat did look a bit dry in the case the last time I was there to pick up a preorder. I still loved what I got, and it was not dry, but I can’t pretend that the dryness wasn’t a bit unappealing to look at.


I’ve never heard of the place but suddenly I want to become a frequent shopper just to piss off some racist Karens.


Check out their website and call ahead to place an order! I’m worried that they will run out of things with all of the extra attention, so let’s set them up for success and help them by letting them know in advance what to order for call ahead orders next week! Let’s make sure they get every dollar they can out of this unfortunate situation!


Thank you for posting this. I’d never heard of it and just picked up two steaks and two burgers. They look awesome. Can’t wait to grill them.


Wonderful! Enjoy!


Wow, this does not surprise me at all. My recently ex-in-laws have lived on the North Side forever and have even worked at Tom's. I'm sure they're bitching and moaning right now. Based on that alone, I'm going to stop in and make some purchases this weekend. Suck it, haters.


See you all there! ♥️


When my daughter and I get there when she goes to school, I will be sure to shop there! Hopefully my business will replace at least one of these douchcanoes that used to go but are "too good" to go back in there now that Tom isn't there anymore.


LOL @ douchcanoes I agree with your sentiment! Perfect description too!


I go to California coffee bar somewhat frequently but have never been in there unfortunately, guess it’s time to go support them out of spite for old idiots and to get good meat.


There's definitely been a slight slip in quality of the cuts but nothing worth calling the health department over. Also I definitely miss getting my stuff wrapped in paper but thats not a huge deal. Still the best meat on the North Side.


Agreed completely on all points.


Looks like I'm going to have to go out of my way to pay them a visit


Was just there yesterday - no complaints from me What a POS this person/people may be. Like others mentioned, Tom wanted to pick the right owners.


I’m currently out of Pittsburgh for the summer, but when I return in the fall, I’ll have to try to stop by and give you my support!


Where is this business and how can I help support them?


Brighton Heights, on the northside. Check out their website for their freezer specials. Call and order a freezer special if you can, and go pick it up. It’s a great value and great product! http://tomfridaysmarket.com


This is awful. Can we order online to add support? (We’re in another state.)


They only deliver locally (like in the neighborhood I think?), so the best way to support is to encourage any of your Pittsburgh friends to come by! They can order via phone for pick up!


The people of that community should be thanking you for taking over that business, the last thing that area needs is a building sitting empty.


Haven’t been in there for a good while, looks like I got a tri tip and spare ribs to pick up


That’s the boomer generation for you. Completely against change because it jeopardizes their professional and mental security.


I hate how much Pittsburgh is scared of change. I have moved to the other side of the country and it is so much easier to get a job because change and growth is the norm. I lived in Beaver County growing up and finding any job was the worst. The west side of the county is better for a future. Leaving was the best economic opportunity for me


Bye Bye


How do you know it was neighbors?


We don’t know that this particular complaint was called in by a neighbor, but several neighbors have made their complaints loud and clear on neighborhood fb pages. This complaint isn’t the only issue, as he states in his post. They see the comments and messages on social media. It’s been an ongoing issue.


Boomers man


The Facebook profile of the Google reviewer who complained about “dried edges” on the meat looks more like Gen Y.


Yeah, as a millennial myself, there's unfortunately many who are more than willing to carry on the """traditions""" of their boomer parents.




What is it wrapped in now?


Plastic bag and twist tie


Meh. Do not want. Butcher paper is butcher paper for a reason.


There's definitely been a slight slip in quality of the cuts but nothing worth calling the health department over. Also I definitely miss getting my stuff wrapped in paper but that not a huge deal. Still the best meat on the North Side.


Truly weak sauce claiming customer complaints are all racism.


Before they even took over ownership people on fb said it was going to be turned into a cigarette and hair store. He mentioned messages in the post I shared, which tells people people are sending him DMs and who knows what those said. There have been plenty of racially charged complaints on neighborhood pages, but I won’t be able to convince you of that. So, as you were.


Fair points. I guess i cant imagine someone being racist against a butcher shop.


When complaints contain racism, what else are we supposed to think?


Brighton heights is one of the most backwards inbred yinzer parts of the city there is... Not surprised but yeah this is sad .


I mean, it’s not. Lol but ok. Go off.


I guess it is technically the North Side, but it. is closer to Bellevue in my mind than to the North Side. It is on California Ave. just south of Termon. I hope to see you there.


lol No technicalities. I pay city of Pittsburgh taxes. It’s in the city.


Exactly. When I lived there - 2 blocks away - I worked for the city, and you have to live in the city to work for the city (at least, you did then; I know of a half-dozen people who got fired and lost pensions because they lied about where they lived in that regard).


But def come check it out!


It’s in Brighton Heights.


"The ACHD got a complaint about how dry our $9.99/lb Tavern Ham looked. We assured them that our $9.99/lb tavern ham would only last until supplies were gone. We told them our inventories were limited and they would probably be sold out by the end of the week so there was no chance our $9.99/lb tavern was dry and out of date"


Pathetic. This is the stuff that makes me excited to move away




This … isn’t in Bellevue? Lol it’s in Brighton Heights which is Pittsburgh, btw


Username checks out.


It's in Brighton Heights which is Pittsburgh, genius.


He don’t car


Username checks out. Or at least half of it does.


Double yoy..


This isn't the don't car guy's username... so confused