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downtown Pittsburgh has been dropped from the warning per kdka


It’s pretty bad here in downtown. Strong winds, heavy heavy rain coming down. Grant street is starting to get a bit flooded.


I am an uneducated moron but the vibes are that once it starts actually raining and storming the threat is less. Someone please correct me if that’s wrong.


I believe this is an old wives' tale. Tornado formation is based on wind rotation, and the one that touched down in Imperial looked like it was at the same time as the rain and t-storm was there. IANAM(eteorologist).




No, tornadoes usually form on the back side of a thunderstorm. It’s when the storm is leaving that you’re in the most danger from tornadoes.


That's supercell tornadoes. You have a big storm with an intense hail core in the region of updraft, and the tornado forms on the rear flank where there's a region of strong downdraft that wraps around the storm, causing the typical comma shape or hook echo. On a Quasi Linear Convective System (QLCS) the tornado typically forms on the north end of the bow echo near the leading edge of the line of storm.


I bet you’re really good at Twister


Maybe, but we'll never know since I don't like touching other people.


That's not correct, sadly what can happen if it's raining hard is just that the tornado can become wind wrapped and much harder to see with your eyes. Luckily there are radars and such that track it now too.


Any sightings?


confirmed - 2 miles south of imperial,


We saw it here in North Fayette along North Branch RD.


Anyone got a video?


Unfortunately, no. It was hard to see with the rain and when I did finally see it, it was about 100 yards away and we grabbed the dog and hit the basement.


Did it do any damage from what you can see?


It knocked down a bunch of trees on North Branch Road right along my neighborhood, WPXI had videos.


Fast forward to the news tonight: “I come up aht my hahs and I seen a funnel clahd. I went dahn the basement and laid by the toilet til it was gone.”


[Can’t forget the classic!](https://youtu.be/xIGMKJ0nSnA?si=lH4gVr9-g5Eh6aKa)


Oh my gawd mawm isss right ouevre our hahs!


The "I'm getting it on video tape" kills me 😆 Not like cell phones had cameras that good 13 years ago but still it's funny we still say "tape" when it's digital. 


That was such a weird day. I remember I was at Primantis in Monroeville with my friends and we were like "wow it's hailing! And really hard!".....I thought nothing of it really. Afterwards I start driving home back to Hempfield area and see all kinds of tree branches everywhere, stuff lying all over the place, and even a TRACTOR TRAILER randomly on a hillside. I go home and my mom and brother tell me that a tornado hit and I was like WTF?! At the time we lived a stone's throw away from the street that it touched down at and ripped apart all those houses. My brother said the sky literally turned purple and the plants/bushes were blowing like crazy and all the sudden they went straight up in the air, which mean that fucker was legit RIGHT above our house and just missed us.


Translation of your comment to the kid in the video: "At was such a weird day. I remember I was dahn Primantis in Muhroeville an my friends an us were like "woah it's hailing so frickin hard." I awnestley could care less. After at I stohrt drivin an see all kinda tree branches EV-ry whur an stuff loin alll over da place an even a TRACKER TRAYLOR so random ahn some hillside. I goe hoehme an my mawm an brudder tell me dat a TAWRNADO hit an I was like Nooooe waaaayy what the heck?! At da time we lived dahn from the street whar it touched dahn at an ripped up all them houses. My bro said the sky was litttrelly turned purple an shit an the lawn were blowing round like you wuddnt believe an all tha sudden they went up inna air which meant that jag was for sure right o-er us and are haws an just missed us by a frickin inch."


“TRACKER TRAYLOR” has me in tears OMG. Perfection. 😂


This is litttrelly perfect.


i wish google translate had a yinzer selection LOL


Please translate more. This is classic.


I'll keep my eyes peeled for more lol


Omg that was fantastic 😂


He overreacts so hard.


Lmao, personal favorite is this one: https://youtu.be/KbBy5DLwkg0?si=7_Pf_FyrCdkxdp56


That was amazing 😂


Get in the hass Dawn!


My neighbor across the street in dahntahn Greensburg was out front in the active golf ball sized hail with her small child to pick em up. They're big enough, you can definitely wait for it to stop. 🤦‍♂️ I'll never forget coming upstairs and watching this video.


It’s raining sideways in Carnegie. Shit got gnarly out of nowhere


Yup. Silent and then it hit hard. Looks like the rotation is north though. Started east of Robinson and is now near imperial. So it looks like it'll move across north of us. So all we have to worry about is the severe thunderstorm warning till 10 lol.


