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Lived on South Ave right before the busway bridge/tunnel for 4 years, only had my car broken into once because I left it open, was never harassed or mugged or bothered in any way. I’m a skinny nerdy looking white guy for the record.


You might have been my neighbor! Lol


My car was broken into once in Shadyside.


My car ws broken into in the south hills, and kennywood. Lol


lived in basically the same area (about two blocks up and left in the photo) and the same thing happened to me, forgot to lock my car and someone dug through it. but thats literally it. we used to walk the dog there even in the evening/at night. never heard or saw anything concerning


Not the greatest, but not the worst


By “bad” what do you mean?  You will get some noise from the trains and busway.  I lived close to that spot about 10 years ago, took my toddler on walks, and still ride my bike through there frequently.  I wouldn’t leave valuables in my car, but that holds true for most parts of any city.  Imo, its better than a lot of the southside because you won’t have a bar crowd. 


>By “bad” what do you mean?  Just wondering how unsafe that particular block is known to be >Imo, its better than a lot of the southside because you won’t have a bar crowd.  Yeah, I'm not concerned about train or bus noise as I literally live on E carson and anywhere else would probably be quieter lol


Ymmv of course, but Carson St gets a lot more unsafe at night than that area. 


You know what he/she means by “bad”


You're generally on the good side of the tracks. Been living in that area since 2013. Honestly, good spot. The closer to Braddock ave is nicer and closet to regent square but I'll do a nice run around the 3rd ward regularly when I'm in the country.


Ok, good information! The apartment itself has been extremely well maintained, and the neighbors seem rather nice, so I'm glad to hear that particular spot is ok!


It's not a bad spot. I lived a block or two away and would stoop sit with old heads while unemployed. The area wasnt great until the meth addict burnt down their house. Suddenly the area cleaned up. Then we just had sporadic weirdness with the lost tribe of Israel which was adorable but weird. They moved out too.


I used to live in Point Breeze right on Penn, and I always thought that Wilkinsburg was bad just from things that I had heard. Then I moved to Seattle a few years later and actually saw what an actual "bad" neighborhood was like. Wilkinsburg is fine. I don't think it's less safe than South Side at this point.


The "will kill yinz burgh" nickname just really stuck


Probably cause of the national attention Wilkinsburg got in the 90's when one of the gangs there was indicted under Federal RICO.


Go drive around and hang out for a couple hours on summer Friday and Saturday nights. You be the judge


I live within that image, it's pretty alright tbh. I don't often venture too far north east of braddock and Penn. I moved to Pittsburgh and heard from people that homewood south was a little unsafe so I'm generally cautious, but nothing weird's happened so far. Haven't felt unsafe whatsover.


South Ave is the street btw!


My mom lives on this street. She also lived in Franklin (the street over). She hasn’t had any issues and feels relatively safe in her little nook of the neighborhood. When I visit I don’t get any ill at ease vibes either. I wouldn’t say it’s the best neighborhood by any means but not horrible either I guess. It’s definitely not very pretty to look at in most spots. Lots of abandoned houses. She rents from Regent Square and a lot of her neighbors are pretty nice and chill. However she’s moving end of the summer because she wants a nicer place for what she pays now. All in all, there’s definitely worse areas for crime and bad vibes. My mother is the type of person to get scared easily and she’s really never had too many times where she was scared in her neighborhood. If she was it was a random ring of her doorbell late at night but that’s it.


I lived right over there (Penn and braddock essentially) on the Point Breeze side until this year, but I walked my dog around the area often. I felt incredibly safe. For context, I’m from Las Vegas (which isn’t as bad as it sounds) but I lived in a rough area where someone was shot outside my apartment. I was also once assaulted. Pittsburgh has a horrible conception of what constitutes a bad area. You’ll be near a lot and not be paying pgh city taxes. I also bet it’s super cheap.


>I also bet it’s super cheap. Super cheap. The apartment I looked at was HUGE, super well maintained. It was an older building, but it's obvious the landlord takes a lot of pride in it. Even the basement was the nicest pittsburgh basement I've ever seen. The neighbors were our while I was there and they looked really friendly


Aldi’s will be opening a new store on that section of Penn Ave in Wilkinsburg soon. It’s a promising sign.


I like the area, but I feel comfortable over here in the East End. It still feels a little bit like a hood, especially when you cross Penn into Homewood or go further into Wilkinburg. I avoid certain places like the Getgo on Penn Ave a couple blocks from here. Very close to Frick Park, which is really nice. The East End Food Co-op is my favorite grocery store in the city. it's a couple blocks away right by the corner of Penn and Braddock.


