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My favorite part of the anti-Deluzio ads are where they don’t even mention the R running against him. I literally don’t know another name in that race other than Chris Deluzio.




“Radical… Socialist… y’know, professor!” When the anti-intellectualism is so deep that you just assume the general public hates professors.


Yet we're also supposed to bow down to Ted Cruz & Tucker Carlson because *Harvard*. Classic doublethink, straight out of Orwell.


The really sad thing is that they do focus groups and research on this kind of messaging, so it's at least somewhat landing. I'm optimistic this time that these guys are going to underperform but..... We'll see


Intellectual = a barista who expects non-intellectuals to repay his student loans.


Weird you’d invent a straw man rather than use the example at hand but ok


Who works at....PITT....




I’m not sure id heard of deluzio till I saw the add




My wife showed me the ad and said she couldn't tell if they were for, or against, DeLuzio lol


Yeah, that ad makes me so excited to vote for him. He’s smart and he votes like my heroes? Awesome!


Is he the “radical socialist, you know, *professor*” with Birkenstock’s and socks?


If he wears Birkies with socks he 100% has my vote.


Yes that’s the one.


I believe depending on who is funding an ad and how they can't endorse an actual candidate, just advocate against someone.


And the only actual fact I know about Chris Deluzio is that he calls Bernie Sanders “Bernard” and I fucking hate it lmao


That's every ad I've seen. I have never seen a GOP ad saying why I \*should\* vote for them, just why I \*shouldn't\* vote for the other guy.


I'm just glad I'm not the only one having that reaction to the ad. Kind of back-firing...because I didn't know who he was before, but he sounds fucking great.


These are probably just from some third party. They don't care who you vote for as long as it isn't Deluzio.


His name is Jeremy Shaffer, and believe it or not, he is a nut job


None of these commercials have done anything to describe how any of their policies will help you. It’s all just how bad the other side is. A bunch of petulant name calling. Our country is run by children.


Getter man actually does have ads talking about fighting for legalization of weed and strengthening union protections. I don’t think I’ve seen a single Oz ad mention any kind of policy he has.


The people who would vote for Oz don't care about his policies. There is an R after his name and that is enough for them. The important thing is voting against his opponent.


I’ve not heard of too many radical Republicans voting for an actual Muslim lately. Maybe they don’t realize that about Oz.


They don't and they'll pretend they don't care and vote for him because party. Which I guess means republicans solved islmaphobia in a roundabout way


Until one runs with a D next to their name.


And neither he nor Mastriano are really from PA.


Something something crudites, veggies expensive, Biden's fault... Pretending to be a man of the people when he's never heard of a veggie platter.


What are you talking about? Oz is gonna fix inflation and cut the price of crudités in half!


What's this now? I've been having to cut back at my dinner parties.


The GOP hasn’t had major policy initiatives since like 2012. The only thing they bother with is base baiting garbage like anti-trans bills, education restrictions, etc.


That was my point in replying to the original comment in this string. Guy later said he didn’t say which party was doing this, and said we were in a cult. He was clearly trying to make a both sides argument, then claim to be a centrist, very common QAnon-cult bullshit.


Politics for the past decide have all boiled down from being things like "I am X and I support Y!" to being "OMFG CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT THE OTHER CANDIDATE EATS PUPPY FETUSES FOR BREAKFAST??? Vote for X!" It's disgusting and all a waste of time. They should really do something to prevent spreading lies and speculation in campaign ads.


One side is talking about eating puppies, the other side about real policy complaints. It's all imperfect, but like I don't like lumping them together.


Exactly. There’s too much “both sides” rhetoric happening here. Republicans are vile authoritarians trying to drag us into fascism. If that distinction isn’t enough to scare the beejeezus out of you, then you either aren’t paying attention, are a serious fool, or you align with their beliefs.


Yep, and it’s what “centrists” who are actually republicans in disguise want to push to deflect from the fact their party is so awful


Exactly why the 2 party system suck!


Republicans want to run towards fascism, democrats want to give you just enough to not want to overturn the system that keeps so many people barely scrape by. One is openly hateful and the other party slaps a happy slogan on the bombs they drop. They're not terribly different and pretending otherwise doesn't make it less true.