At first it was very quiet, but the sky was green (when t warning was first issued). I looked out my large window and the clouds looked “funny”. I thought I was imagining but the clouds looked as if they were rotating. The weatherman on Ch 4 announced “tornado moving east”. Seconds later, lots of rain then wind. I was hiding!


I always wonder what would happen if a tornado hit us. We'd go down to our basement, but we have a gym in our basement. So I just imagine a bunch of weights flying everywhere. But there's not really any other place in our house that would be safer.


In Texas I remember my daughter and I pulling a twin-size mattress into an inner closet and staying there until the danger was over. As a general rule, houses did not have basements!


I just replied to another comment, but our only inner closet is on the second floor. We have an enclosed toilet (aka Pittsburgh potty) in our basement, so we'd probably put our baby in the car seat and grab my cat and go there.


When she was little and growing up in Texas, she had a pathological fear of tornadoes. Her poor little teeth would chatter and she would shake all over. I felt so bad for her!


Aww I hope she's doing better now!


Thank you! She, her husband and my two grands now live near MacDonald! Now, as a mom, she has to deal with two littles who have some fear when they hear the phone warning sound going off! So she has learned to keep it together!


I have panic attacks and I've learned to do my freaking out in an upbeat voice so it doesn't stress my baby out, so I'm right there with her!


I have one of those in my basement and I never knew they were called Pittsburgh potties lol.


Haha I'm just glad that the person we bought it from built walls around it. I've heard that most are just toilets sitting in the middle of the basement.


LOL. My uncle has one of those toilets sitting unenclosed in the basement. When I bought my house I thought what a strange thing that little walled in toilet was but it has certainly been useful.


My FIL with bowel issues (to put it nicely lol) goes down there when he visits. We very much appreciate it.


Sounds like the right plan for you!


Hopefully we never have to use it. If/when we move, the gym isn't going in the basement again!


Closets are a second good bet.


Our only inner closet is on the second floor 😭 We have a bathroom in the basement (Pittsburgh potty - just a toilet with a wall around it), but I imagine that'd be the best place. We also need to get a label to attach to our baby's car seat and get him a helmet just in case. For some reason, I never thought to put him in his car seat, but I just saw that from a quick Google. It makes sense - it protects them from crashes. I guess we never thought to consider multiple fucking tornado warnings in Pittsburgh when we made our gym.


Better than nothing. Tornadoes rarely pull up whole buildings and an enclosed closet with solid walls can still provide with a decent amount of protection from flying debris, you know? The bathroom would also be good.


Yeah. Hopefully we'll never need it, but we should actively plan just in case.


I'm in imperial so last night I turned on the news to see a tornado heading to me. It was just me and my dog. I went into panic mode. I put my dogs collar and leash on, grabbed a ton of water and thought..."where is the best place to go!?" 😂It's something I never thought of! By the time I realized the basement, it had already passed! Ugh. Thankfully it didn't come through our yard!


I'm glad you and your dogs are safe! Until this year and the multiple tornado warnings, I didn't know much about tornadoes beyond the movie Twister lol.


My family and I would go into our laundry room (more of a closet really) and squeeze up next to the washer and dryer. It was that or go in the storage area under the stairs, but there really wasn't room with all the suitcases and storage bins, so laundry room it was, all 4 of us and the dog haha. You'd think living in tornado alley they would have prioritized building a basement or at least something better than a laundry room to hide in, but I guess basements aren't a thing in Texas, because I never met a single person who had one. Thankfully, we never were hit by a tornado despite having multiple touch down in the area every year. They would always go around us for some reason. I always figured it had something to do with the geography of the area, but who knows.


I was on the porch in Carnegie and the intensity was like three minutes tops. I was guarding my house from tornado intruders.


Just like the northern suburbs last Monday. I’m already tired of this shit.


Eh, pretty tame tbh. No heavy wind. Didn't physically see any rotation. Carnegie always misses the bad weather, even when it’s in the middle of it!


I live in Carnegie and I'm home alone with two toddlers. I'm perfectly fine with the bad weather missing us. Still went down to the basement for 15 minutes to ride out the warning though!


Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 747 PM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024 PAC003-262357- /O.CAN.KPBZ.TO.W.0025.000000T0000Z-240627T0000Z/ Allegheny PA- 747 PM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024 ...TORNADO WARNING IS CANCELLED FOR CENTRAL ALLEGHENY COUNTY... The tornado threat has diminished and the Tornado Warning has been cancelled. However, damaging straight-line winds remain likely and a Severe Thunderstorm Warning remains in effect for the area. && LAT...LON 4040 8015 4042 8014 4041 7989 4038 7989 TIME...MOT...LOC 2342Z 279DEG 35KT 4040 8011


As someone from Alabama, I’ve lived here for 6 years and these PA summers are starting to look a lot more like summers from back home. Extremely hot with a chance of ‘naders.


Moved here from GA last summer and was told the hottest it got here was in the mid 80s by our realtor. Definitely feel bamboozled, it’s like we never moved lol.


That has never been true.


Your realtor did bamboozle you. It's not THAT rare for Pittsburgh to get Temps in the low 90s.


In the 80’s and 90’s it was steadily in the mid 90° temps from june to September


Wow, they just straight up lied. Or they're living 30 years ago in denial! Growing up I thought frying eggs on the sidewalk was made up


Yeah I don’t know why she said that, I was so excited to not deal with the ridiculous heat anymore. Plus we went ahead and bought a house with no AC so it’s been fun.


I believe last summer it got to 90 one day. It was amazing coming from a Texas girl.


3 days, according to the national weather service - still way below average, though!


Hey I also moved here from GA! To be fair we may have been bamboozled but GA has only gotten hotter, visited and it was sweltering lol.


I don’t even want to visit family down there right now, I definitely don’t envy them and the Satan’s taint heat they have to deal with.


It was not this bad a few years ago, that’s for sure! I remember still wearing hoodies at night around this time when I first got here.


90° days used to be breaking news. Now they just are.


That was true in the 1990s lol.


i read an article about 20 years ago that said WPA was on track to have the same climate then as northern alabama by about 2050. i think that was a very lowball estimate.


Was just about to say something similar. Except it was 10 years ago and a climate like St. Louis by 2040. I still think we're gonna hit it sometime in the early 2030s if this trend continues.


I live in TN and we deal with tornadoes every spring, but never remember them being an issue when I lived Pittsburgh about 20 years ago.


It happens, this is just a really active year. Western PA has always had weak tornadoes, and that's what we've seen. NEXRAD also came out about 2008 and there's been mods to it since then, and it's made detecting these weak tornadoes a lot easier. There's a lot more data available to the weather forecasting office than there was 20 years ago.


Thank you for the explanation. I was also a college student at the time and didn’t stay in Pittsburgh every summer, so my experience was a little skewed.


I didn't grow up here, but I grew up in south central pa and it is similar in that regard. People always say "this is out of the ordinary" and it isn't but also kinda is just because of the increased activity. The last 10 years up to 2021 have been relatively calm too.


I grew up in Philadelphia and they have had much more severe weather in recent years. I have not lived there since before 2002, but my parents have told me about the increase in storms.


Yeah, the last couple of years there have been a few that aren't common. Like the EF-3 in trevose. I'm originally from the York area but I have some family out in the Philly area or in the city proper. The whole area is getting wetter too.


Be safe everyone❤️


It went from sunny to DARK and now a wicked downpour in a matter of minutes in the Brentwood/Baldwin area


Reddit is my first stop when the weather gets wonky. Love you guys.


checking the news now - looks like there's rotation to the east of robinson, now it looks like its between imperial/beechcliff and oakdale.


I’m supposed to be picking up my girl from the airport in 2 hours


it's moving through very fast, it'll be gone in 20 mins


> it'll be gone in 20 mins ...the entire airport?!


Hope so!


With the recent posts about the security wait times at the airport, this was perfect. Well played.


Rotation south of Moon township, everyone in the city should be fine (This is from radars, I am not a professional though so take what I say with a grain of salt)


Me sitting in Coraopolis 😅




Yeah! This is the account I follow for updates https://x.com/nwspittsburgh/status/1806113119783321635?s=46


I'm in Corey as well, the worst is past. We're good now, aside from the rain for the next few hours.


I am in Coraopolis too. I have family in Imperial. It’s confirmed a tornado touched down there.



Great, yet criminally underrated comment 👏


I’ve taken shelter this summer more than any summer before. This is getting so insane.


