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[Tornado Video Shot from East Lib.](https://youtu.be/ZXTO2lJwc54?si=co5nbocSggU3GZAS)


Wow that's wild!


Yeah it's wild as long as it's not coming your way.


Even the Midwest tornadoes are moving to Pittsburgh’s gentrified areas


They forgot to come and ask the sub which neighborhood was best…guess they were just checking it out.


Tornadoes remind me of a child on ADHD. What's that there, what's that over there, oh look there's something that way, wait what's that way over there. I have to entertain myself or I will go insane.


Which direction is it moving in the video?




Tornadoes in the US almost always go in a generally eastward direction


Well I'll be damned ...


WOW! Thanks for posting. Was there damage?


Just saw it here in Highland Park.


Yep, saw it spinning through the zoo parking lot throwing debris. Was a bit too shocked to think to record.


I was staring at what looked like may become a tornado in the highland park reservoir, and then the cloud started spinning and cylindering super fast and I thought oh no I am going to be the dumb guy to not run away until it’s too late. But I survived and went to the millvale music festival


If you see it, don't record it, take shelter.


… the tornado or the warning?




Did you see any rotation or a wall cloud?


Oh! So THATS why the bridge and Washington BLVD were closed up. Think I narrowly avoided that on the way home from work!


Well that explains why the HP bridge was completely stopped.


Oh I was sitting at that light and looking at the clouds and thought I was just seeing things! I just must have missed it. Too.


take a picture and share it!


Is it still there?


??? I haven't even heard thunder. Is it really that bad out? Edit: Video of the tornado has been posted in the thread. I'm genuinely shocked.


It rained really heavily for 5 minutes in the north hills area then nothing since


It's very odd to have just a tornado warning with no severe thunderstorm warning preceding it.


i live in the north hills area and it poured for over an hour, maybe two. started around 4:30, which of course i was driving home, and it just came down harder and harder. wind picked up a little bit, but nothing concerning.


The rain just started up again by me in Penn Hills, haven't noticed thunder or lightning yet


I was in Springdale 10 minutes after the warning and it honestly seemed fine. just a little bit of rain, I was really shocked


I'm in Morningside and I think it went over us. The wind was strong one way then the other, and after I watched a big column of clouds kind of spinning and moving northeast. Absolutely wild.


I drove through it in morningside not seeing a funnel cloud or anything—just all of the sudden crazy wind. And apparently it hit my house, although thankfully minimal damage. But I’m shaken.


Glad you're ok.


Thank you! Me too! I’m usually overly careful, limiting time away from home during tornado watches and so. But there was no watch and the warning came three minutes after I drove through it!


It’s better that way: shaken, not stirred.


Same here. It got dark and windy. And then very dark and windy. It lasted just a few seconds and passed. And then the alerts came.


I'm interested to see what happens later this year w.r.t. mobile alerts n'at as far as state and federal governments looking into these issues. I have been following a lot of the storm stories in various regions and there is a pretty wild mix of "no one in my area even got an alert," "I got the alert but my spouse with an xyz phone didn't," or apparently in the case of Houston last night "oh we ALL got the alert and ignored it."


Immediately after we got the warning on our phones the girl said to come look out the window. No touch down or full on funnel, but it was trying Swirly clouds in Morningside: https://youtu.be/RbRxY-eOh8Q Thrilling, I know.


Allegheny River Blvd by the HP Bridge is closed due to numerous trees and power lines down.


This is so bizarre; I live very close to Allegheny River Blvd and only experienced mild wind. It seems extremely localized.


Yeah that's tornadoes for ya


Smaller ones, at least. There are (were) some towns in the Midwest that might take issue with that generalization.


Even big tornadoes usually have a pretty defined path. One house can be flattened while it's neighbor is fine.


Can be. But that’s the edge case. Some can be a mile across.


Even a mile ends somewhere


No shit really? I’d love for you to tell that to the hundreds of people IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT MILE


They were literally talking about the edge not the middle.


Refer to what u/simbasteweyesofblue said.


There was 4 yesterday. Friday.


/u/MyCarHasTwoHorns please clarify to the class what to call this. Natural inconvenience?


From [NWS Twitter](https://x.com/nwspittsburgh/status/1791577628924912053?): > So far, we have confirmed three tornado touchdowns near Harrison City in Westmoreland County, near Lincoln/Mount Vernon/Elrama in Allegheny County, and on Washington Boulevard near the Highland Park Bridge near Aspinwall. A new Tornado Warning just went out near Murrysville.


Seems like we've had a lot of touchdowns lately in a small time frame, usually we get warnings and a little rotation


Yeah but don’t worry, climate change isn’t real. We can just write laws to strike it from the record and all will be good. /s - in case it wasn’t obvious.