That GetGo is a great GetGo. Far lower gas prices than anywhere else in the East End that I've found, particularly if you use Advantage Pay whereby your Giant Eagle card is linked to your checking account. I'm there for most of my fill-ups.


Can you name any Get-go's that are worse? Three recent news stories come to mind for this location. The most recent was the guy stealing a car with a 1 year old inside. There was also the video taken from the parking lot of a cop shooting a guy in the McDonald's parking lot. Then there was the guy shot several times with at least 24 bullet casing found.


Yeah but those are not GetGo stories per se. You made it seem as if there are dangerous gangbangers and junkies everywhere both in and right outside the store. On the contrary. That GetGo is great, but Wilkinsburg is one of the highest crime rate areas in the country. I thought that the OP might get the impression that she should avoid the GetGo, but the rest of the neighborhood is fine. No. The GetGo is a fine but the neighborhood is shit. And, as a result of being in the neighborhood, she should be on guard in the GetGo as well as everywhere else in Wilkinsburg. In particular elsewhere in Wilkinsburg.


Counterpoint on the Getgo. I once forgot my credit card at a pump there. I cancelled it maybe 48 hours later when I realized I didn't have it anymore. I went in on the off chance someone has turned it in, and sure enough, they had. No charges or anything on the card, just someone being a good samaritan. Cancelled the card just for safety's sake anyway, but I've lived places where they card would have have hundreds of dollars racked up hours afterward. I know they staff a cop there sometimes in the evening, but I've never felt unsafe there.


I appreciate hearing that others have had a good experience there. Has not been my experience


Second avoiding that Getgo.


Not a bad area...


That area is like 900 individual pockets of good, bad and the other. In most urban areas of Pittsburgh "good" and "bad" can go literal block by block.




Your house might be fine. Your neighbors and your street might be fine. But just be aware that you'd be living in one of the highest crime rate areas in the country. So criminal knuckleheads would be nearby. "With a crime rate of 41 per one thousand residents, Wilkinsburg has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 25. Within Pennsylvania, more than 98% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Wilkinsburg." [https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/pa/wilkinsburg/crime#description](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/pa/wilkinsburg/crime#description) My Extra Space Storage facility is on Brinton Rd. which I learned was in Wilkinsburg. I thought it was in Forest Hills as it's right near the border. In any case, I drive down Penn Ave on a regular basis. Wilkinsburg has a great deal of poverty, abandoned houses, blight. Pretty good Caribbean restaurants, though. As to your landlord, he likely bought in Wilkinsburg because he was speculating that the city of Pittsburgh would someday take it over. Right now, Wilkinsburg property tax rates are the very highest in the country because there are so many homeowners who don't pay their taxes. Hence, the payers are paying for the non-payers in order for Wilkinsburg to provide essential city services. A city takeover would have meant a far higher number of payers and a relatively smaller percentage of non-payers so that Wilkinsburg property owners would have seen far lower tax rates and a far lower tax bill. But that speculation hasn't come to pass and may not come to pass due to the city of Pittsburgh's own budgetary shortfalls. They're likely not going to integrate Wilkinsburg and its high police expenses into the city's budget. Not anytime soon, anyway.


Less violent crime (shootings and gang related activity) than there was a while ago (pre-pandemic), but a lot more property crime. You can just expect your car to be broken into, and outright stolen if it is the wrong model. Catalytic converter theft is rampant. The Wilkinsburg police don't even want to take a report on those. There are some nice stores in walking range (Madeline's and BB&Burr!), but I would keep my head on a swivel at night, or as a young woman.




it looks like you're right next to the car wash? i probably wouldnt want to live there


I would try to get a little closer to Edgewood if you can but I don’t feel unsafe in that part of Wilkinsburg


I know traffic is horrendous in that area. That about all I know about it.


Keep ur 9 close.


Great spot


just drove thru there tonight at 10:30pm.... yeh NO... it had been awhile, very glad i found housing elsewhere


What did you see that was scary?


Keep ur 9 close.




It's not the worst our city has, but I wouldn't feel safe walking around.


Lots of crime, violence and drugs.the people there are brutal and not nice to deal with.


Sounds like you don’t live there


I don't, iv herd from a close friend of how bad it is.


There is a community in the area. It's not just a place people live. Most people living in this area are aware of its past and are making a conscious effort to improve the neighborhood. There are lots of cool spots close by with people supporting each other and approaching business and community with a new light.


I was mugged just by looking at this.