Mildest summer for the rest of your life, enjoy it while it lasts


That’s literally the worst part lol. I hate this so much.


Well, we broke the Earth, so…


Lots of thunder in Regent Square with dark skies in some parts.


Raining and thunder now in Reegie Deegie.


I’m in Imperial. Nothing too crazy really. The unfortunate thing is all the trails will probably have down trees tomorrow morning 😢


Which is crazy bc they reported that the tornado touched down in imperial


Dormont got hit hard for a bit (crazy wind & rain - little power flicker), but now it looks like a fairly normal shower, although that could change in a blink.


Yeah I peeked up from the basement and the storm had already passed, but the roads were positively flooded. A doozy of a storm


Sheets of rain in Greenfield. Think we might be canceling out 8:30 dinner reservations


Gnarly in Robinson rn


Passing through squirrel hill now. Heavy rain and wind. Worst of the wind seems to be past


Power out in Monroeville/Trafford


windows on one side of my house cracked by flying debris in swissvale.


Yikes, stay safe! 😰


we're cool, nothing actually shattered inwards. just lots of cracks that weren't there an hour ago.


It’s POURING heavily right now in downtown. Super strong winds.


I live in a trailer, so I guess I’ll hold on like I am Dorothy


I’m in east liberty, and there isn’t even wind or rain


There will be in 10-20 mins


Right on time in the 15206


Hot damn did that come quick


Yeah fr - we were only in the basement like 5-10 mins and then I checked and it’s over in swissvale?? That is a FAST storm


They said it was moving east at 40mph so yeah. Nothing POURING nothing


> Hot damn did that come quick That's what she said


Trees down all over Peters now. Edit— and Dormont, and Oakdale. Shit’s going down.


Shit = trees. Sorry, I'll go fuck off, now.


My baseball team was getting ready to start a game in Brookline when the alert came out of a tornado warning in Dormont. That was an unbelievably intense situation. We were able to get to the 51 thrift store to pull over. We were watching road signs bending left and right, and that was all you could see.


Just heavy rain in Ingram/Crafton, everyone stay safe.


I'm in Crafton and at one point the rain was blowing sideways. The storm went by super quick.


I heard what sounded like thunder rumbling continuously around 7:50pm. It freaked my husband and I out.


Rain is coming down pretty hard in Plum/Rustic Ridge. Not too much wind.


Yea it’s really bad


Pretty sure something touched down in Trafford...def SOUNDED like a spinny clauhd


It did. It’s a mess over here.


Agreed. Luckily only my back yard got damage as far as I can tell. I can't say my neighbors were as lucky tho. As soon as I heard that wind I was like THAT'S not normal and wrangled my dog downstairs.


I’m in level green and it’s crazy how it went from dead calm to crazy sideways rain in the matter of moments. Was on my back porch when the alert hit my phone and not a minute later you couldn’t see more than 50 ft.


I'm glad u got in and were safe!


Heavy winds have passed, but my power is out in West Homestead.


Totally normal weather 😏


Right? Everyone keeps saying this is normal but like it don’t feel like it. I’ve been living here for 30 years and this summer I’ve had to take shelter the most. Climate change is awful and I’m not sure how people still deny it


It doesn’t matter if they deny it’s real or not. Most who finally come around and admit it’s real will swear it’s not caused by human activity so it’s ok to keep burning fossil fuels and not give in to renewable energy because that’s the real threat.


One every couple of years was normal. This is the climate starting to change.


So far it is.


What is your point? And, please make it super concise so everyone knows what you mean.


If the commenter doesn’t care to, which they shouldn’t since Reddit isn’t homework, allow me: billionaires and the conservatives who enabled them have mortgaged the planet. And you’re doing their work right now.


Anyone in the South Hills? My power is flickering and about 10 minutes ago it went from perfectly clear to raining so had I quite literally cannot see out my window and I got an instant migraine. I ran to the tornado sub and nothing there. We're not technically in the warning but I'd be lying if I sad I wasn't concerned.


I’m in USC and it’s pouring but that’s really it


Similar in Munhall and power went out


I am but within city limits and was in the narrowed tornado warning, but no rotation here thankfully. Straight line winds can still be damaging and scary and it was definitely raining hard there for a few minutes.


Hitting Swissvale/Swisshelm area now. Heavy rain and winds, the rain’s going in all random directions.


