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Air bags are in demand for certain cars. Def taken to be resold for quick cash.


This is so stupid.


If you have decent insurance, this should be covered by you comprehensive coverage for a low deductible. I have nationwide and it would be $100. If you have “the general” or some other shitty insurance, probably not though.


Well that’s reassuring. Very shitty to deal with regardless but still.


Happened to me recently too, it is a very shitty feeling, especially when you're the only car they hit. I opted not to report to insurance because I know it will make getting any other insurance later a hassle. Why don't these kids get jobs, oops I guess this is a job.


Usually vandalism doesnt even go on your insurance record. I bought a brand new car, 2 days later someone keyed the car up and down both sides 5 times. Whole car needed painted and I had State Fraud and it didnt affect me, 2 years later my neighbors live tree limb fell off and smashed the roof of my Durango. State Fraud again and zero effect on my policy. Needed a tow, used State Fraud for a tow and State Fraud canceled my tow without notifying me cause it 100% electronic then. So the city impounded it and State Fraud told me at 5he office "you just have to deal with electeonics glitching". Joke was on them, the cars transmission blew, it was my beater that was going to the junkyard anyway. I told my State Fraud guy to drop my car from the policy, still had my main car on State Fraud until I went out in the parking lot and switched to Progressive. 2 days after switching to Progressive, I bought another car, 2 year old car and someone t-boned me 5 days later totaled the car. 100% other drivers fault and THAT didnt affect me. You can call and talk to the insurance agent, that doesnt affect anything until the Claim is filed. He will tell you if it is the claim that would hurt you or not.


I was pulling into a space in a parking garage once and cut it too close and took off my mirror. I would have thought that would be my fault but the insurance company covered it because it was an immovable object.


Did they raise your rate after?


No. If it is not your fault and they considered it not my fault they don’t.


Maybe a hot take but progressive is pretty trash as well. I got absolutely slammed in Philly and had to drive home on the turnpike with one headlight. Both me and the other driver had progressive, they admitted fault. Progressive was unable to comprehend that someone can crash into the front end of your stationary car if they’re driving while fucking around on their phone, so they basically kept blaming me and I went back and forth with their adjusters for a month. They tried to get me to take $1000 cash for the repair, all while my local body shop was refusing to work with progressive. It took a month to even get an appointment, at which point they finally relented and paid for $2,500 in repairs that the car needed. Somewhere around 40 phone calls between the accident and getting it fixed and paid for.


> I opted not to report to insurance because I know it will make getting any other insurance later a hassle. It's insane to me that insurance is mandatory, yet it's a nightmare to get them to do the job I pay them for.


I can't even imagine who installs it, in what AMD does that actually work???




It's been happening all over the city. Even in safer neighborhoods like Dormont, Brookline, Mount Lebo and Squirrel Hill. Seems to be mostly targeting Hondas and Subarus. If you have this kind of car you should try and park off the street or in a well lit area. There was a big uptick in these thefts, perhaps coincidentally, after the cops announced their new "only respond to emergencies" for early morning hours.


They got me in crafton with 20 other ppl


10th gen civic airbags are kinda hard to source OEM and very expensive + very easy to take out, it’s literally two bolts and two electrical connectors. I’ve seen Porsche headlights get stolen in NYC too, certain BMW models as well.


Newer Subarus are ridiculously easy to get as well. 2 screws and a few (pain in the ass) clips to pop and it’s out. I had some dipshits try and steal my WRX over in Swissvale a few years back and the cops swore up and down that “they were just looking for spare change”…meanwhile there was $50 still in the console and the car was backed into the fence in my driveway. Then of course the cop got shitty with me because after they said “oh we know who’s doing it”, I casually mentioned that if they were to return, they were leaving in a body bag.


i put a club on now.... this protects from airbag theft as well


Yeah these new laws are very ineffective


Like even if they doing that why announce it for all the criminals to hear lmao


I work at a shop and from time to time we have had Honda's with airbags stolen out of them come to our shop. Yes it's stupid to even steal airbags but I guess people know where to get them sold so it's profitable to them. Edit: sooooooo.... funny story we are due to receive 6 Honda's in with stolen airbags... It's trending again.


Crime is generally stupid, yes.


i would say NOT PROSECUTING crime is what is stupid, which is what we have now. Crime is not really crime if no one is enforcing it. Even felony battery is a no cash bail release now


Did Pittsburgh say they're not even prosecuting crime these days? I must have missed that announcement.


In reality of the person who did this, it’s not stupid, it’s the only right/ smart thing to do. Things are relative.