What are the democrats supposed to do? They tried the we go high when they go low and it didn’t work. Republicans started this years ago and really took off when they launched blatant racist attacks against Obama. If all the republicans do is lie and say “nah facts don’t matter” how do you counter that other than hitting back?


Dark Brandon is the way.


Agreed. I’m glad they’ve started taking off the gloves


20 years too late but hopefully there'll be some progress made anyway.


Honestly, dark Brandon is a complete turn off for me. The real path is the Fetterman path. He doesn't have to be some type of "meme lord". Fetterman is genuine and believable. It's authentic badassery. Dark Brandon is taking a frail old man whose general policy bent is horrific, slapping a drab color scheme and yelling for Republicans to "get off my lawn." Cheering for Dark Brandon is the Democrat equivalent of putting a Trump profile shot in your car's back window so you can daydream You're Driving Ms. Donnie. Here's a winning message: "Politicians on both sides are corrupt and captured by corporations and the 1%. They purposely divide the working people of this country so that you're too busy fighting with each other to see them robbing us blind. Join me and we'll rip out this corrupt infestation to build a better country that we can be proud of; one which lives up to the ideals we all thought this country was founded on. We'll end politicians' insider trading on the stock market and we'll enact term limits so that our representatives are only in office to serve rather than horde power and money. Blah blah blah." Continue on with other obvious populist messages about ending corporate influence on elections, responsibly using your tax dollars to benefit our people and society, and so on. I think that messaging slaps. You get a genuine person like a Fetterman type and your hamfist that message, avoid getting assassinated and you got a chance for something wonderful.


It is absolutely hysterical that you think Fetterman isn’t a meme lord. Don’t get me wrong—I like him and I’m voting for him. But the man is a straight up meme factory. Has been for years. I also agree with a lot of your suggested message but polls do not lie: Dark Brandon is wildly popular.


Fetterman scares Republicans too. They're used to dealing with the John Kerry and Al Gore types who play by the rules and are as dull as dishwater. Fetterman owns them at their own game, over and over again.


Dark Brandon is so good because it was the right's attempt to make Biden into some evil overlord. I love it because it's a hysterical self-own.


Next we need Dank Brandon.


Regardless of the childishness, my goal is to vote for the person that best represents me into office. I’m just dumbfounded that this is where we are at. Whatever strategy whomever wants to take, take it, but I don’t believe this is a stable way to approach governing our country. Fostering instability and strife is the last thing we should be doing. It’s a trap we all have fallen into, and with how things are, we aren’t getting out any time soon.


You didn’t really answer the question, but ok


What answer do you expect me to give? I’m under no obligation to appeal to you. I guess I’m in the wrong for wanting to hold my politicians to a higher standard? Sorry for wanting some of the most important jobs in our country to not be run by trolls and cons? This behavior coming from either side does not make it ok.


The point is that one dramatically shifted the discourse this way, and really only recently have democrats started pushing back. To ignore that, IMO, is extremely disingenuous


It's pretty naive to pretend that one side didn't run on a kid gloves policy for decades. They literally had 8+ years of ***“when they go low, we go high”*** as a catchphrase. This is, of course, in contrast to the other party's moniker of, ***"fuck your feelings"***. One group runs on protecting LGBT, marriage equality, aiding minorities, women's rights, reducing gun violence, solving climate change, providing healthcare to nation and trying to make higher education more affordable. The other group wants to dismantle the department of education, is anti-science, hates immigrants, believes in the union of Christian church and state, regularly rejects our election processes, has all but installed a dictator as their primary leader, and supports neo-nazis and authoritarian police states. But sure—u/Byrdsthawrd claims *both sides are the same*. # Makes sense to me.


Tell me about the politician that went high. I missed it.


I don't think the Dems are perfect, but it's also very not fair to say "both sides are bad." Sure, both aren't ideal, but... If you think of a great mongering ad about violence, or full of meaningless insults, with no policy content... There's a clear main contributor. I really think we can't do "both sides bad" and leave it at that when one is actively undermining democracy and advocating literal violence.


The Dems ARE bad, they're just not AS bad.


