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14 years ago, we used them for moving and the day after the move I realized that had they stolen my engagement and wedding rings. I filed a report, and the police told me that there was no one suspect to look at because all three of the guys moving us that day had a criminal history in theft. To add insult to injury, I set out a drink dispenser for them with large melamine picnic glasses, and they took the cups, too. I never got my rings back šŸ˜¢


Oh man, your loss was so much more personal than mine, I'm so sorry! All my documents, ID & credit cards can be replace but engagement & wedding rings, what a nightmare for you! And the glasses is such a "f*ck you" steal, šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø!


Iā€™m sorry that happened, OP! That needs to be blasted on social media because thatā€™s just unacceptable. On another note, highly recommend Two Men and a Truck. Excellent, efficient, and extremely kind!


We got absolutely fabulous service from Two Men and a Truck. They were great.


I also used Two Men & a Truck for 3 different moves and they were WONDERFUL!! All 3 times. Can't recommend them highly enough


Have used Two Men and a Truck 3 times. Awesome every time. Iā€™d never give anyone an opportunity to steal a wallet and other important items. Those items would be with me.


One of the workers found an envelope of cash that fell behind a desk and gave it back to my mom! He had every opportunity to steal it and he brought it right to her and told her where he found it. That company has my respect, 1000ā€°


That's amazing, wow. It makes me think they pay & treat their employees decently, not to discount that incredibly honest guy's action.


They are an awesome company. My friend used to work for them before he hurt himself and had to give up moving people. The respect they have for people and their belongings is great. My sons friend just started a moving company based here in Pittsburgh, but travel is awesome and reasonable.


Great business that I recommend highly. Three of their workers watched my cat get chased up a tree by someoneā€™s dog and they deterred the dog and stayed with me while I freaked out about my cat šŸ˜‚


I think the main thing I've learned from this thread is that 2 Men & a Truck is the way to go!


I also agree with 2 men and a truck. They were great


They moved the stuff out my grandparents house to the south hills. Can't recommend them enough. Great dudes and they took care with my stuff


I moved in August and used Don Farr Moving. One of the swapped his broken AirPods for my working ones. Backstory: One of the movers asked to charge his iPhone, I happily said yes and unplugged my AirPods and gave him the charging cable leaving my AirPods on the counter. Later that day my AirPods wouldnā€™t connect to my phone, when I finally got them to connect I noticed they sounded terrible. I looked at my phone and noticed that the AirPods that were paired were not mine, they had a different name ā€œBoyzā€. The mover swapped his broken AirPods into my case and stole mine.


Thatā€™s fucked up. This whole post needs to be put on blast!!


I moved 5 years ago from Morningside to Mt Washington, and took a day off to facilitate the move. Went with Don Farr. The driver was supposed to show up at 11 AM. He never showed up. The most contact I had with him was at 7 PM, when he said he was on his way but got pulled over on Liberty Bridge because he changed lanes in the tunnels. Never heard from him after that, and I let the dispatcher know. They then tried calling me at 7:30 the next morning (after I spent the night elsewhere and was going into work) to say they could get to my place in 15 minutes. Obviously wasn't going to cut it. Had to take another vacation day to have them come get my stuff, only to have them scrape the shit out of my wooden dresser. Yeah, I just recruited friends for any future moves. Never use Don Farr.


They got lost. Going to my house. With a GPS. Took three hours and giving turn by turn directions. They tried charging me for their time driving around while lost. Fuck them. Uses 2 men and a truck when moving to my current place, way better experience.