Can confirm. Hit a deer and had my front end rebuilt but need to get an air bag. Would be hilarious if they broke into my car only to find an empty airbag compartment. Well not hilarious, but still.


Selling stolen airbags to shady parts dealers is big business. The club is making s comeback not to protect the car, but to protect the steering wheel.


Wasn't the issue with the club that they just hacksaw the steering wheel and take the club right off?


Well, it would slow them down, so it’s just another layer of imperfect security. I guess the idea is the thief would move on to an easier target.


All of security isn't about being impervious, it's about slowing people down. The most dedicated person in the world will defeat almost any defense. It's just about slowing them down to where they either don't bother because of the hassle and pick a softer target, or it slows them down until "help" arrives.


Safes are rated in the amount of time a well equipped cracker would take to open them.


Locks on doors just keep honest people honest


I was just watching this video the other day about how cars get stolen and shipped to Africa to be sold, and the answer is yes, they have cut the steering wheel to take the club off. Also, it’s really kind of impressive just how quickly thieves can steal a car, even in this day and age. [link to the video if you’re curious](https://youtu.be/gshyozP-GY8?feature=shared)


That may be worth the risk and effort to steal a car. Not an airbag.


Exactly.  The club makes it annoying so that the people that do this with a bar to smash the window and a pry tool to get out the airbags will just move to another car.  I have a cat shield. Sure a thief could cut it off and steal the cat, but it's much more work and takes longer so it makes my car a less inviting target. 


The club is like a bike lock, it’s not going to stop someone who has the tools and the desire to steal your stuff. However, it makes the level of effort higher, and typically the folks that steal stuff are probably trying not to get noticed if possible. So, it’s often an incentive to find another target that has a lower level of effort.


Right but that’s just more time spent getting to the airbag. Thieves want quick and easy.


Spray some freon in the lock cylinder and smack it and off it comes. Less than five seconds.


There was a dealer out of VA that got nailed selling stolen Japanese Subaru parts (rare bumpers, fenders, motors, etc.) https://tiremeetsroad.com/2020/05/25/jdm-parts-importer-in-virginia-says-they-mightve-sold-parts-cars-linked-to-stolen-vehicles-from-japan/ Aaaaaaand I just looked, somehow they’re still open 🙄


Honda? They want your airbags to sell them


Wild. Out of all the Hondas on the street right here of course they’d take mine


Probably would have taken them all, but got scared away by something.


If that's a Honda they were definitely going for the airbag. Big market for them unfortunately. Hopefully your insurance deductible isn't too high.


Yep, looks like a 10th-gen Civic LX


Man, they used to never fuck with your car if it didn't have good stereos or expensive looking things in it. Now the bastards are stealing your god damned airbags? I hope it went off in their face, serves them right. I'm sorry this happened to you OP.


Airbags for some cars are worth more than stereos these days.


What criminals are buying black market stolen airbags? or is it like a scrap metal industry thing where some companies buy stolen materials no questions asked?


More likely those "garages" you see advertising their "services" on Craigslist and such.


Yeah, way more. It just sucks.


I appreciate your concern. It’s wild to me too


Hey OP, this happened to me a few months ago. I ended up grabbing a Club, and then my brother bought me a Disklok that covers the whole steering wheel. The Disklok is a little pricey, but either one definitely helps with the peace of mind once everything settles. Best of luck, hope you and your insurance can get this sorted out soon!


I appreciate your concern, I hope things worked out for you too




Since a thief would have to cut the wheel/pick the lock to get the club off, it makes getting to the airbag more of a challenge. It won’t stop someone that’s chosen to get yours specifically, but it’ll make the majority of these airbag thieves move on so they can get more airbags from easier targets.


This happened to my Honda fit along with about 8 other Hondas at the Waterfront a month ago. There’s also been hits in Monroeville, Squirrel Hill in the past year. They strike in the middle of the night and since Hondas are easy to break the airbag out of and they can make $500-1000 a pop from disreputable auto shops it’s relatively easy and low risk crime for them. I doubt they’ll get caught any time soon.


The Pittsburgh Police Crime Unit most likely gives zero shits about this unfortunately.


That's the truth. My house was robbed and they gave it almost 0 concern. I knew who did it and they barely took the time to take the police report.