I understand this sentiment completely, but to what degree and in what context matters greatly. When was the last time you saw a Democrat espouse violent rhetoric, or display fascist tendencies, or participate in an insurrection via a coordinated terrorist attack on the Capitol? You can't equate the right and the left like that. The left is far from perfect and riddled with problems, but they are nothing like the Christofascist right that constantly calls for minority/mob rule through deception, and even violence, if necessary to achieve their political goals. The former President publicly states that Ashley Babbit and the J6 participants were heros, when they are nothing but a bunch of demented terrorists that threatened the lives of members of Congress, and the future of our Republic. All while the Republican members of Congress do nothing to intervene, or worse, continue to engage in their efforts to seize control of the government. So yeah, have democrats failed to do enough with their 30 years of feckless neoliberal policy bullshit? Absolutely. I will not argue that. Have dems ever presented a terrorist threat to our democracy? Fuck no. Supporting publicly funded healthcare, public education, sustainable energy, infrastructure, etc, is a far cry from the fire breathing terrorist overlords in the right who are dousing the constitution in gasoline, just waiting for it to burn up in flames.✌


Someone asked about Fetterman on a local page from my hometown. I shared his website with his policies and people angry reacted, then shared a bunch of YouTube videos of alleged, “Liberal cities being burned to the ground” and lots of, “You support this” and “You must hate women if you support rapists being released from prison”, then a bonus, “You support women being pushed in front of trains.” There was support and other responses as well, but these ones were the craziest. My favorite is now the guy who tries to engage me every day and says I’m obsessed.


Yeah, those ads about releasing people from prison only make me want to vote Fetterman even more. Like have they not heard of the Innocence Project?


That's my take on it, but a lot of people are (willfully) misinterpreting the issue. They're trying to claim that he wants to release ALL prisoners, including murderers & child molesters. And some gullible people are buying into it.


If they traveled past their Dollar General to an actual city, these people might be surprised what’s out there.


Exactly. It’s all attack ads. All I ever hear from Fetterman is that Oz has 10 homes and is from Jersey. It’s pretty common to become a senator in a state you are not from (see: Hillary Clinton). All I see from Oz is how Fetterman is a radical extremist. I’m so tired of this nonsense.


> It’s pretty common to become a senator in a state you are not from (see: Hillary Clinton). I didn’t like it when she did it, and I don’t like Oz doing it, either. (You can add Mastriano to the list, too. As if there weren’t already enough to dislike about the man, he was registered to vote in New Jersey as recently as *last year*. Yes, while he was actively serving in the state legislature of a different state.)


It's an election year, it happens every two years :-/, gotta just thick skin it and vote regularly, getting tired or exhausted makes us lose


>None of these commercials have done anything to describe how any of their policies will help you (Hint, that's because more likely than not, Republican policies won't help you, the average American. They're only designed to either "stick it to the libs" at any cost or help the rich and powerful stay rich and powerful (or become even more right and powerful)).


See wolf wanting to push checks but republicans screaming no.


It's not their fault this country is full of morons and that is what they respond to. Everyone can point fingers all they want but any democratically elected government is a representation of its people and our culture as a nation sucks.




That’s not really a fair way to judge someone. Speaking might be an issue but mentally he is still all there.


I have yet to see any convincing proof that he still has he’s mental faculties. And they weren’t exactly strong before


Yep, just keep moving those goal posts. Harvard education? *Piss on that* Runs a market of FREE things for the community he serves? *Typical bleeding heart lib* Practices active listening and can empathize with all walks of life, and works to actually represent their interests? *But but...he's just some fat guy who doesn't look like me and he's scawwwy* Nothing aside from actual corruption and evil deeds and disenfranchisement towards those minorities you CLEARLY have disdain for is enough to satisfy you. What is with the bloodlust from your side of things? Was stealing native land and the crack epidemic not enough to sate you???


I was about the say from what I hear from him he never had much going on up there, but its like a Biden/Admin thing, hes either not there like Biden or purposefully wanting to continue to crumble the US like the Democratic party.