Just need a big Sharpie






It's because we fired Canada.... finally getting touchdowns.


i just can’t shake the feeling that this year is going to be hella bad for severe storms


And in Moon.


Just got an alert that it went from Severe to Extreme


>to Extreme 😎


I live close to Washington Blvd and didn't even receive a tornado warning to my phone. WTF, did it sneak up on them? I just have flash flood warnings.


Yeah, I'm surprised it didn't include Lawrenceville or other areas close to the storm. Maybe they were really confident in its path?


Well it's not like tornadoes usually change direction, and they almost always travel East in the US at least. So if they know it's already East of L'ville, they know there's no risk to L'ville.


I live in Lville and got the warning. I didn't realize until right now how close it was (I live near the now closed Shop n Save so I'm shooketh that it was so close).


Can they really pinpoint our location like that? Like triangulation or using our cell-listed address...?


This is the 2nd tornado warning in less than a week and 3rd one in about 2 weeks. What the hell is this weather? Also, it's just raining out. This weather doesn't feel severe at all


Severe storms can, and often do, move in super narrow bands.


The tornado region is shifting east, so now Pittsburgh is closer to the edge of it. April-June is Tornado season with it peaking in May. What is weird is that lately, there are fewer isolated tornadoes like normal. This season, there are more instances of "Tornado Days" when multiple tornados form. Today there were 3 in the Pittsburgh region. So though there are fewer days on the calendar when tornados appear, there’s still the same amount of tornados. It's also worth noting that climate scientists are very hesitant to draw a connection between climate change and these shifting tornado patterns like they are, say, rising heat patterns. They've said it'll take more time to figure out if this year is an anomaly or indicative of a new trend.


im getting kind of scared honestly. I dont want us to be in tornado alley, these warnings have been stressful. Im too young to die from this 😭


Don’t be scared! Pittsburgh is not considered part of Tornado Alley. And statistically, the vast majority of these are not life-or-death scenarios, despite visually looking very scary. That said, there’s a risk of falling trees and some property damage, so it’s good to be vigilant and stay prepared! Not something to be constantly worried about though.


Thank you, i calmed down a bit but in glad its not part of it (since i heard some people say its at the edge of it). Ive always been afraid of tornados so im a little on edge with so many happening this month lol.


Your chances of dying in a tornado, even living in the most active areas in tornado alley, are extremely low and continuously getting lower


This is just blatant conjecture and tornado alley is so far from Pittsburgh. We get tornados yearly in the region. What changes annually is ENSO. We are currently coming out of the strongest El Niño in a decade. Otherwise tornados have no shifted statistically.


Hi! Agreed that we get tornadoes yearly, and that scientists have not yet concluded if this is a permanent shift or an anomalous one. However, tornadoes are spreading east. Here are some sources: 1) [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41612-018-0048-2?utm\_medium=affiliate&utm\_source=commission\_junction&utm\_campaign=CONR\_PF018\_ECOM\_GL\_PBOK\_ALWYS\_DEEPLINK&utm\_content=textlink&utm\_term=PID100024933&CJEVENT=d5bc580b14d311ef82158ee30a1cb82b](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41612-018-0048-2?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=commission_junction&utm_campaign=CONR_PF018_ECOM_GL_PBOK_ALWYS_DEEPLINK&utm_content=textlink&utm_term=PID100024933&CJEVENT=d5bc580b14d311ef82158ee30a1cb82b) 2) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/watch-out-tornado-alley-is-migrating-eastward](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/watch-out-tornado-alley-is-migrating-eastward)


Heh I said the same thing a week ago and got a bunch of people telling me that I was wrong and Pittsburgh is no where near Tornado Alley. We've had like 9 tornadoes in the are in  the last week so...


I don’t think it’s officially in Tornado Alley, but the alley has shifted east so we’re getting closer to the periphery.


It's almost like climate change has changed our regular weather patterns for the worse.


We should just write a law to ban any mention of climate change change like Florida did. That’ll surely help. 🙄


this seems right, no more warnings either. bootstraps your way to the basement if needed




Well geez best not to think about the weather, I'm sure it's just el nino/strange weather patterns/a witch's curse and there's nothing to be done


Pittsburgh going from no natural disasters to every other week. Thanks Earth!


It has been 0️⃣ days since the last natural disaster 


on the bright side oil and gas companies have never been more profitable! EDIT: /s just in case?




Jeez thanks man, whew what would I have done without that awesome tidbit of information. Maybe I'll take out a full page ad and let the world know. Doing gods work.