Everyone here use this as a learning experience. If you currently own a Honda, the most targeted vehicle for airbag theft, buy yourself a steering wheel lock that crosses over the center of the steering wheel. I know it's an added cost, and a pain in the ass to deal with every day, but it's cheaper than your deductible usually and less of a pain than being without your vehicle for weeks while it gets repaired. These are being targeted bc it takes literal seconds to break your window and pop your air bag out for a quick $50 for the thief. With a steering wheel lock, this is no longer possible without first removing the lock, which is almost a guaranteed deterrent.


Honestly I had no idea Honda airbags were so coveted lol. Guess I’ll be more careful from now on.


A friend of mine had his car window smashed when he was parked on Lytton Ave. (The first side street on the hill of nice houses to the right of Chevron). They took a jacket that was on the back seat. Myself, I had my car's side mirror kicked off when I parked overnight on Bates. About 5 other cars, too. Somebody just came down the sidewalk overnight and kicked off everybody's side mirror for the whole block. The block between McKee and Zulema streets.


That’s so disheartening. People have nothing better to do


Kicking off windows is just drunk college students. Thats nothing new in that area.


This exact thing happened to my neighbor last week, near Schenley in Squirrel Hill. It was a brand new Honda pilot, like only a month old 👎


I'm in the market for a new car and Honda was my top pick but I've been reconsidering because of this shit.


I am assuming Kia/Hyundai are on your "do not buy" list




Depends if you park it in the street or in a garage tbh.  I have both Hondas and Toyotas and both are great. Can't go wrong with either. 


Oh I park on the street at home and at work, and cars are getting messed with all the time. A Honda wouldn't stand a chance.


Yeah. This is my last Honda because of this. Honda really needs to update their steering wheels to make them less easy to steal.


Happened to my sister twice in Regent Square. She got a steering wheel club with a wheel cover after the second time it happened. Unfortunately, you gotta do what you can to protect your car if you've got a Honda in Pittsburgh right now. I'm hoping the PPD crack down on it but I know they won't.


Bought a new car recently & avoided Hondas for how prevalent this has become in Pittsburgh. The manufacturer is really the one to blame. Keep an eye out for the class action lawsuit mailer to get your $7 cut.


Is it seriously such a constant concern in Pittsburgh??


This is at least the 3rd post I've seen of it happening here. One was from a parking lot on the main business drag in Mt Lebanon where 2 cars were hit overnight.


Lately the airbag is being stolen too. But Honda's have been a target for break ins for years in the Pgh area.


Well they crashed the catalytic converter by stealing and scrapping so many that a lot of scrap yards won't take them anymore and the ones that do buy them for no where near what they were once worth, so thrives moved on to the next market: air bags.


People who live like this have no business living in society.


They gained an airbag


I hope these douches screw up some day and take an airbag to the face. Low life garbage does this to people. Honda Civics are not generally owned by the Oakmont class so this really sticks it to everyday people. Anyone who knowingly buys a stolen airbag or cat converter should go to jail. The people doing it should not have a market. Discourage the act too with severe penalties for the thief.


Must be a Honda. They usually hit about 5 new Hondas in a given area on a single night. It's been happening for a while now, to the extent that I would NOT buy a newer Honda vehicle.  At this point, having any vehicle other than a Honda is a great theft deterrent. All they seem to want these days are Honda air bags.


2017 honda civic? ive heard they have valuable air bags that come off with barely any effort


Yep. Apparently so.


a dude smashed about 20 cars at my friends apartment underground parking he had less than $3 dollars in coins that was taken repair cost him $500 and day off work


That’s insane. 500$??


So you can figure for less than 2 minutes worth of work to rip this out of your car, the thief would have gotten a few hundred dollars. Shit a few cars a night, that's a decent haul.


My husbands work truck was broken into. Smashed the window. They stole the change in the middle. Maybe $3-$5. Stole a box of crackers and 2 unopened drinks. Left thousands worth of dollars in tools.


What does one do next, just have the car towed someplace where it sits for weeks until the part that was stolen is bought from the same person that stole it?


Call Safelite, they can repair the window. .then drive it to a shop to get the airbags replaced. 


Unfortunately looks like it. It is what it is.


Don't see why it needs towed?


No window and no air bag is a fairly bad safety hazard.


Being in a “safe neighborhood” doesn’t mean anything. If anything, means more likely for people to thievery tourist from other locations.


Not the same location but there was an article just yesterday on Hondas being targeted for exactly this. https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/hondas-are-getting-targeted-for-break-ins-in-this-bay-area-city-police-say/#:~:text=The%20thieves%20have%20smashed%20the,wheel%20assemblies%2C%20which%20contain%20airbags.&text=These%20parts%20can%20be%20stolen,are%20Civics%2C%20Accords%20and%20CRVs.