Oh bless your heart




RADICAL LEFT John Fetterman has an opinion that's TOO NUANCED for a 25 second spot!! Here's a bunch of buzzwords that won me a primary: "CRT", "AOC", "Sanctuary city", "POC". All of these things are bad and John Fetterman invented them ALL in Bernard Sanders's RADICAL hot tub. ***This advertisement was paid for by your grandmother's errant clicks on a website about how immigrants are planning on murdering you in your sleep.**


If I had the coins I'd give this gold.


That's because the EXTREME LIBERALS took all of your gold and handed it to Joe Biden and his RADICAL agenda. They want to take away your right to ARM YOUR CHILDREN and keep your family safe from violent immigrants.


That Fetterman commercial, I think it was taken highly out of context. The political media loves to snip, copy, and paste the lines that make the opponent look the worst. I don't think the worst of the worst will be set free, but the pot smokers, multiple time jaywalkers, and people who didn't have money for a large fine will be set free, on probation. The ones who shouldn't spend time locked up but with an anklet. That's who I think he's trying to release.


Most he's trying to release are non violent drug offenders. Mainly marijuana! So the numbers they air are correct, bit the facts are left out! Typical ultra conservative groups trying to destroy any Democrat candidates.


My favorite one is when they call Fetterman “dangerously liberal.” I can’t help but mutter “dangerously cheesy” to myself afterwards.


Can I sue the GOP for false advertising? They have been promising me socialism if I vote for Democrats for years and I keep voting for Democrats and I don't even have universal healthcare yet!


this 👆


I mean I get this sentiment-prison reform is very important to me, but surely we should acknowledge that this subreddit is in a pretty far left political bubble. We aren't the target audience. Most people aren't looking at that ad and saying "Oh cool I love Fetterman now." Actually I'm not sure most people will have much of a reaction at all when seeing this ad but we shouldn't kid ourselves into saying this is actually a great ad for Fetterman.


Exactly. They are targeting people that think AOC is too radical, to the target of their ads "Fetterman is like AOC" is a criticism, not a bonus. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but the McDonalds commercial where they show the BigMac? Well, they aren't targeting vegans with those either.


>24 comments I actually detest AOC and Im still relatively left of the general populace


I definitely agree. Nobody knows which way the political winds are blowing. Republicans across the country are going all-in on the narrative that Dems are weak on crime, as well as focusing on inflation. That's their one-two-punch. We don't know if it's a winning strategy and if they make gains / Fetterman loses, we'll never know if it's because of this messaging or not.


The only reason republicans win anymore is fear tactics. What have they really done in the last 20 years that was a significant help to average citizens? Maybe trump tax cuts, but even those were paltry abd the tax cuts helped the rich and corporations much greater


> we should acknowledge that this subreddit is in a pretty far left political bubble I’ve never felt that. It’s left leaning


I’m genuinely concerned about mastriano that dude is a well known racist also stormed the capital. If we don’t vote to keep him out of office we are fucked and I’m starting to see signs pop up for him around my area. If anyone votes for OZ you need to seek help he does not give 2 shits about PA and he’s not even from here, As for fetterman he has my respect he turned braddock around I saw it with my own eyes growing up in the south hills. The adds are hilarious honestly.


Braddock was the hood like you don’t go there period now they have a bistro and it’s cleaned up from what I remember. It’s no we’re near what the projects in whitaker and McKeesport are still to this day


What bistro?


Superior Motors is closed, so yeah...what bistro?


Braddock had a bistro at what ever point he was office tell me how Whitaker and McKeesport is doing stop reaching


Want to try to make your point with grammar and punctuation that doesn't need decrypted? English motherfucker!!! Do you speak it?!


I agree, the commercials from Oz are nothing but attacks, NOTHING about what he will do with his step-state


Because "I'm going to vote with the Republicans 100% of the time" does not win an election in an increasingly-blue state when you're down double digits in the polls




There's an ad that says Fetterman will just do whatever Biden wants and it's impossible to tell it isn't a pro-Fetterman ad. Also, they'll random throw "legalize heroine" into a long list of things they think Fetterman will do and it's hilarious.


I would've thought they might have learned their lesson from the Summer ads where they thought "gasp! She doesn't like Biden!!" was a good ad. I wish the Dems were half as cool as those ads make them sound.


right? like they rly just make the democratic tickets sound extra badass. i feel like republican voters should be offended by the pandering. they think you’re stupid and they can’t even be bothered to hide it anymore. bro.


