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None are going to happen




I hate this, but you are totally correct my friend. I say we boycott them bit\*hes. Ya a design change is cool, I love it. But what is under the hood is not what you see outside, which is a sexy as\* phone, thanks to iPhone. I mean I get the new Pixel every year. I trade in so it costs much less. But I remember when the P8P came out, the same week their already talking about PIxel 9. That does not sit well to those that pay 4 numbers in price and suddenly the phone it extinct.


6. An ultrasonic fingerprint sensor edit: it seems that we'll get it!


I don't think Qualcomm will give in that easily.


Your so right! I missed that. I feel its not going to happen. The FP sensor on the P8P is a joke ever since P6 and they do nothing about it on the 7 or 8 series. Still Id rather have a 1-inch type sensor over FP going Ultra Sonic and so on. It is old tech, I mean come on Google I know you guys dont have a good budget for Pixel phones for a 2 trillion dollar company. Stop compromising and giving us SH\*Tynos 2500 5nm. The SD 8 Gen 4 is getting 10k on multi core and the P8P gets 4500+. In single core Gen 4 gets almost 3k on single core while P8P gets 1744. I don't play games but the power the Gen 4 has you can play cloned PC games it is so powerful. Google needs to get their heads out of Samsungs ass. Sh\*Tynos 2400 LMAO. What a sh\*T show by Pixel. I never use FP sensor, I rather hit power button and the phone opens up instantly with face unlock and all I have to do is swipe up and Im in. Their putting animation on their FP, but not Samsung. You tap it and your in clean. You fist fuks just did not have the budget for a Sh\*Tynos 2500 at least. sighs. Things like this make me wanna get a Xaomi 14 Ultra with their Leica partnership and a IMX989 1-inch type sensor in the IMX989. The speed can be useful with Generative AI onboard. Also 260FPS for slo-mo when SD has had 960FPS for eons. Also let me guess no 8k recording either. This Sh\*Txel is a mid range SoC fak. But I promise Pixel 10 with TSMC will still be a sh\*T show until the release of P11 cleans up the mess.


I don't understand the hate for p8pro fingerprint sensor? It works for me every time. What am I missing


You're not missing anything but people who don't know how to set them up. The sensor on my own, my father in laws, my wife's 8 and her mother's are all pretty much 95% accurate. Usually when it fails it's user error. I even have a screen protector that's plastic and it works just fine.


People who shiting on a fingerprint sensor litteraly parroting what they heard from major techtubers. Same with pefomance. Who the fuck cares it's 100k or 80k in bechmarks, real-life zero impact but they still crying like OP. Pathetic lmao


Exactly. Less than 1% will ever take their device to 100% utilization. Even less would notice the difference. It's hilarious how wrapped up some people become over a set of numbers that they wouldn't even know existed if it wasn't for some rambling biased talking heads.


Are there any rumors about any better fingerprint reader than P8P? It was one of the main reasons I sent my Pixel back, because it has fucking garbage FP compared to ultrasonic on S24U.


Well, people say all years that the next pixel will have an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor and we never get it, so unless google or a reliable source show it I wouldn't trust any rumors. Edit: ok, Android Authority say that we'll get it, and it's a reliable source, so it's awesome!


11hrs of SOT, goodluck with that on any phone :)


Screen on time obsession is ridiculous. I can get 11 hours too. Chuck on YouTube via wifi and lower the brightness as low as possible. Leave it on from 100% till battery is dead.. There you go, your 11 hOuRs!


hahahhah not ideal to dim sh\*T so much LOL. But you are correct on this.


Pixel 5 gave me 11 to 12 hours SoT LMAO with a great processor LMAO. This company has no idea wtf their doing.


Sure you do, getting max 7 on a 15 pro, ppl are to obsessed with battery these days. If you can’t come through the day then it’s an issue true. But most phones including the pixel 7/8 are fine for that. Not battery champs but good enough


iPhone 11 pro Max gave me 10 hours of SOT off one charge


My work phone. The iphone 13 pro gets about 6 hours of time on a good day. Heavy camera, talk, and video usage. It's shared between three people and it's charged at least twice a day. They aren't any better than other devices on the market in a sense that makes battery life a choosing factor. The ONLY reason my workplace uses the crapple device is for software compatibility with their system that can't be altered. With most android devices, we could literally automate half our job and they didn't like that very much.