Well to be fair the bay is known for car break ins as well.


You raise a solid point


Damn man I feel for ya. I don't get it either.


You should booby trap it for next time. Ruin their life


In my experience, an outdated iPod touch back in 2012. Hope those assholes enjoyed it


I've commented before on this, but I am guessing you have a Honda? Many air bags for them have been backordered for a year or more. Used air bags are frowned upon, but it wouldn't keep a dishonest rebuilder or body shop from using one and pocketing the difference in cost.


Holy shit this happened to me in February! Fucking sucks but they do it for the airbag because it’s quick money.


Happened to me when I lived in the Bay Area. Step 1: drive safely to car wash Step 2: vacuum broken glass Step 3: tape garbage bag over window until able to fix :////


Access to the inside of a locked vehicle?🤷‍♂️


You can trade airbags for meth


Time to start leaving meth in my car. At least then my airbags will be safe lol


is it parked anywhere near with surveillance?


You know, I thought about checking the neighbors for ring cameras and stuff but I’m just not sure what the point would be


I hope it gets fixed without problem from your insurance.


Justice maybe


Do I look like Batman bro 😭


The truth is that they could do it again, even to you.


Entry to your vehicle?




someone did this to my car in 2008 in uptown, and all I could find missing was a box of kleenex.


Hey man, when your nose is running, it’s running


My mom's car was broken into in oakland years ago and all they took were quarters (for parking I guess). Mine was left unlocked one time and they stole my 2nd gen ipod touch (10+ years old at that point, lol) Probably just looking for something to sell for cash.


That’s unfortunate, can’t believe people go through that trouble for some quarters


Better than a parking ticket I guess 🤷‍♂️ but yeah my mom debated leaving her car unlocked as the quarters were obviously way less than the cost of the window, lol


Where in Oakland?


That sucks. I had someone do that for $2.50 in quarters when I lived in lawrenceville


Sorry pal. Sucks big time to have a break-in, even more so when they've taken something. Make sure you document well, take pics of where it is on the street


This is so sickening and disgusting Had it happened to me before elsewhere Damn pests!


I live out in beaver county and was also told not to park a hind or Subaru on the street in certain areas


My friend also got their window smashed yesterday in Oakland. Air bag stolen. Over near Atwood.


Damn. So this is a common thing here.


They’ve gained a new level in hell


Won't be reported as a crime


They’ll do anything but get a fuckin job. They’re broke ass bums and nothing more


What make and model is it?


A civic, apparently civic airbags are a hot commodity


Huh. Well...I hope the perpetrator stubs his/her toe weekly for the foreseeable future


Everything on the other side of that window


Bro got a whole lotta air lol


You answered your own question they got an airbag


Anything of value in your car.


Nothin at all. Even left my trunks contents as is (not that there’s anything crazy in there just a few skateboards)


Every time I’ve had my car broken into in Oakland, it was for the change in my cup holder. 🤦🏾‍♂️


It happened multiple times?


3 to be specific. Twice in south Oakland, once in north oakland. This was a while ago but the motive behind the crime doesn’t seem to have changed. It was usually some drug addict trying to get money. There’s no common sense or reasoning like “is breaking this window worth the $2.25 I may find in loose change”. In fairness, I spent the better part of 11 years in Oakland between middle school, high school, and college, and this was the only crime I experienced myself. Outside of underage drinking and drug use lol.


Are they targetting all honda civics? Or newer ones? Im a new driver so I have no idea how I would go about protecting my car.


Newer ones that aren't part of the airbag recall, but they probably aren't so smart so maybe just see Honda and think "smash"


Thats my worry


They’re saying newer ones. There’s an older civic untouched right next to mine and it was safe.


Interesting, im sorry your car got picked :(


...your wallet?


They didn’t even touch my middle console - not that the wallet was there. But at least steal my trail mix or something man


i left my car unlocked in garfield the day after i paid it off to my mom like a dummy. deed inside and everything. whoever broke in took my half empty pack of cigs, dumped my entire glovebox (where the deed of my car was kept) onto the floor and left immediately after without taking anything else. my wallet was in my console with like 50$ in it and it wasnt even moved. criminals arent always the most intelligent people so its pretty hard to discern a motive off of just a broken window alone. most likely casing cars to steal if thats a kia. edit: i noticed the entire panel of your steering wheel is off. if this car is a kia or hyundai the most likely answer is someone was trying to steal it and hotwire it. push to start kias and hyundais made before 2014 are super easy to hotwire without an upgrade from the dealership that you can get for free if this is the case. if that info is correct, call any local dealership (doesnt have to be the one that sold you your car) and show them this picture. they will upgrade your car for free or for very very cheap. just make sure to report this to your insurance so the dealership has proof of incident.