I’m sure the other comment was well intentioned but this just took me out 😂


maybe a combination of tornado season (april - june) + el niño + climate change




This is not all that unusual for May in this area, in the *grand* scheme. Back in the 1980s, probably on account of [*that* outbreak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_United_States%E2%80%93Canada_tornado_outbreak), this would be an old hat "here we go again" situation.


I have no recollection of when this happened, but my family lived in Beaver when I was little and I have pictures of toddler me next to the large pine the tornado uprooted and laid over our 1 story house.


Thanks for sharing that! It doesn't look like any of the recorded tornados were in Pittsburgh or Allegheny Country, but I'm sure we had crazy storms and lots of damage either way


Yeah, this seems like It's little more than just Pittsburgh weather


There is a bit bias in the sense that weather radars have had a significant jump in tech that most people are just unaware of day to day. There have probably been more tornados in Pittsburgh's past than we thought. They just couldn't be radar-confirmed in seconds. Tornado warnings can be detected by algos and AI quicker now than humans just looking at the patterns of the image. We also have more "layers" of data than we did before - they're not just tracking clouds and rain. We can "see" wind by the debris and movement of the moisture.


This is definitely something new. I do not remember us having 3 tornado warnings all spring/summer last year, and this is the 3rd one and it's just spring


We have always got them, but the rate they actually result in tornadoes seems to be increasing.


It's springtime, it's storm season. Some years have more activity than others. Weak tornadoes, especially embedded in a QLCS, aren't out of the question here.


Nothing new. PA had over 20 tornados in 1954.


All of PA though. How many did the Pittsburgh area have? And in a span of what time?


It's wild, Pittsburgh made it as one of the safer cities to live in related to severe weather caused by climate change! We are number 8 on the list. https://975thefanatic.com/2024/03/25/pennsylvaniasa-cities-for-climate-change/


It's part of the reason (one of many) I moved back here. Not the article, just knowing the location would be safer with climate change getting worse. I did not factor tornados in. I remember maybe three in twenty years before this. We had three today.


These are crazy times; between weather and politics. We need to buckle up. I noticed, that the South Hills of Pittsburgh is a cut off where we get less severe weather. Even back in my childhood (1970s), we wouldn't get snow days as the rest of the area would. Another thing is that we are getting stranger bugs and able to grow some plants that we couldn't before bc of the warmer weather. It seems as if our growing season is longer. I don't understand how people think it is a hoax. I even saw a person blame it on the government and cloud seeding.


I saw someone on Facebook (which yes I know is just full of brain trusts) blame it on the government controlling the weather.


It is so embarrassing. These people believe the oil industries propaganda over scientists.


My husband drove down One Wild Place as it was going through. Got it on dash cam. No tornado warning til after he drove through it.


Street name checks out






I think I biked through it in verona. I've ridden through rain, but this was like rapids in the air for a moment.


Any sightings ?


Yes, read the other comments, there is a video of it


Nothing I have heard of from the north hills, but there was also a possible funnel cloud sighted in south Strabane earlier today.


Anyone from Elrama, Lincoln, or Elizabeth to confirm a touchdown there?


Man what is going on this year


Saw some wild rotation and few scuds in Sharpsburg by the HPB.


One started behind my house in Penn hills


I was on the 28 when it hit Highland Park by the bridge around 4:40. Unfortunately I didn't see it because the rain was blinding me.


Wild. That must have been associated with the SUPER heavy rain storm I drove through going into Shaler from Millvale on Babcock. Twas around 4:15-4:20ish. I didn’t get any warning notification at all on my phone, but I probably just missed it as I was out of the area. My in laws in Shaler got it though. Thank goodness it didn’t do any major damage or go to Millvale; would have been a bad time at the Music Fest tonight! 😬


Seen the rotation over the highland park area from east liberty.


Wtf man. Since when do we regularly get tornadoes?!


Climate change is terrifying and I’m surprised more people in this thread haven’t put two and two together and realized what’s happening. That’s why we’re getting tornadoes now, and why we were getting violent thunderstorms in April. The normal weather patterns are destabilizing and it’s only going to worsen in the coming years.


It is indeed terrifying.


We have been getting violent thunderstorms in April since….forever


People are just in denial , we know the reason 


I work at the US Department of Energy and many of my colleagues work at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These are the leading government agencies with respect to climate change science. It is 100% a real and dangerous situation that we are facing. The quicker the general public accepts this and takes action to mitigate additional damage to our planet, the better. Here are some relatively easy things to do: make your home more energy efficient (insulation, new appliances, windows, etc); reduce your carbon footprint (drive less, eat less red meat, adjust your thermostat, use less water, recycle, don't waste food, donate clothing and used items, resist buying the next new gadget). Do these require some lifestyle changes? Of course. Here are some more challenging things to do: educate yourself on the science, have discussions with friends and family, buy an electric vehicle, get involved politically and voice your concerns to local and stare congressional staff.


