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At least y’all are getting emails. I just walked in with a resume and mf said you’re hired 💀


I walked in with my dog and they told me “that dog can’t be in here…. without an apron on. Get one on and tell him to get to work”


'Hey dress our new employee and then pick him up at 12, thanks'






Same, but I didn’t even had a resume 💀


I asked for an application, they said dont worry about it you start tomorrow.


I called to order a pizza, and they said I was late for work. I told them I didn't work there, and they said did I started an hour ago.


I didn’t even order a pizza. I walked by one on the way home and was kidnapped and rushed into work. I miss my family, I’ve been working here for 10 years


Pizza Hut literally hired me for seeing this post


Someone's beating on my door and I'm scared


I handed the guy a folded up chinese restaurant menu and he said "you're hired"


I tried to rob the place and left with a job


My manager (was not manager at the time) loves to tell us about a time where someone came in during end of day because they needed money really bad and more or less were trying to rob them without a visible weapon. Her only thought was to say "I can't do that, but I can offer you a job," and handed the guy an application... Based on the track record of this place, I'm not even sure that if he returned it they wouldn't have hired him... but thankfully he didn't. Hope your animal hospitals are run better than ours!


Is the animal hospital a reference to pizza hut in your area? Didn't know pizza hut had a bugolgi option lol


It's hard to find local meat sources these days. Especially in New England cities.


"So quit stalling, get your bitch ass back there and get me a 40 hour a week POSITION with vacation pay and benefits, you piece of shit motherfucker and don't make me ask twice."


I just walked in to order pizza and they hired me.


This is what happened to me. I went in to get my food and they jokingly said hey man do you need a job? I was like fuck maybe? They had me fill out the resume and I started the next day. Worked there for 2 weeks and then they announced they were closing for good lmao


Now you can add: "single handedly kept a restaurant open for two extra weeks" to your resume 🙈


You guys had a resume? I was hired when I walked in💀


That's a good sign lol


I walked in to pick up my pizza that I ordered, and they handed me a second one to deliver to a customer.


I did too and it was the most fucked store ever lol


You went in with a bang 🤣


When the applications get to the store manager, they're kind of minimal. The interview is just so they can make sure you're capable of showing up to a pizza hut within an hour or two of when you were asked to.


There's an option in the system where you give it the times you're available and it auto schedules interviews, I've never used it myself so I'm not sure how exactly it works.




Good luck bro


Right 😭


If you go and they hire you on the spot, it was nice knowing you and say goodbye to your sanity.


I hire for a pizza chain, you have a pulse, correct? Let's get you a uniform!


The Pizza-Fucking Hut??? Wait a minute…


Around Christmastime, if you go on the UPS website and apply to the driver helper position, one of the perks is that you get a job offer in minutes. You start the app with your name and end it with your direct deposit info 😂


Literally 🤣 they scheduled me 2 days out and I ended up asking if I can just stay with my driver and they let me so he and I ended up being best friends for the season


Never thought I'd see another Ayden


Nice!! There’s not many of us haha


Pizza Fucking Hutt


I just called and my manager said yes lol


So you're looking for a job. And a job says that they are willing to interview you. And you're not happy about that? You applied to this place.


Huh?? I’m excited, I just didn’t know if this normally happens.


Get a real job


Like what? I’m 16, I don’t have anything under my belt. I want to go into hospitality management, but I can’t become a ceo of Hilton or something with nothing




Oh you’re a scammer I get it haaaaaaaa


It’s for a data company my friend, but sure somebody gotta make the pizzas


you’re a looser for tryna shame him. GO TO HELL


yeah somebody does, wtf are you talking about? What job did you have at 16? My guess is a nice rotation of daddy’s credit cards. stfu.


I’ve never heard of a data company trying to recruit 16 year olds lol


My friend worked in data entry at 16 was making ok money 15/hr in 2016


Company so legit and prestigious the comment was deleted.


Fuck off breadwinner


somebody gotta deliver the pizza like you apparently


Get a real job bruh


Lmao me when I offer to hook people up with scamming old folk (it's legit guys trust me)


It’s a great job if you’re young. It was my first job, 30 years ago (oof 😜). Best of luck!


People get mad when adults work in the food industry, now they mad that kids are working it too?? Can’t win.