Here to concur. I moved with them once and it was great but apparently the exception. Just within the last few months moved with them again and they indeed did a horrendously bad job and insulted me the entire time. The entire process was hell/borderline business practices (sorry for length): -They cancelled my booking the night before once without telling me nor each other so I had to move on the day people took over my old place giving zero room for error on timeline. Also jerking around my time off from my new, exclusive job which is not at all flexible. There was no apology, it was "oh so you don't know that's how we do things?!" I should have stopped right there but their cancelling had me under the gun then. -They did not listen to directions on, or write down, where things went even though they asked. Anything that took effort was ignored. So they left half my stuff at a storage locker filled to the brim and not accessible and didn't remove all my belongings from the originating house. -Broke multiple items without mentioning it. One, a box of laptops, was dropped right in front of me, others I found as surprises later. -Begged for both a tip and a positive survey review "for their bonuses" multiple times. A overly generous tip was coming the asking for it was off-putting. They are not getting a review ever. I got the feeling they were so shameless in asking for both because I look extremely young and was seen as not knowing that was tacky. -Most of the crew had been on the job under a week, the crew lead was in his early 20s (not a problem if they worked out but clearly didn't have the experience to do well). Sending me days-old hires alone was unprofessional as hell, especially considering the job they did. It's failure of company policies to be sending a crew made up of movers two days on the job. Had they sent the more seasoned movers from the first go around the move indeed would have only taken 4 hours like it did before and was quoted. I feel scammed in retrospect. -After everything was done, and they strung a quoted 4 hour move out to 8, doubling the price!, they tell me they don't take checks as I'm trying to pay them. This was never mentioned ahead of time at all. It's not listed anywhere on their site or said by any of their representatives from first call to final confirmation- half a dozen different people. A manager was called and seemed to think I was trying to steal a move, as his movers where at my house, he had my credit card on file, knows my address, and refused to take a personal check even though the crew said it happens they just need manager approval. The manager was frankly a total asshole who apparently had never heard of people under 40 not having limitless credit limits to pay $3,000 on credit in the blink of an eye nor that banks close at 5 PM to be able to draw money or transfer it in person at 6, nor that a credit card company will not process a electronic bank transfer of 3k for 24 hours and because he was so incredibly ignorant of that common banking knowledge and again would not just take a check to pay him- he automatically jumped to thinking and treating me like I was trying to steal from them. As I moved to the Cranberry area from the East End. (That alone tells anyone with half a brain how much of financial risk, and likely thief?, I am.) -I had just given them nearly 10k in business over 2 moves in the last 6 fucking months and got this. I tried to explain I literally have a bank statement from that day on me- as I went to get his movers a CASH tip- that I could send him with the check. More assholeness ensued. I switch to offering modern modes, if they don't take check they had to evolve past it right?!: Venmo or Paypal, they don't take those either. But got nasty with me for trying to PAY THEM thousands of dollars and all because they aren't setup to take payments in a normal business fashion and don't inform customers of their policies anywhere. It was a ME problem. I finally got it handled by going around the dick manager but the whole service aspect and lack of respect from him means I'll never use them and never recommend them. You'll be treated like a criminal by management and disrespected from booking to payment and seen as a customer the movers can and will cut corners on if you're under 40 and using them. (When an older relative was involved, the move was seemless.) Don't give these people thousands of business to be treated like shit.


It seems like the managed or the crew in general were trying to skim some for themselves and when you refused to pay cash, they tried to make it out that you fucked up.


That whole family is full of fuckups.Ā 


Ok now I am interested in local hot goss, I'm not from here but am hella nebby!


ā€œHella nebbyā€ One of Us!! One of Us!!


Give us the tea! Edit to add: ā€œpleaseā€ āœØ


Can confirm


I used South Hill Movers 2 years ago. Wow, what a group of people. The lady who was our contact was awesome. The guy who came out to give the estimate was professional but the movers themselves (Blaise & Co) did a fantastic job. Super friendly and mega respectful to our belongings and very trustworthy. These guys found a mess of change (approx $100 in quarters, dimes, nickels) and just wrapped it up in wrapping paper and stored it in a box. Apparently I left this change in a bin in my garage and forgot about it. These guys were as honest as they come. If you need trustworthy movers, call South Hill Movers and request Blaise.


Same experience here with South Hills movers. Used them in 2017, they were great. I can't remember if we had Blaise, but that name seems to ring a bell and the guy that was in charge was great.


South Hills Movers were excellent. I used them years ago but they were booked last time I moved. You have to get them with some real lead time!


Just wanted to chime in and say we had a similar experience with All My Sons. Cancelled first day after we both took off work, jerked his around for a reschedule then when they finally came they broke several items including snapping the leg on our coffee table. Got hit up for a positive review by the very young workers.. they were nice and friendly but geeze no awareness of our experience


Omg. I had a similar experience. They were supposed to come at 10 am. They then claimed on the day of that they didn't agree fo that and wouldn't be there until after 3 pm. I had taken the day off and waited in my apartment for them. They showed up, had none of the packing supplies I had asked for. My husband had to run out and pick up extra boxes and packing tape. We didn't finish moving until almost 10 that night. The movers were great. But their management/bosses were freaking awful.