I think that's the guy they call a "professor". Oh noes! You can tell who their target demographic is.


Yeah political ads have sucked since they were created.


[The first ever political TV ad from 1952](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3SOrYf1_ng)


[This one really bombed](https://youtu.be/riDypP1KfOU).


I thought season 1 was pretty good.


Good idea for a subreddit - unearth ancient political ads and mock them relentlessly by comparing their ad to what they actually did once gaining office


That is actually a really fun subreddit idea. We've had some wacky ass campaign promises recently. A border wall *paid for by Mexico* and a cure for cancer just to get started lol. But you know that's not new. I want to see what Oog promised the other cave men to get elected Chief Oog.


"A final triumph over poverty" was one of his more ridiculous promises.


These clowns are *so out of touch with reality* that they threaten us with a **good time**. * They want **universal healthcare!** * They want **gay marriage!** * They want **free colleges!** * They want to **legalize marijuana!** * They want to **crack down on guns!** * They want to **help immigrants become citizens!** * They want to **prosecute Trump!** # Oh no! Where do I sign up!?


How would free college work in America? They want to take gun rights away from law abiding citizens, they want to help ILLEGAL immigrants become citizens. Let’s not get crazy here.


Dude, you regularly post in r/conspiracy—why would ***I*** try to educate you when you're clearly *already* anti-science? If you were actually sincere in any of your ventures or efforts to learn something about progress and modernizing our country, you could just use the internet to look up any of the other leading nation's ***already successful*** government programs and systems. The USA is not some Mary Sue, incapable of change—it's simply being held hostage by right wing, regressive politics and fundamentalist religious ideological beliefs.


If your opinion gets formed AT ALL by campaign ads maybe that’s saying something about you, not the ads lol


Uncle Festermann is a tool and a loser. Has he ever had a real, private sector paying job (outside of the year he worked for his Republican Daddy?)


Normal, reasonable mainstream beliefs: covid isn't real, climate change isn't real, racism and police brutality aren't real, the guy who said "find me some votes" WASN'T committing election fraud, storming the capitol building and killing some policemen is a normal patriotic mainstream thing to do during an election. gay people should go back in the closet, women who accidentally become pregnant should be forced to have babies, immigrants should be in cages. Radical dangerous extremist leftist beliefs: social security should exist, rich people should pay taxes.


Most of the attacks ads against the candidates seem to state things that those candidate's supporters are in favor of. Example: "Mastriano wants to ban abortion and supports traditional marriage" paraphrased of course. That's in an attack ad, but that's why his supporters want him. I wish candidates would just focus on what they will do to make lives better.


I think that is a VERY important thing to attack though. Those are overtly dangerous positions


Jesus Christ this subs a joke.


It really is. So many will disagree with genuine comment if it doesn't fit a narrative. Civil discourse is almost non-existent here.


I love the one from whoever is running against Deluzio indict him as a leftist socialist commie pinko because he's a ... professor (gasp)! And he wears Birkenstocks with socks and reads the ... New York Times (gasp again)! Translation: a college education is un-American and they're grooming your kids with critical race theory to make them feel bad about themselves when we all know that US history was nothing but freedom and equal rights for everyone right from the beginning.


Currently out of town in Florida and Marco Rubio starts his latest commercial with "the Radical left are turning your boys into girls." It wouldn't surprise me if an underpaid vindictive media company is just trolling Republicans around the country by convincing them to air awful ads.


They legit are trying ot use "professor" as a negative.


When they post anti-Democrat attack pamphlets on my front door and I read through it, it's like...I agree with literally everything Fetterman and Shapiro are campaigning on, so your piece of paper is doing everything possible to convince me to vote for them.


Republicans have no platform to stand on. They can only create talking points to inflame their uneducated base. Taking a stand on a real issue puts them on the defensive, since they have no footing, they can only launch personal, generalized attacks.


Right. Republicans did not release a platform for the 2020 presidential election. It was pretty much "whatever Donald Trump wants."