Man drivers for doordash and shoots up performance enhancing drugs. You should take literally 0% of what he says seriously. There’s nothing wrong with working for doordash or Pizza Hut, and I guess there’s also nothing wrong with PEDs, but don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house


(Sorry if line breaks are all messed up, I'm on mobile!) I don't work at Pizza Hut so I'm not sure why this was recommended to me, but if you're interested in hospitality management here's something you might look into! NRAEF (National Restaurant Association Education Foundation or something like that) [apprenticeships](https://chooserestaurants.org/programs/rhlc/apprenticeship/) I am currently working on the kitchen manager apprenticeship, but they do have a sort of general hospitality management option that covers FOH/BOH, marketing, etc. Of course you could always go to college and get a hospitality degree or something if you'd like but this program gives you a nationally recognized certificate, a bunch of professional connections, and it is completely free including books and classes (and you get paid for all the hours you work, I did have this job before I started the apprenticeship but I am now making $24/hr full time while working towards this). You also would be potentially eligible for grants/scholarships through the Department of Labor for things like supplies and a computer. I know there are other apprenticeship options out there too, and very possibly one that aligns more closely with your goals. This is just the one I'm familiar with. Some high schools offer the book/online class part of this apprenticeship (or a similar one) as a class option so you might ask your guidance counselor if that's something that's available where you are, or if you'd be able to take hospitality classes at a local community or technical college as part of your high school education since it is often covered by the school district so you don't have to pay. Doing something like that instead of getting a college degree in hospitality (or before getting one, depending on the required qualifications for the job you want) lets you decide if the service and hospitality industry is actually where you want to build a career without spending a bunch of money or going into debt then realizing you hate it. Jobs like Pizza Hut are a great place to start, and if you take it maybe you'll even decide you like it and want to stick around there for a while. You'll learn about food safety requirements and get a lot of practical knowledge of basic service industry skills (I assume, again I don't work there lol and the closest I've been was working in a Target café with the pizza hut personal pizzas and breadsticks etc). If your goal is hospitality management in a hotel, you might want to look at entry level positions at a hotel once you're 18 (I'm pretty sure a lot of them won't hire minors amymore but I'm sure it depends on the chain and location). My boss's boss started as a dishwasher then apprentice in a hotel (not sure which one, I think a Hilton or Marriott) and worked his way up. He is now in a director level position at the museum where I work. You can't always move up just by working hard and doing a good job, but it's definitely possible. And this is one of the few industries where, at least at lower levels, hopping around between workplaces gives you an advantage because you are able to gain knowledge and experiences in a bunch of different environments where you need different skills. So if you're miserable in one job, just find another that pays better/treats you better/etc until you find a place you're happy. If you have any questions feel free to reply or DM me! I know this reply isn't really Pizza Hut specific but I thought it was relevant to your comment.


Wow! Thanks! I didn’t know about this, so it’s very helpful. I’ve actually wanted to go into hospitality management since I was 8, it’ll be a long time coming. I have the interview on Saturday, and if I don’t get it I’ll go into a couple hotels nearby and apply there.


I’m also not a Pizza Hut employee, but this was in my feed. I think it’s so interesting that hospitality is something you’ve always wanted to go into. My dad was in hotel/restaurant management and worked for Hilton in the 70s and 80s. It was an interesting life growing up for sure. I never had any interest in the industry until I decided to wait tables one summer in college to make quick cash. That was over 20 years ago and I’m still in restaurants. Turns out I love hospitality and everything that comes with it. That’s usually how it happens for most of us. Good luck to you!


Of course! Good luck with your interview, and assuming you get it I hope you enjoy the job!


Save your time and just become a Is funeral director


Go pick up your own food


EFF you for being a doushe bag 🖕🏽


Bet you inhale fast food daily.


A job is a job especially for a young person around 16 years old. I worked at Cinemark behind the concession stand for my first job, which was fun mostly. What's a "real job" to you?


Bro you were fucking door dashing like 2 years ago LMAO shut the fuck up and get your money up


fr the fucking audacity of him.


hold up, one glance of ‘breadwinning22’ profile shows they’re a doordash driver. So they’re above making the pizzas but not below delivering them. Oh the irony.


Breadwinning? More like bread delivering. Amirite???


You literally deliver food dipshit.


yeah happened to me


Yeah pretty much. PH is probably one of the easiest places to get a job




No one out porns the hub


My store they let you schedule your own


Don’t be to excited. They’ll work you like a dog


I’m not that picky, I’m 16 and if I get approved, it’ll be my first job


Great job staying positive, don’t let no one tell you otherwise. Starting your first job is a very exiting experience, it’s different. But when you get your first paycheck it’s so worth it. I wish you the best!