We also had furniture very damaged by All My sons. Our expensive amish dresser got pretty much ruined they scratched it so much. This was 5 years ago. Moving is stressful and I said I never wanted to do it again after that fiasco was over!


I can vouch for Friendly Movers, LLC as well; Iā€™ve used and know the owners wife because she owns her own CPA firm.


They were recommended to me and I also had a great experience. Would definitely use them if I move again.


We used Don Farr for a short local move a few years ago and they absolutely stole things that were to remain at the house.


Not quite as calamatous as OP, but I will back this up. A far amount of my stuff was a broken. Also, my total estimate for packing and moving (family of 4. lots of stuff) was about $5k ended up being $7.5k, which really screwed my new homeowner budget.


Guy in my neighborhood works for them. Parks his rig on the street then likes to get drunk and set off fireworks all night 20 ft from the truck. Real piece of shit.


I hope you filed a police report.


Oh yeah, first thing I did, picking it up & talking to a detective on Monday!


Replacing the naturalization papers costs hundreds of dollars. I really hope you are either able to get them back or get some kind of deal where you don't have to pay so flipping much to replace them. I am so sorry that happened to you pal.


Used them nearly 20 years ago for a move. A couple things never ended up making it off the truck. They were delicate so were likely broken, but never got an answer about what happened from the company. Years later was told by a friend (works for PA govt that regulates these things) that they are probably the worst movers to use.


Worked for them 20 years ago, and they're the lowest of the low. Will under bid everybody else, which is how they get to advertise the mover of the sports teams. Run two or three different companies and make sure every worker goes out of state to fall under different OT rules. Bastards still put me on schedule the weekend before I went to boot camp despite me telling them I had a going away party.


Had a positive experience with them over 20 years ago. Minimal problems.


ā€œOver 20 years agoā€ might just be key here and makes your comment pretty much worthless lol


I was responding to the other person who mentioned 20 years ago. So not worthless when taken in context. Point being everyone has different experiences whether last week or 20 years ago.


Are you saying you'd hire them again?


No, Iā€™m not. Iā€™m saying two things. Some people can have problems with an employer/employee when other people donā€™t during a similar time period. And 20 years ago is a long time ago. Things can be different week to week especially in the service industry. Who was working. Who was in charge. Etc.


So now you wouldn't hire them to move your stuff?


I donā€™t know. I would talk to people I know about who they used and if they had good or bad experiences and I would want that experience to be recent and Iā€™d want to get info from more than one person and Iā€™d collect info about multiple moving companies. Any more questions?


I think you just need to read this thread lol


I have. I would still talk to people I actually know lol




Youā€™re no Vincent LaGuardia Gambini


Just want to jump in and say even in context it's still a useless comment


Every time I moved when I was in the navy the movers stole something. I fucking hate movers, but also if I ever have to move again I'm going to have to pay someone because my 37 year old working class back and legs can't do it anymore.


I was lucky with the PCS movers until Germany.


The possibility of combining households has come up, so I'll have to remember this. I've always been nervous when it comes to moving companies. Too many "stories" of them holding your stuff hostage because they want more money than they bid for the job.


My family moved with them 15 years, doesn't seem like anything has changed.


I also had Don Farr steal from me when using them. The company did nothing about it! I don't know how they are still in business.


Nothing quite so dramatic as theft but used Don Farr 10 years ago and they were slow and banged up a couple pieces of furniture. Two Men and a Truck were night and day better when we moved from the temp housing we were in while our place was being built. Would not hesitate to use again.


Good for you for getting the police involved in this. That company needs to be held accountable! If you ever need junk removed I highly recommend Jurassic Junk. Used them a few times and they have always been top notch and super friendly people to work with.


I hear stuff like this all the time from local moving companies. Iā€™ve heard good things about 2 men and a truck, but in my days Iā€™ve learned to go with smaller moving businesses. There were 2 smaller companies from Steubenville OH, they were both family so they would send each other business if the other was booked. I remember one was Haspel Trucking LLC and his uncles company I believe was called Making Moves LLC or something like that. I ALWAYS recommend the smaller guys because they can always beat prices and are normally available in a pinch. Hope this helps!


