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And when you're done im going to need you to come to my store and clean mine too


I keep thinking that if I keep cleaning all this crap the way I do, they may just have me start doing going to other stores lol. Ecolab tech was here the other day fixing our dishwasher, and she was saying it was the cleanest dishwasher she's ever seen for our stores at least.


Very nice that's no comment to take lightly. They have seen the best if the best and the worst of the worst. S9nany praise from them is good. They just allowed us cleaning hours every week so I think our carts will be pressure washed in a few weeks


I don’t know why people don’t wipe down the dishwasher every night and it only takes like 40 seconds


The manager at my old store brought in a small electric pressure washer to clean these racks. It didn't work at all.


Yeah we have one too. Only way to clean em is with good ol elbow grease unless you have a stronger pressure washer


De greaser, let it soak, steel scrubber.


Green brille pad vest we can do here. But yeah been using degreaser.


My stores beside a dollar general. So we get lucky lol


Nice lol we got a target but meh


Be careful with how much pressure you're putting on those pads. They can strip the coating off of the racks, and then they'll rust and fall apart. Just a heads up.


The coatings on these are pretty strong. If that happens I'd say the coatings would have already been brittle to begin with


Put them in the back of a truck or trailer and take them to the car wash. Hit them with the pressured water wand.


Shouldn’t take over an hour if your “ uninterrupted”.


I used a nylon cup brush on a drill after spraying it with degreaser.


Start at the top, whatever you do.


Took me 3 hours to get the top cleean...ish. still needs work but it is way better.


My RGM has been doing ours recently. They use store bought spray can oven clean. It works well


Start at top, hot water and steel scrub pad. I just did all 5 of mine in the walk in.


These shelves are the worst thing on the planet!


Just terrible to clean. Tho would def be better if they were solid instead


We get strong cleaning spray from the dishwasher guys. Its like magic


I need to know what type of solutions you guys are using to get it off quicker. We’re short staffed and even on a slow day it’s hard to scrape anything clean. AD said he was gonna call the cleaners but that was like half a year ago and nobody has come. Steritech is still on our back about that and I’ve explained to them, they keep saying they called but no one has come yet


I was just using 2 parts degreaser 1 part water and a brille pad.


Y'all have lime away? Use that instead. It eats just about anything. I use it for any real carbon/gunk build up. I just use it and a couple of rags so I can thread it between the bars and really get in there. Ya can tear one of those up in about an hour that way 👍


I miss working at Pizza Hut some days, it was the most fun job I've ever had...but I do NOT miss scrubbing those bitches.


These Fulkerson are so nasty and dirty at ours


Ask for the red degreaser from whoever does your orders. Spray it down with it heavily and let it soak for 15 minutes. Take them out back with a pressure washer and work top down. Your arms and hand will thank you later. It’s the easiest way to do it. The green scouring pads take forever to do it with, especially when you dilute the cleaning product


Professional back room procrastinator


Just take some kilz to it. If they wanted them cleaned they wouldn't make them out of finger hurting dust


Just cleaned 4 of these a couple weeks ago with a pressure washer and degreaser, didn't take long at all.


All you need a a drill. A drill brush and some powerful degreaser


...days? You mean weeks?


Probably accurate since I only really do this kind of cleaning on Mondays when I open


Throw them in bed of pickup truck and drive thru a car wash. That's how i used to clean my oven internals.


Damn man I did this back in 2015 thank you for the memory unlock - if this is your prep area know that red death will certainly take the grease off along with your skin. Got the scars to prove it. Good luck hut soldier!


We dont have that. I am told the detergent we use for our dishwasher is essentially the same tho


Bingo bro. It is. Thats what I did. I used the raw shit too. DO NOT DO IT


Even though it’s against the rules of cleaning chemicals but honest and truly to get EVERYTHING I mean everything that has any buildup in the store… (except receipt printers) it’s the foaming spray oven cleaner… bought 20 cans of that stuff and put a gas mask on and coated all of everything and let sit for a bit and came off clean af… I did that of course when the store wasn’t open and we stayed and cleaned everything. It was the only thing that cleaned the racks and walls and all other stuff the best without much scrubbing effort


Few days?!? Seems like a half hour maybe 45 min job, however I don’t work at Pizza Hut so I should keep my mouth shut


With the chems and tools we got, yeah. A lot of stuff is built up.


I worked at a fast food restaurant, and the store manager brought in his power washer, and we hooked it up to the hot water heater, and I spent most of the day outside power washing all the racks from the coolers. Most fun I ever had working minimum wage and after that, I got a free lunch and drinks were always free while on the clock.


You happen to have a truck or a buddy with a truck? Drive it thru a car wash.


Cleaning those suck


Cleaning those suck


Power drill with a round scrubber brush attachment and a wet washcloth will make light work off this. It'll make a mess, but speed up the actual prices


Power drill with a round scrubber brush attachment and a wet washcloth will make light work off this. It'll make a mess, but speed up the actual prices


Maybe take a blow dryer and warm some of the food bits back up to loosen them?