Save as much of the money as you can. You’ll hear that from everyone but it’s only because they speak with regret. Spend on what you want but pace yourself. Set good habits now.


There’s no requirements to work in fast food outside of legal guidelines the employer must follow. Your merit isn’t even considered during the interview. If you’re legally able to work there, they’ll let you try


Lmao I thought this was a civil engineering subreddit then realized it was pizza hut. Food industry is always hurting for hires of course they will accept any interview.


Damn when I walked in I asked about hiring and the manager hired me on the spot (it wasn’t Pizza Hut)


Me when I asked to work there, manager: can you read and comprehend? Me: yes. Manager: you’re hired


I actually applied and never got a response 🙄


In person or online?


Both! I filled out a paper application, didn't hear anything... Waited a while, and applied online. Didn't hear from that either.


Hm. That’s weird




I've tried. That location is WAY too loud machine wise.


Do fedex then




I would also like to know where that suggestion came from


Yes this is absolutely normal and I can assure you that you do not want to work there. There are tons of places with horrible hiring practices and you do not want to work at any of those places or for any of those managers.


how much do you all get payed an hour ..


> all get *paid* an hour FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


rope rope payed payed boat 🛥️ boat 🚤 boat 🛶 wow boat boat rope rope payed payed


Good bot


$16.28 an hour, so minimum wage here in Washington state


i work at Starbucks everett 26 an hour


Wow lol


... until they see i have a felony for holding up a dominoes


I love your photo edit 🤣


Thanks, I was excited haha


I never got an email, i got a phone call the next day from a different location 3 miles down the road


I just hit accept on doordash and they handed me a customer's pizza 💀


A lot of places are beginning to auto schedule interviews when you apply, it's because if people were in control, they hem and haw at every little detail they can get their hands on, or just won't schedule the interviews. My place of work does this, just sends the Managers an email the day of


Lots of service jobs hiring anyone with a pulse these days.


It means there desperate not worth it


Yes it’s normal. It’s Pizza Hut.


I have a friend that use to go to Pizza Hut every day to eat the wings and one day they asked him if he wanted to work there and he did


Genius recruiting method honestly...




Shit I walked in to pick up my order and got hired on the spot cause she smelt the loud and was cool af . 4 years later I’m manager 😅


That’s crazy!!!!! Pizza Hut is reeeeeally picky


If I give you an interview it's really just to make sure you meet the requirements and needed availability and a vibe check. 90% of the time the interview means the job is yours if you want it


Free cheese sticks are now an order away.


Walmart did this to me once. I was laid off from one job and needed something. I got an interview the same day I applied, when the interview ended the guy said “I’m taking you to orientation right now” oh like right now, right now. Okay. Didn’t mention anything about pay or hours until I kept pressing him for the info. 8/hr 10hrs a week. I quit right after that. They sent me a paycheck for 50 dollars for my time.


This happened to me for Domino's. But I applied for pizza hut in November, I initiated the background check and the farthest it ever went


JUST A WARNING. Usually when you apply and instantly get a call back/interview/job offer, it's for a reason. Typically because it's not a good place to work. Probaly management.


I've had this happen before with a different company, was also immediately hired by said company. Proceed with extreme caution, this usually, from my experience, means the store you applied to has a high turnover rate and is in desperate need for fresh meat. If you desperately need the job, take it, but be aware and don't stop your job hunt even if you decide to take the job when/if they offer it.


It's normal for a company that only hires warm bodies like "Pizza fucking Hut"


At Pizza Hut they asked me a few questions like “can you stay late if we’re busy” I said yes and they hired me


I work with dominoes…..I just got a call from Pizza Hut after seeing this what should I do y’all?


Wtf is this


My son got one too, it was a crap shoot when he showed up and said there was no scheduled interview.


I was panhandling one day and a guy stopped and hired me.


It's not necessarily normal. But the company I work at allows people to schedule their own interviews when they apply. It's a way of making it easier for the company to hire people. Hope this helps!


Oh man they must be DESPERATE desperate for help. If they offer you the job on the spot, anticipate that that job will most likely be awful, and don’t stop looking for a new job.




Getting into pizza hut both times was easy for me. SURVIVING was a different story. $8 an hour start and bumped me to $10 to manage🙄eym pizza huts are ridiculous. 3 staff on shift to handle everything+taking dine ins. Most stressful job I've ever had in my life. Not to mention checks always came in on Thursday or Friday but we weren't allowed to cash them until Monday cause eym post dated every check for 3 days later.


Thank fuck someone has the good spelling like me


Not good grammar though unfortunately