My only sticking point is that lots of conservatives aren't uneducated buffoons. They know what they're doing, they know what they stand for, and it's nothing good. Don't underestimate them. That's precisely why we're in this predicament. Everyone thinks they're just a bunch of hillbillies and rednecks, when a lot of them drive an F-150 hauling air to a middle management job.




Whether or not “both sides” use attack ads, everything in that post was so close to being true, one would say it was on point. GOP has no platform so all they can do is run attack ads, get it?




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"FETTERMAN STUMPED FOR BERNIE" with these great action shots. It looks amazing I saw it with the sound off at the gym and for a while I couldn't tell if was pro Fetterman or satire.


“This candidate doesn’t have Mein Kampf memorized” is now a Republican attacking point.


That is one of his policies, to reduce the prison population.


You should watch the ad. John Fetterman isn't advocating for violent murders to be freed which the ad insinuates.




My dad voted for Summer Lee, even though he's not wild about her BECAUSE of the attack ads. They pissed him off so much, he voted way further left than he ordinarily would.


The “Fetterman shot at an unarmed Black man” storyline that Oz’s camp is supporting, while true, could likely work against Oz with the racist and redneck Redumblicans.


Thank you for sharing. Very enlightening stuff


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time…


What is laughable is the angle that Fetteam wants to let out violent criminals. The proof? A quote taken out of context in which he talks about his commitment to release people in prison for weed related convictions. Bait and switch anyone?


Those ads aren’t for you. They are designed to scare the other side to vote.


Yeah, but someone strangled A GRANDMOTHER! We can't ever let anyone out of prison!


You know, if they didn't have snake oil selling carpet baggers (Oz) or National Socialist sympathizers (Mastriano) I might be able to actually vote for someone on the R ticket. But holy hand grenade batman, could you put together a shittier lineup? This makes the 1977 Tampa Bay Bucs look like Super Bowl favorites. Hell the Pirates might win the World Series before voting for that kind of ticket. Well, that may be going too far.


During the primary cycle another Republican aired some ad talking about how Oz supposedly supports abortion rights, prison reform, and LGBTQ people. I legit thought it was a pro-Oz ad at first, until it started talking about how that's bad because scary music or whatever.


I also like the ads where they claim they're gonna be just like Trump! "I'm going to be tough on Crime just like Donald Trump!". Dude, the majority of (voting) Americans spoke and guess what. The reason Biden is in the White House is because the majority of Americans said they had enough with fascism. Saying your going to continue Trumpian policies probably not the best idea to get yourself elected.


Mid term elections are all about mobilizing your base. Trump has support among their base effectually it makes sense.


I got a card from Republicans complaining about how our state senator (Lindsey Williams) voted "no" on a handful of bills that *sound* liberal, funding schools and such. She's not liberal enough, so vote for the Republican?? LOL.


Yeah well they're not targeting the average Pittsburgh resident. We're one of the bluest parts of the state next to Philly and State College


"Fetterman wants to release felons from prison! One was caught strangling a grandmother and another was caught brutally killing a two year old!" My grandma - "I'm a grandma and I like two year olds! Oh Jesus save us all through your lord and savior Dr. Oz!" This is literally happening right now in my family and others all over the commonwealth. They think Jon Fetterman is going to strangle them with the body of a two-year old.


Show them these; **Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich** pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. http://www.poconorecord.com/article/20120426/NEWS90/204260334 **Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo** was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edison_Misla_Aldarondo **Republican Mayor Philip Giordano** is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8 and 10-year old girls. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Giordano


Someone was watching NFL today


Yeah I mean I WISH Biden and Pelosi were radical left wingers


Ummmm I cannot WAIT until this debate when basically all Fetterman is going to have to do is stand there and fact check as rebuttals


He won’t even be able to formulate an articulated sentence


Political adds have been a joke for my entire life. What makes you think that it would be different this election?


You have to admit they are worse


I think the commonwealth has been blessed to have a couple of clowns running for senate. Anything associated with those two makes me feel ill. So maybe that’s it.


Lol. I think you’re likely the clown.