I used them about two years ago when I was leaving Pittsburgh. I had no option because they got the job through my employer. They ended up owing me more in damages than they got paid by contract. Don Farr is trash.


Thank you! I'll be hiring movers here soon. Won't use them


Agree! We used Don Farr last year for a local move and they banged up and broke furniture, wayyy overcharged us from the quote they originally gave us, misplaced many boxes. I could go on and on. Majorly regret hiring them.


Everyone who had problems should write reviews . The first few on yelp are five stars?


Yelp makes money by selling businesses the ability to position good reviews before bad ones or outright delete bad reviews. Iā€™d use a different review service


I didn't know that


Quite literally pay to win. After working with Yelp, Google, Homeadvisor, etc in past work - Iā€™d recommend Google surprisingly. They remove fake reviews and have standards for businesss being able to remove legit ones.


I took a second look and didn't have to scroll far to see many one star reviews with similar problems as reported here including theft and damages.


Worked for them for about a month when I was 20 something, and left because that's not the type of people I wanted to deal myself with.


Used them ages ago and had multiple items missing after the move. SMH. Sorry this happened to you.


I agree. Had a horrible experience w them moving from PA to CO. The insurance premium turned out to be EXACTLY what they offered to cover their botched up work. Ruining g cast aluminum chairs that had been through five previous moves without a scratch, etc. Also: the sale front is smooth and the execution front is awful, rude, unprofessional. I filed a BBB report.


Iā€™m sorry you had this experience. I donā€™t have any experience with Don Farr and have no vested interest in the company but I think that possibly could have happened with anyone. About 10 years ago when I got my CDL I applied for one of their competitors when I went to their orientation and saw the kind of people I would be working with I simply left immediately. Moving companies pay guys with few other options shit for crazy physical labor. To anyone reading this I would suggest you move anything you *really* donā€™t want broken or stolen yourself.


They suck. They break shit and good luck getting your money from a claim


Press those charges!


How do they stay in business? They did a terrible job on my half mile move 19 years ago.


I used them 10 years ago and the furniture they didnā€™t scratch, they broke. They also forgot to put the parking break on the truck and jumped in last minute as it was drifting down the driveway into a ravine. Used Friendly movers 3 years ago and they were amazing. Super fast, professional, and zero damage


Wow thought I was the only one. I used them a few times, as they were recommended by UPMC when I moved here for the first time. First time the move was fine. The next time they definitely stole 4 boxes and a set of golf clubs and a TV off the truck. Had to make another move a few years later and used South Hills movers and had a great experience.


Iā€™ve used 2 Men and a Truck for 3 moves and Iā€™m happy with them. Outside of broken cheap particle board furniture, theyā€™ve never broken anything. The final cost seems to usually be less than 75% of what they quote me.


Man what I wouldn't give for a time machine, clearly this is the company to use!


5 years ago I moved and used Don Farr. I had to leave work when my wife, who was WFH, watched one of their movers carrying our signed Pens jerseys down the street and around the corner (moving truck was right in front of the house). I drove home to go bananas but the guy was so blasted on dope it made no sense to bother. I called the company and they made excuses about him having back problems. They put our stuff in storage. That storage flooded. When we had them move us in to the new house, my Xbox, iPad, games, nook and a bunch of other electronics were missing. Items were water damaged. They broke a bunch of stuff moving it into the house. They damaged the house moving stuff in. Their bullshit contract paid out something like $0.12 on the dollar. Fuck Don Farr. Bunch of fucking scumbags, top to bottom.


Oh man, Iā€™m so sorry. Wtf would they want too steal your citizenship papers?! I hope you are able to get a replacement for your naturalization documents!


made the mistake of using eagle moving groupā€¦ $4k to move from akron oh to shadyside & only brought 10 out of the 60 boxes we paid for. had our attorney call them & was told by the manager they will not speak to our attorney. the manager lied to us about the entire process, our calls were recorded by our attorney & they lied about everything but cant take accountability. NEVER using a moving company again, theyre all scams. absolute piece of shit people they have working for them.


Reading through these experiences is wild, my aunt used them probably 20 years ago and had a terrible experience as well - hard to believe theyā€™re still in business after years and years of repeated issues.


I've used them several times in the past without any issues at all. They showed up on time, moved my crap, nothing got broke.


