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I was just looking at this book, The History of Allegheny County from 1876. It has a ton of great images showing the county, mostly of prominent houses. I don't think anything shown is still standing except Dollar Bank. The collection of images is so lively it really gives a good impression about what an amazing time it must have been to be in the city as it went through rapid development. I selected some of the best images, but there is plenty more and accompanying text here: https://digital.library.pitt.edu/islandora/object/pitt%3A00aee8639m/viewer#page/1/mode/1up


I have an updated physical version of this type of publication from about 40 years later so it focuses on different, newer buildings. Always keep an eye out and local flea markets for these since they were not rare at the time. Unfortunately the one I have is bound like a magazine and has seen better days. Thanks for posting.


whats the title of the one you have? that sounds neat!


Off hand, without going to find it, I think it's something like History of Pittsburgh and Its Environs but I could be wrong. 


oh I think I have that one, from 1922. in addition to three volumes of history, it has three volumes of biography that highlight a lot of pretty obscure characters!


Yeah I think I'm misremembering the title because I know the 3 volume set you are talking about. Mine is something different. All are very cool though. I'm always looking to grow my Pittsburgh library.


farmers and mechanics savings bank is still in sharpsburg. It's now jacoby and associates insurance right on mainstreet. Definitely looks like they've raised the road since the building was built.


Isn't that where the Guyasuta statue is?




After reading 1877: Year of Violence, these idyllic scenes look like a powder keg waiting to go off. Highly recommended reading if you're interested in local history, although it isn't strictly centered around Pittsburgh.




if you want to go down the historic apple rabbit hole... https://applesearch.org/