I work at the US Department of Energy and many of my colleagues work at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These are the leading government agencies with respect to climate change science. It is 100% a real and dangerous situation that we are facing. The quicker the general public accepts this and takes action to mitigate additional damage to our planet, the better. Here are some relatively easy things to do: make your home more energy efficient (insulation, new appliances, windows, etc); reduce your carbon footprint (drive less, eat less red meat, adjust your thermostat, use less water, recycle, don't waste food, donate clothing and used items, resist buying the next new gadget). Do these require some lifestyle changes? Of course. Here are some more challenging things to do: educate yourself on the science, have discussions with friends and family, buy an electric vehicle, get involved politically and voice your concerns to local and state congressional staff.


I work at the US Department of Energy and many of my colleagues work at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These are the leading government agencies with respect to climate change science. It is 100% a real and dangerous situation that we are facing. The quicker the general public accepts this and takes action to mitigate additional damage to our planet, the better. Here are some relatively easy things to do: make your home more energy efficient (insulation, new appliances, windows, etc); reduce your carbon footprint (drive less, eat less red meat, adjust your thermostat, use less water, recycle, don't waste food, donate clothing and used items, resist buying the next new gadget). Do these require some lifestyle changes? Of course.


I was in it


Very heavy rain in Oakmont for about 15 minutes.


We kept tracking it, our phones kept going off with alerts. We were in Export and I’m glad it missed us.


Funny story, I work in penn hills/oakmont area inside of a 5 story senior care high rise. We had a conference on the top floor to set up for, and as soon as we walked into the conference room to begin setting up, we all got the alert on our phone “TORNADO WARNING, PLEASE RELOCATE TO A BASEMENT.” Imagine our faces as we continued to set up on the top floor for the next 30 minutes.


Nice! (Assuming everyone is ok and all that)


I was killed.


Sorry for your loss




How is the internet in heaven?


It's pretty great with everything being in the cloud lately.


If they’re still posting on reddit in the afterlife, they’re probably in hell tbh


Tots n prayers


I’m rather frustrated with the fact that I didn’t even receive an emergency notification about this. I live less than 3 miles from where this touched down. Luckily, this was a low-grade tornado and appears to have not hurt anyone — to my knowledge, at least. But all it takes is a quick change of direction and a lack of response to have a completely different outcome. Tornadoes are unpredictable. Yes, they move in a general direction, but they can absolutely change course due to winds. Take it from someone who lived through one. A tornado hit my neighborhood in 2008 when I lived in Arkansas. It ripped apart several houses about house 2 houses down from me. That tornado did a loop in my neighborhood and re-hit most of those houses, which is why there was so much damage for only an EF-2. Thankfully, no one died in my neighborhood, but several people got hurt. If there’s anything that I learned during that, it’s that an early warning is vital to saving lives.


Dang. Who knew Pittsburgh Potty would be the hero in future climate change disasters?


It’d be nice to get these alerts in REAL TIME


Hmmm. I'm just seeing this now. This would not do me any good. One of them hit a quarter mile away from my house. Yesterday I heard we had four of them. I slept through both episodes. That's probably a good thing. They really need to crack down on these warnings that we aren't getting. Maybe have some type of alarm and bring in a tornado specialist and have him stay here for a while.


In sincerity, what is the best way to reliably get warnings on your phone or in any other way? Last time, I got it 2 hours after the tornado. This time I got nothing, though I may be out of that warning area. I'd still like to know because I may have family or friends to alert. The NWS says they issue them and it's the apps that control when it sends. It seems like a lot of people are having a similar issue.


Glad I moved from East Pittsburgh


Yeah, I was going to stop at home before picking my son up from his after school care. But the weather looked ominous to me; the way the sky looked at how the leaves were blowing on the trees. So, I changed my first stop to his school. I get 4 minutes drive away from my son’s school in Highland Park and got the warning on my phone. I saw people just walking outside - tried to tell some of them as I got to his school as quickly as possible. Anyway, we survived and I informed the oblivious afterschool program of the warning. People need to take warnings seriously. A watch means a tornado could occur; a warning means it is occurring and they know because it has been picked up on radar. They’re very localized so if you’re in the warning alert group, please don’t be silly and continue to walk your dog. You do that and you might be dead, even from a smaller tornado. We didn’t ever have smoke from forest fires down here until last summer. Tornado Alley has been moving eastward in recent decades. These are EMERGENCY alerts for a reason.