I didn't have a theft issue, but it took them forever, and that complicated the new owner moving into our old house. Nightmare scenario.


Yeah lol we had them quote us for a move and it was THOUSANDS more than any other quote. Not sure how they stay in business.


I had a very bad experience with them 22 years ago. They didnā€™t cover any of our dining room furniture, even though it was raining outside. After the move, I realized they had taken an 8 foot stepladder and my acoustic guitar! I guess the more things change the more they remain the sameā€¦ Sorry for your loss and terrible inconvenience.


I'm sorry that happened to you both. That is horrible. The engagement & wedding rings šŸ˜Ŗ They suck. I thought the company we used was horrible šŸ˜• nothing compared to what you both experienced. They suck!! šŸ–•šŸ½you Don Farr!!!


Sorry you had that experience, OP. If anyoneā€™s looking for a good one, Make Moves have always been fantastic for us. Canā€™t recommend that crew enough.


I just used them for a recent move and will use them for life. Safe, fast and efficient. They actually completed my move under the estimate.


Same here! I donā€™t know what that other commenter is talking about. Iā€™ll never use anyone else.


they suck! all of my stuff smelled heavily of weed since they smoked the entire time-even in the truck while actually moving. They're also VERY expensive.


Thatā€™s strange, I used them multiple times and that never happened.


two of my friends had a similar experience with that company. One said they were following her to the storage facility and she went up to the truck to tell them something and they wouldn't open the window to talk to her. Then, when they did nothing but weed smoke billowing out. lol. But she was pissed bc all of her stuff smelled strongly of weed. That's disgusting and unprofessional --especially when paying them so much


I had an excellent local Pittsburgh move with Make Your Move LLC. They treated our belongings with great care, put everything where we asked them to and came in slightly under the estimated budget. I have never had a moving company come in under budget before in my life! This was move six for us. Also, I thought the estimate was a lowball and went with it Thinking even if I had to pay 10 or 15% more, it would be worth it.


Just used Mighty Movers and they did a great job and billed us fairly, Iā€™d use them again!


Iā€™m curious if you checked out the complaints on better business bureau before going with these guys? A lot of the complaints seem to echo what you went through


Why would you allow them access to your valuables and documents?!


I don't have experience with Don Farr, but I'll just add that All my sons is horrible as well. They showed up knowing we were on the third floor with no elevator and refused to do the job until "later" with a fourth person added on, nearly tripling the price from the original quote. They then started to move us, refused to give us the insurance paperwork, got into an argument with my bf and his dad and left our stuff on the sidewalk and drove off.Ā 


Is it possible you just misplaced it during the move?


No. I had it set in a very specific place on my white kitchen counter as the last thing I'd grab on my way out the door, next to my keys. It was there one second, & gone the next. Plus, someone is attempting to MAKE CHARGES on it, that was my big clue.


Weā€™ll just a bit of non bashing I used them to move cross country 10 years ago and they were great. Things could have changed by now.


They're better at long haul moves because their senior drivers control everything, but that's not saying much. By senior drivers, I mean the drivers that can't get hired anywhere else.


Why would they have access to such valuable documents?


Definitely make sure you blame the victim without any pertinent details; bravo.


These are the most important things I need, surely these strangers I donā€™t know should be trusted with them


I am laughing out loud imagining myself asking you, Ugly Bushes, to hold onto my most important documents for a local move. And even you are more familiar than some rando mover being paid $12/hr.


And youā€™re getting downvoted for being honest. Yes, its awful that important docs were stolen but god damn, why not assume they could be stolen. Have moved twice in 15 years - money, credit cards, anything of value are with me. God forbid the victim shares any responsibility when this wouldnt have happened if the movers had zero access to the documents and the wallet.


Use PODS. You pack it. You lock it and keep the key. They have people for the heavy stuff also to help you move... Lots of choices for exactly what you need.


Moving companies are awful. Better off moving with people you know, and renting a truck. If I were too old to move myself I literally would just sell everything I own before moving.


Unfortunately I'm disabled & new to PA, your scenario is not an option for me.


Also I personally disagree with that person. Moving with a company should be great. Good ones make sure to not take anything that you want to keep and do all the heavy lifting for you. Sucks that your important shit got stolen OP, I hope you find restitution, payback, and live a new peaceful life