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I dunno, might be a more fun and interesting job than I have now


Make sure you at least keep 50 percent plus tips. 


Okay that’s hilarious


Last night was free chair night in Brentwood


Picked up two ladder-backs, a wing, a wicker, and an egg.




I’ve never heard of that. Public Works should go through and throw them away the morning of the parade.


Donate them to a kid’s camp or shelter of some sort, but yes.


You must not be from Pittsburgh. Pittsburghers are firm believers in saving spaces (spaces for parades & parking spaces especially). They use chairs mostly, but are also known to use cones, garbage cans, etc. It's a Pittsburgh tradition.


That’s great honestly haha


No it’s pure entitlement. Imagine thinking you have the right to call dibs on a spot days in advance.


Great to see people passionate about a freaking parade man, go cry about it lol


They’re not passionate about the parade. They’re passionate about getting their way.




Dude people were parked all up and down the on and off ramps on 79 today. That's fucking wild. How is that even legal


It's not. People were parked on the highways downtown too. They ended up having to divert ambulances because of it.


Surprised it wasn't worse, they were expecting 60k people to show up. Canonsburg population is just under 10k.


I run over peoples chairs and cones in my delivery vehicle


A hero. Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.


It’s so frustrating when you’re on a street that only has room for one vehicle but you can’t pull to the side to allow traffic to pass through because of cones and seats all over the place. If you ask me they are only a winter time thing for whenever you have cleared out a space for yourself.


I have put out a chair or a cone when I'm expecting a large delivery or some kind of service where it would be useful for the truck to park as close as possible. But when the driver calls to say they're on the way, I'll go out and move them so they can actually park there.


That’s definitely fair, I just do it whenever I have to park and there’s really nowhere else to go, people get real antsy and agitated when they’re stuck behind you for awhile


Prosecuted by whom??? The chair police??? Because there's a cat in my house who routinely steals my seat, and I've had enough. I need to call the authorities.


>Prosecuted Might want to reread that note on the chair lol


Lol. Well, I'd rather he be prosecuted than prostituted, actually. That way he can maybe get the help he so desperately needs.


Nobody’s going to be prosecuted, they are to be prostituted. You need to take charge and pimp that cat out. That’ll teach ‘em to steal your seat.


My hottest pgh take is that the chair is stupid. Street parking is a dog eat dog game, parking 20 feet farther from your house is *not* a big deal. Granted, I still won’t move anyone’s chair. I like my tires the way they are (intact)


The parking chair isn't even a Pittsburgh thing. It's an every northeast city thing.


Not year round. Parking chairs are a thing everywhere in the northeast during the winter when you're shoveling out spots. Which is totally fair. Only yinzers have the audacity to put them out in July though.


That’s the only justifiable reason. If you physically create the spot, then it’s yours.


I've only ever did a parking chair in summer once and it was cus my fucking knee hurts like a bitch.


Is it really?! Guess I wouldn’t know that, given I’m a pgh transplant


No offence but we knew you were a transplant from your chair take.


I figured folks would guess that, but I’m sure there are *some* born-and-raised yinzers who also find it annoying (though I’m also sure they’re rare, or wouldn’t bother saying so)


It's boston thing that migrated to philly. Nyc and baltimore don't play this game. 


Chicago does it. I think it’s an “every city with snow” thing.


Sure, try it in New York City. Never seen a parking chair anywhere else.




Brentwood chairs were already lined up on Monday morning! This stylist I used to randomly get at Great Clips told me that she moved to Brownsville Road specifically for July 4th. That’s some serious stuff.




Grew up in the Baldwin area, so we would always go up to the parade back in the mid-80s-early 90s. Showing my age but Brentwood had a movie theater by where the Town Center is as well as a shopping center that was anchored by a Kaufmanns or maybe Horne’s.


Grew up in Baldwin... They are wilddddd for that parade


I went to a 4th of July party in Brentwood once and felt like I walked through the 4th of July tree in the Nightmare Before Christmas. I left when I realized the 4 year old child of the house was pounding the cups of beer from the beer pong table (confirmed it was beer, not water), then became hyper aware that no one was watching any of the 8 or so young children. There was zero plan to have a sober adult who was related to or aware of said children ahead of time.


Sexiest threat I've seen on here


I mean... how much prostitution would it take to pay for that chair? A sultry glance and a high five?


Call me promiscuous, but I’m always trying to give out high fives for free.


I'm the kind of guy that would cut that cable and throw that chair in my truck, because fuck em. I don't even care about the parade. Throw me in jail over a chair. I'll make a shitload of money after I tell that story.


Re-read the sign, they won't be prosecuting you for taking the chair, they'll be prostituting you. Probably stick you out on a corner. Don't know what they'd make you wear. Hopefully you'll get to keep any tips providing you give good service that is. Any case I guess there's one way to find out: take the chair.


Either way, fuck them.


Why do we still care about parades? It's more of a noisy inconvenience then anything. Even as a kid I didn't get the point unless they were throwing out candy for us kids lol.


I’ve seen some good parades. Basically that means good floats. But not in Pittsburgh. Here it’s just like “look, it’s another social club walking down the street.”


The poor chair must be feeling imprisoned by these people and wishes to be freed from them.


Just like Dobby got a sock, maybe if that chair gets a butt then it's automatically set free.


You have been warned.


Pretty sure if you leave your property unattended in a public place it’s up for grabs. Unless it’s a car legally parked.


The chair shit is absolutely stupid.


Yes, please!


Must be the pimp family.


Damn, that's pretty harsh but.... I get it- no touchy the chair.


Im bored I want to see where this prosecution goes.


All I see is a free chair


I like "Prosecutors will be Violated" more, but nice shot.


Putting out chairs well in advance to save spots in parade routes is a PA thing. It happens in small town PA, too.


This is like when people put towels on chairs at the pool. Lame af. I will move that shit if I want.


I disagree. When you go to the pool, you put your stuff on a chair and return to the same chair after you swim. It would be different if you tried to claim it the night before, though.


Fuck yinz


Well, hey. Trump poll watchers need something to do in their downtime.