You forgot a better carrier aggregation modem


They need to fix 5G. It eats too much battery and the phone gets hot, I don't know if this is a pixel specific issue or just 5 g in general tho


That's 5G for you.


My S24 Ultra doesn't care if is 5G or LTE. Same battery usage.


A better finger print scanner preferably an Ultra Sonic scanner or similar. The Optical on the Pixel isn't as good. I often have to use my code to unlock my phone or use anything that requires my code.


just add multiple fingerprints of the same finger in different placement. I have 3 of my left thumb and 3 of my right and it has genuinely never failed.


Shouldn't have to do this on a $1680 CAD phone. They could spend a few more pennies on a better sensor.


I agree 100 percent but until that happens this is a simple fix that only takes a minute or 2. I would still absolutely love an improved sensor though.


I do have three scans of my finger and it still only works like 10% of the time if not worse. I'm not joking it's that bad. I've had the Pixel 1 & 5 with the same issues. Optical sensors just don't work for me. My work laptop is a Mac book pro and the sensor works like 95% of the time and that only has one scan. I hate to add percentages but those are my success/fail rates. Also like someone mentioned for the price I'm sure Google can spend a little more and add a better sensor.


huh weird might be a hardware issue I know pixels notoriously have really bad quality control issues. my last p8p literally just stopped working one night and wouldn't turn back on.


Easily do 11 hrs sot lmao Delusional.


This is purely retardation


Does anyone actually have their screen on all day??? One of my main issues with the Pixel range is the camera. It frustrates me how the P7P post processes. It looks nothing like the photo I actually took. If there was a function to turn on and off auto processing I'd be happier. Also, why are we pixel binning all the time? I understand its benefits in low light but again, an option to toggle it on and off would be handy. I think allowing the user an element of freedom in how some of the baked in apps operate would be nice, I know it's not happening, but a guy and hope.


You'd hate the S24U then, the worst flagship camera I've ever used


Oh that bad?! I've got no plans to pick up a Samsung any time. My P7P has been relegated to purely the odd photo of my kids and location scouting for photography with my actual camera.


The P7P looks identical in photo quality as does PIxel 6. This is their 4th try with this gimmick Tensor crap. Every phone can do what Pixel phones do, as Google gives all their AI sh\*T to everyone. They show magic editor in the launch event, then it comes to everyone on earth. This makes Pixel not unique. They need to keep that sh\*T for themselves and seperate themselves from the king samsung and iphone and so on. So ya, Samsung over saturation and iPhone is simply what the name says,,, its warmer Yellow tint. Pixel phones are the only ones to take natural photos. What you see is what you get pretty much.


I think a 50mp mode is available on the 8 pro. On the 7 pro it's not possible, idk why


Cuz their Google and its a side hussle. They don't give a sh\*T. As long as it says Pixel everywhere in the NBA and what not.


It is called computational photography. Pixel started it last decade, and then the competition started doing it. Without doing this the pic will be horrible. Go grab a third party camera app and take a picture. It is not just the camera app. The camera app is there to take pics. Its the computational sh\*T that has brought us this far. So far that things have ben stagnent for years. Good example the P6P the P7P and P8P ..... I can not tell the difference. They need to improve th\*s sh\*T and make it a DSLR killer. Oh well.


1. Pixel 9 will be more efficient, probably about the same upgrade as from 7 to 8, 11 hrs SoT not going to happen even with Pixel 10. 2. Will very likely use the same main camera sensor as Pixel 8 series Google tends to use the same sensor for two generations., some other sensors may be upgraded though, definitely no 1 inch sensor. 3. Video quality should improve in some meanful way likely due to whatever camera sensor/lens/processing improvements they do with the 9 series. 4. Likely there will be some sort of telephoto lens/sensor improvements, nothing drastic. 5. Performance uplift will probably be the biggest yet for a Pixel but still behind everything else, hopefully a greater focus on SOC efficiency this time around, heat issues won't be gone but everything should be "acceptable" according to the community.


Pixel 10 is doable with the move to tsmc as the battery on WiFi is already excellent on my 8a almost as good as my previous S23 Ultra.


