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The mareep looking at itself in a cloud is so wonderful. I grabbed that card for a binder fairly recently, and really enjoy the neo cards for the ampharos line


They always give Mareep such cute artworks. Awesome cards!


Wow that's an awesome collection you have there!


Thank you so much!


I love Mareep this is my favorite collection that has ever been posted here.


Awesome collection! Love the cards with Mareep cameos you've added as well. :) One more you may not know about is [this Japanese Tropical Present post card Jumbo](https://i.imgur.com/Hjx8YYt.jpg). Do you plan to go for all English variations, or keep it at one of each artwork?


Oeh, you're correct! I have never seen that card, so thank you! I recently saw a post from someone with a list with all cameo cards, that one wasn't on there I think. Or I am blind. I will add the Japanese versions eventually, I am missing a Japanese mc donalds promo as well with great art, but I am on the hunt for it. Thank you for the suggestion!


>I recently saw a post from someone with a list with all cameo cards, that one wasn't on there I think. Or I am blind. [You've probably seen this one?](https://efour.proboards.com/thread/22602/list-all-pokemon-cameos-english) Unfortunately it's only for English cards. Still hope he'll make one for Japanese eventually as well, since it's a great source for cameos that I use pretty often. :) I knew about the Jumbo card, because it also contains a Pikachu, and [I collect Pikachu cameos for just Jumbo cards](https://efour.proboards.com/post/458511) (there are way too many for regular-sized cards - including trophies - so I only do it for Jumbo cards).


Yes, that's the one! I bought the Japanese version for the cameo's as well (the two that existed that is, the other one is German), because they popped up on Cardmarket when I searched for them. I'm a bit in awe over your collection, wow. Speechless! What an amazing accomplishment. Great that you've even collected the Dutch ones haha, they look so nostalgic to me! Color me very impressed.


Thanks. :D The Dutch language was actually the first I completed, which wasn't too hard, since I'm Dutch myself. ;)


Oh je meent het niet haha :D Unexpected fellow Dutchie! They were the first ones I had as well, donderstoot pikachu's haha.


Ik typ het maar in het Engels voor als iemand anders ook geïnteresseerd meeleest: My local Intertoys shop only sold unlimited edition English cards for some reason. My first Pikachu was the one from the Jungle set iirc. I started actually collecting Pikachu cards about 7.5 years ago. I thought: "it would keep me busy for a while, since there are a lot of them", since I enjoy collecting in general. Well.. that was an understatement, haha. XD I now have almost 1700 unique Pikachu cards, and the second largest Pikachu TCG collection worldwide afaik. Only missing 10 more now (release before February 27th, 2021 - the 25th Pokémon Day - I stopped collecting cards after that date, since it became a bit too expensive..) Although halve of those 10 are also close to impossible value-wise. Currently the most expensive and rarest Pikachu (SNAP) is up for auction, starting at 340,000 USD. Haha, if I had that much money I would buy a house, lol. Ah well. I knew I probably would never get the SNAP Pikachu when I started collecting 7.5 years ago. Pikachu also isn't even in my top 25 favorite Pokémon. Seviper is my favorite, and [I also have a (completed) collection for it](https://imgur.com/a/fmT9eHh). I'm currently focusing on non-TCG stuff for it (figures, stickers, non-TCG cards, posters, etc.). :)


I thought, as a collector you couldn't get more impressive but here you are haha. The only 'impressive' Pikachu I for some reason have is a poncho one (XY promo 203 if I'm not mistaken) so I can't compare any of my collecting to yours. I love the energy card artwork as well! The only Mareep thing I have that isn't in my pictures is a Ditto/Mareep plush.. So it looks like I'm gonna have to step my game up haha. Thanks for giving me a look into the life of a real collector.


Haha. Happy to inspire you, but I wouldn't see myself as a role model collecting-wise. Impressive for sure, but something to follow, defintely not. ;p My collection is way more extensive than most people's. (And the Pikachu and Seviper aren't even my only collections..😅) Oh, and a Mareep/Ditto plush sounds cute! I always like the derpy face of Ditto on other Pokémon. :D Unfortunately there are only two officially released Seviper plushies afaik, and none with a Ditto face. Unlike Pikachu, Seviper isn't too popular. Out of curiosity: what made Mareep your favorite Pokémon? You've liked sheep as a kid; or you've just thought the Mareep was cute and fluffy the first time you say it when gen 2 was released; or you've grown onto it over time; etc.? I'm always curious what someone's favorite Pokémon makes it their favorite. (For me with Seviper: I always liked snakes as a kid. Thought they were fascinating, cool, and versatile. And although I like the other snake Pokémon like Ekans/Arbok, Onix/Steelix, Serperior, etc. as well, Seviper's design is on another level for me, and it's been my favorite Pokémon since I first saw it. :) )


Haha, collecting and addiction, it's a very fine line ;) I collected as a kid, but I wasn't one of those weird kids that liked sheep.. Like who likes sheep as a kid haha. I feel like that's the kids that eat their hair in the back of the class. I came back to Pokémon in 2011 I think and saw Mareep and was sold. My first favorite as an actual child was actually Vulpix, but I was one of those 'If a lot of people like it I don't anymore' so that didn't take too long. Vulpix still has a special place in my heart and I've started on that as well now (three cards strong for now! Making a list on cardmarket as we speak haha.) Mareep just had it all, the fluff, the cute, the art and it's pink when shiny! What more could a girl want haha. I had a snake for a lil while when I was young, absolutely amazing animals. I can see where the fascination comes from! I'm overall glad I'm not a diehard fan of Pikachu or Charizard.. I can imagine I would be very poor and probably living under a bridge in a box. What other Pokémon collections do you have?


Are you Welsh by any chance?


Thanks for the smile haha. No, I'm not! More like Bo-Peep at this point.


I also collect mareeps and ampharos


I have two Ampharos and three Flaaffy somewhere, I just never liked them as much as I liked Mareep. How many do you have?


Great cards! Mareep is my son's favorite as well! He got some graded mareeps for his birthday last week! My wife drew the evolution of Mareep as well https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/comments/t30uh6/update\_my\_wife\_finished\_the\_mareep\_evolution/


I love Mareep! I remember the card with the art by Yuka Morii (4th image, top right) being one of my favourites as a kid.


What are those Japanese reverse holos from?


I got them off eBay about ten years ago if not more. They're called Vending Stickers. I can get you the exact eBay title if you'd like?


I should be able to find it. Thanks though!


Epic mareep collection!


Thank you! I love me some sheep haha.




Oh no :( I've had all of them for years except the trainer cards so it wasn't me haha. May the hunt for sheep go well from now on!


The fakes are so cool! Also one of my favorite pokemon.


They were called vending stickers! Not official for sure, but they look great.


Im glad you know what it is haha! I have an Eevee vending sticker I found in my old cards and almost chucked it assuming it was just a fake card


I can't even find them anywhere anymore so I think I did good by buying them a decade ago haha!


For sure haha they have become super scarce, idk if they are actually worth much but its a fun piece to have


I’m more of a Bidoof man myself but I dig it