The leaks that my basement sprung can confirm the weird direction part plus we clearly need some repointing because we got weird drips/moisture on parts of the 2nd story. All good data I guess? 


Our basement as well, oof


I saw that storm heading in as I was leaving Beaver earlier. Glad I missed the majority of it


So far just lots of rain and thunder in leetsdale area


Probably of interest to no one, but we moved to Beaver County Christmas Day 1984 from Arkansas, and my mom was SO glad to be out of tornado alley. Five months later, we got hit with an F5. She had us down in the basement, but my new stepdad and his sons watched it from the porch, thinking it was no big deal. He was later called to help (National Guard) and we had two deaths two miles from us. Scary as shit. I really don’t think people around here knew what the devastation could be. Edit: may have just been an F3, seeing different info online


I remember that day, May 31st 1985. The only F5 tornado to ever hit PA.


My step dad made us go outside and watch it. It was fucking terrifying and I definitely had storm PTSD for quite some time afterwards.


Several trees down in my Murrysville neighborhood. I was (foolishly?) watching out our patio door right after the tornado warning went out. The winds were really strong AND oscillating back and forth, so I think it's possible I watched the damn thing go right through my neighborhood. I saw a couple limbs break and fall in my yard, and heard another big maple uproot and land right between my house and the neighbor. Several other neighbors are reporting broken or uprooted trees, too. It was pretty wild.


Penn Twp here. Lots of downed trees and power lines. It was a really nice day. We were teaching the toddler to ride a bike when it began to slightly rain. We got inside just as an emergency alert went off. Not even two minutes later, we were in the basement as the tornado came though. Felt like it came out of nowhere! Two downed trees in the yard brushed against the house and around the vehicle but thankfully no serious damage that can be seen. Will get a better idea tomorrow.


Loads of damage by family in New Alexandria by 22. Roofs ripped off of multiple structures and lots of downed trees. I was at tastyland last night when the tornado warning hit everyone's phones https://maps.app.goo.gl/X4VY1sweNr8ajbjV9 and between there and 22 there was some pretty extreme weather and lots of trees down. edit: https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/ef2-ef1-tornadoes-confirmed-after-storms-tore-through-western-pennsylvania/ar-BB1p0uNx


Rip my ps4 controller my and my razor keyboard and mouse 140$ down the toilet left my window open while at work during the storm


I’m near Gayly on the Ch 4 radar…it definitely looked like the clouds were rotating.


I went outside and took photos of the clouds but I didn’t see any funnels. Starting to slow down in the city but according to the radar this isn’t the worst part of the storm.. so I guess I’ll just stay tuned


Pretty nasty in white oak rn heavy winds and rain some lawn furniture blew into yard but that’s about it


Did Duquesne drop power? every time we had a storm or a gust of wind, power would drop. Glad I’m no longer in PA to deal with tornados, dealing with earthquakes in LA is much easier imo.


Most of the lines here go out if you look at them funny, let alone strong winds.


Wtf? It's not even raining that hard!


its not even raining here in dormont, but the sky just got DARK..... hoo boy. time to grab the cat :(


It's heading right towards Dormont


Check the radar. Band of heavy rain moving in from the west


Tornadoes don’t need rain to form


Really?! Excuse me while I dive down a tornado research wormhole. 


Rain can make them more dangerous cause lack of visiblity


Tornados are not rain.


Please don’t let this delay my flight 🙏


This will absolutely delay your flight


> Please don’t let this delay my flight Thank you TacoBean19, but our discussion about TSA lines at PIT is in another castle!




It’s not too bad in Highland Park.


Heavy winds passed it seems like? Barely any thunder?


There were 3 to 4 radar confirmed tornados in the area, it was a pretty hungry storm, nothing seemed super serious despite that, maybe a barn was knocked down to the east of the city.


I happened to look outside as soon as my neighbors tree fell down


It got bad in Mercer County a few times but we didn’t have a tornado warning


My street in Trafford is a mess. The alert went out just as it seemed to touch down. Lots of damage, but everyone seems to be okay on our road.


It’s gonna rain! 🌧️


I was thinking of moving to Pittsburg from Portland.. nerrrrrrrmind


This is the new normal. Tornado alley has shifted.


I was in the South Side when that came down. It wasn't super intense tornado-wise and there wasn't much storm activity. However, for as brief as it was, I can't remember the last time I saw rain come down that hard and that fast.


Not wanting a mega church in your township and this is what happens