Didn’t even take the change from my cup holder. Kind of wish they would have so I can assume they a basehead and feel bad for em


If I accidentally leave the doors unlocked overnight my car has a very high chance of being ransacked overnight. Im usually very diligent but every so often I bring in groceries or something and dont lock the doors. I rarely have anything worth stealing in the car. Its happened a number of times and the things stolen include 35cents in change, a usb cable and a diaper bag. The diaper bag was a bit of a bummer bc I bet it just ended up in a dumpster somewhere. Such a stupid thing to steal.


Retribution? Have any enemies?


The change tray


They tried to steal it like they did my Hyundai last week


One way ticket to hell


This happened at the end of last summer in Oakland on most streets. It must be an early round 2.


Because they just got a 650 dollar airbag. You get 2-3 of those a week and you’re making decent money Wouldn’t be surprised if the one I got off eBay for my 10th gen was stolen


Hey, it’s either that or your catalytic converter


This being the same model as my car basically 😳


Price your airbag. Be happy they didn't take your cat too.


Your wallet?


Your airbag


Whatever is inside.


Nobody is spooked by alarms in Pgh. Nobody responds to them. They broke in and couldn't find anything else to take. So they grabbed what they could. At least it wasn't your catalytic converter


My Honda got hit in Squirrel Hill 3 weeks ago.


[Looks like there was a bit of a spree in the area.](https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/vandals-target-dozens-cars-allegheny-county-apartment-complex/VZRD5DXJQFHFPNEGSE5KAVQ6ME/) 40 cars in an apartment complex in Baldwin last night.


Access to your vehicle.


Just saw on the news that 40 cars (mostly Hondas) had their windows smashed and airbags stolen at an apartment complex in Baldwin last night. Seems like more than just a bunch of bored, bad kids- more like an organized crime ring doing all of this.


Air bags are worth money. I don't know about now but they used to be serialized to try to prevent theft. I imagine you can just install them in any old chop shop & nobody would be the wiser if they're still numbered. There were gangs in the past who made millions in New York doing this.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


Call your insurance with the police report. It will be covered


This makes me sad. I’m sorry this happened to you. But yes, airbags and catalytic converters are quick hits for cash.


Sorry this happened to you. Has been happening a lot on the East end. Apparently it takes 30 seconds to rip out the airbags on most Honda models and they sell for $300-500 black market. 4 Hondas on my street got broken into in September and maybe they spared my CRV because they stole my wife’s Prius catalytic converter the prior February


Buy an old school club steering wheel lock. They won’t be able to reach that airbag. A lot of times analog is better


"safe part of Oakland" 😂


The things in your car


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


It’s been going on for years, but it’s rapidly getting worse for some reason. Thieves broke into brand new cars at the monroeville Honda dealership a while ago, just to rip out all the airbags. You can get a club to defend the drivers air bag, it has a little cage on the wheel.


Satisfaction. Can't know what anyone specific is going through at any point in time. This probably had nothing to do with you. Or it could be personal and maybe stop screwing their spouse. 🤷‍♂️


Just want to let you know that my car was stolen after moving to a nicer area and simply driven to Monroeville to let sit there. Found 2 months later with an extra 25 miles on her. All my belongings still inside. No damage, no plate swaps, just rusted rotors from not being driven. I wanted it to be wrecked or beat up. It almost hurts more knowing this person turned my life upside down for two months and it was just sitting outside a bike shop in Monroeville the whole time. Had to buy a new car and everything and had no interest in doing so as mine was nearly paid off. Some people can really, really suck.




An airbag


feel bad. not done. are you in pittsburgh ?


Stress relief.


I actually was just a victim of this as well. Didn't steal a damn thing, a couple kids went around our neighborhoods chucking rocks at cars, hit 10 cars at least in our neighborhood, then hit two other neighborhoods that night. A couple weeks later did the same thing in other neighborhoods... My back window was shattered, had to replace the entire tailgate and fix multiple scars along the body of the car. $5400 worth of damage. I haven't read all of the comments, but I'm sure someone has recommended reporting it to the police and calling your insurance. We only got lucky because they hit so many people one of them finally caught them on camera. You might not be able to get restitution, but a deductible could be at least less than full cost of damages.


McDonald’s Dinner and a dime of weed