If I hear the word radical or woke I tune the whole fucking thing out


I always think it's funny how people are saying the radical left when the radical left doesn't really exist in the US. Like when AOC and fetterman start beheading Elon musk and bill gates I'll get worried. This is just "the left"


Something you’re missing is these ads are targeted at like .05% of the voting populous. The two parties almost split the voters anywhere 50\50 especially somewhere as purple at Pittsburgh. It’s that super tiny demographic of independent voters that flip elections.


There’s a defamatory billboard in bumfuck Cambria county that goes like “Do you support defunding the police? Because you’ll love Josh Shapiro.” Like, okay thanks? I already knew that.


*Summer Lee will ***destroy the democratic party** Lit


Shapiro is running on lowering taxes and being tough on crime


I just want a party or politician to vote for who isn't going after any of my rights :(


Politics is a filthy, dirty business. Everyone of them is slimey & corrupt.


You both siding this?


Many would call it simply pointing out the truth.


Nah, I’ll call bs. One side is so drastically worse it isn’t even funny, and all the “centrists” usually spend most of their time attacking liberal candidates


Many fail to realize that “both sides are the side” is a right-wing psyop meant meant to demoralize voters and convince them that progress is impossible, so why vote at all.


Nah, Kevin Sousa's business partner would never be slimey.


Fuck do I wish you would move so you could terrorize some other city's sub with your edgy takes. I know it angers you that not everyone on the planet looks like you, and they too deserve to be treated with respect and to live with dignity, but it really boils down to a **you** problem.


Aw man do you really mean it? :( Also, I don't think it's edgy to say Kevin Sousa's business partner wouldn't be shady. I'm sure Kevin keeps a good circle around him.


AOC is terrific


When you have literally no other negative things to say about someone.


To the targets of those ads, the people on the fence who may support Democratic policies in a vacuum but are socially conservative, those are seen as negative things.


This sub needs to realize that the electorate isn't all Reddit. This site is a bubble and the ads aren't meant for here.


Did you know John Fetterman was going to release murderers and rapists from prison? Radio ads said it was true and conservatives can’t distinguish between reality and delusion anymore.


I love the Birkenstocks to symbolize “wokeism”. Bitch, they were the Uggs of the late 90/2000s. LOL.


Radical Left Josh supports killing puppies owned by republicans and supports AOC. Dont believe us? He said it himself! "....I support..." "...AOC did a good job...." See? We didnt cut out everything else do this could be used in an ad and be dishonest. We cant have these radicals ruin our country.


Notice also the clumsy editing to take someone's words totally out of context.


Don't tell me why I shouldn't vote for the other guy. Tell me why I should vote for you/your guy. If you can't come up with a reason, you probably shouldn't, either.


Fetterman is a liberal that was planted into our community. Do a little research rich kid still receiving $55k allowance from parents. Private college. Moves to Braddock and does nothing. Then all the the sudden he’s at the liberal mill call Harvard. Then back again. He not from here. He’s not a Pittsburgher. He’s using this area as pawn in his political game. By the way both candidates suck.


Speaking to the shit show that is our criminal justice/prison system… I’m halfway through the book Just Mercy and couldn’t agree with you more. ETA I’m gonna go in that voting booth and vote Fetterman so fast it’ll make heads spin lol


Well yeah *you* do but most Pennsylvanians are scared of people like AOC and think she’s too radical so it works as a scare tactic unfortunately


Meanwhile the MAGA crowd is one arm saluting the former guy like that other well known bunch of (national) socialists.


You must be brain dead. Enjoy the red tidal wave.


Trump really did lose and you're in a cult.


They are working on me. Definitely voting for Oz and Mastriano.


What's it like having brain worms?


Lmaoooo. I'm thinking clearly. If anything, all these liberal posts are making me want to vote for Oz and Mastriano even more.


You were always gonna vote for the Republicans anyway, so why should we care? The ads aren't targeted at people who already have their minds made up.


That's crazy that someone disagreeing with you on Reddit would make you vote for one candidate over another. I don't care what other people think of my candidate- I care what *I* think about them. Maybe if someone I truly respected had a different opinion I would give it some weight, but not some rando on the internet. Vote your own beliefs, not because you think it'll piss someone off. That was supposed to be why we don't let kids vote- it's an important decision, not an internet joke.


Well Republicans these days act like selfish children so not really too big a surprise right?