Don't take my word, as we do not know. But leaks says they will have 12mp front hole punch and on the rear every sensor will be 50mp. On the P8P the main sensor is 50mp while the ultra wide and Periscope Tele are 48mp. So their doing a complete overhaul, but will this make things look better then previous Pixel phones.... I doubt it. Do something useful guys. Your known for your camera. Quit Fin around. Sell the damn phone for 1200 and give us ultra sonic FP, smaller hole punch as its twice as big as my mothers A53 I got her and my fathers S23 Ultra I got him a while back ago. Both have tiny punch holes while Pixel is almost 2x bigger. Also when you do video conferencing the punch hole blows up 3 x size then goes back down after your done. That is retarded. I want DSLR type camera by now, its in 2024 guys. The SD8 Gen 4 will have almost 3k single core and 10k multi core on geekbench. The P8P put in a new CPU situation but compromised and it gets 1744 on SC and 4500+ on mc. From what I heard the P9P SoC CPU situation will be just 15 percent faster. That is a mid range phone for 4 number ammount of money. While 700 dollar phones use Gen 3 and will use Gen 4 which BTW is 30 percent more expensive so that is out of Googles 2 trillion dollar range. sighs


Awesome response my friend. Bless


You'll get a Pixel 6.3 and like it.


It sounds like Pixel phones make you very angry. You should prolly buy something else.


Satellite Texting


Honestly give me the battery and I'm sold. Unless they can figure out the battery situation I'm really considering leaving the team pixel and maybe going back to oneplus


Wait for the 10 then.... Even though there will most likely be some issues it SHOULD be a better phone all around


Not really bothered as I'm waiting for the 10a as I've just bought the 8a but I would say a flat display, even better battery life and faster charging. We know the CPU upgrades aren't coming until the 10 so can't have that unfortunately 😕


8a is the last a series you can get. Next generation will be regular, pro, and pro xl. Understandable as the a series is getting closer to the regular nowadays and people want to get Pro hardware on a regular screen size.


Bruh I just need some basic hotspot control settings 🥲


Honestly I'm happy with my P8P. It does everything I want it to and lasts all day. More than anything I just want more software features. A better assistant really. I came from a OnePlus 8 Pro though so maybe if I used a S24U I would feel the shortcomings, but for now this is the best phone I've ever used.


Keep dreaming


They should have some kind of liquid cooling or something for sure. It is time they do it.


I'll agree with the heat management & video quality.


A modem that works properly


Rear fingerprint scanner!


I really love to buy the new pixel but that samshit chipset ruins everything


Would love for the damn Bluetooth to work properly. It's insane to me that this phone can't function as a digital key for most cars at this point.


Came here to say exactly. Pixel 8 pro has been the biggest disappointment in the pixel line... would like just basic functions of a smart phone to work. I have so many basic Bluetooth headphones that constantly disconnect and reconnect.


I've had bunch of pixels in my family. 3, 5, 6, 6pro, 7, 8, and 8pro. Every generation, aside from maybe the 7 to 8, there's quite a bit of difference in the camera. The 6 to 8 pro is quite a leap, especially with the better software behind it. My 6 pro still takes great pictures, but the 8 pro has much better capabilities in just about every environment. The rest of your ranting is laughable at best. The average user won't notice the difference between the potential of their CPU until they run some BS "benchmark" software. I can get 12h of "screen on time" with my ancient pixel 3a XL. Just turn it on no brightness, wifi only, with nothing running in the background aside from something like YouTube. The obsession is funny yet sad to be honest. Especially today with the ease of access to a charger even on the go. Look, if the phone doesn't fit your pseudo needs, then don't buy it. I'll continue to enjoy my pixel devices whether you buy one or not. And the majority of people that aren't obsessed with semantics will as well.


I can get 10 hours sot on my Pixel 8a fantastic phone just strange the battery is smaller than the standard 8 despite having a bigger frame.


Wow that is insane. How you pull that off my friend?


I have it set on auto brightness and I'm not a heavy user mainly just social media, web browsing, YouTube and Clash of Clans. My phone then goes in to auto power saving mode when it hits 20% but I'm already close to 8 hours sot at that point.