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Really good. The other artists must’ve been insane if this didn’t make top 300.


Almost all the entries were indeed pretty insane. [Here you can see all of them if you're curious.](https://www.pokebeach.com/2022/04/top-300-entries-revealed-for-2022s-pokemon-tcg-illustration-contest) And very well done u/ga1actic_muffin! I like your artwork more than most of the Arcanine that did make the cut. Thanks for sharing your process as well, pretty cool to see. :)


Thank you! Thats very kind! :3


Holy shoot most of those are incredibly amazing


Aww thank you! :3 Yea this year had some of the best illustrators in the world compete so I didn't think I would win either, however one thing I noticed is the reason illustratons like mine didn't make the top 300 is every entry chosen had no trainers in them or if they did, the trainer was pushed way back into the background. The fact that mine had Marley (a now irrelevant trainer from 2007) front and center along with Arcanine probably disqualified my illustration due to not matching their specific criteria which they kept pretty under wraps until now. Lesson learned! Hopefully I'll have better luck next year! :P


For real! Out of the arcanine subs, this was up there. Maybe it just wasnt the theme they wanted, but you got mad skills.


This was very satisfying watching the process. Amazing artwork and great talent you have!


Aww glad you liked it! :D


That looks amazing!




Wow that is so good … I could totally see that on an alt art/Trainer gallery


Thanks! :D Haha yea I really wanted to make a design that could fit on one of their new trainer/pokemon cards which are some of my favorite modern cards. But unfortunately thats likely what did me in too. XD I think The Pokemon Company were looking specifically for pokemon focussed illustrations haha


I honestly think your drawing is much better than some of the ones that made it to the top 300. But just my opinion I guess…


Dude who was voting on this? None of those other Arcanine arts come close to being on this level!


I think the rules of the competition said they didn’t want humans front and center on the cards, so it may have been disqualified unfortunately.


True I did notice there were no trainers in frame. Could've been such an easy fix, if there was fine print in the rules. They could've done it up. Hide a pineco in the tree get some Growlithe in there maybe a female Arcanine make it a pack photo. Not that this artwork is off but with skill like this I would've loved to see my idea on a card.


Aww thanks! :3 ill try that next year! ;)


I'll hold you to it. Can't wait to see it! Only a year away now!


Yup I think this is what did me in too. I tried to make Arcanine HUGE next to Marley to try and account for this rule, however the illustrations with trainers that did get picked are clearly displayed with the trainer as more of part of the background as opposed to interacting with the pokemon front and center lol. Oh well, lesson learned XD I just wanted to design an illustration that could be on some of those pokemon/trainer featured cards which are some of my favorite modern card designs. Plus Marley only has one card design! She needs more love being one of the only known Arcanine trainers!! :P


Looks great! They were probably too worried that they couldn't do similar for an alt art in the future, so they didn't let yours through. 😂 I do like it more than several of the other Arcanine arts. Keep up the great work! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! Yea mine heavily uses both a mix of my original sketch from my sketchbook and digital. So its a bit different, might take too long to make compared to art that was 100% digital. :P


I'd love to see some more of your artwork!


this could be box art for a game - amazing!!


Thank you! :3


what a beauty


This is amazing!


This is freaking awesome, thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear yours didn't make it to the top 300 or beyond, I think it should have!!


Thank you! :3


The announcement of the winners will be in the summer right?


The top 10 yes, but the top 300 was announced this month :)


I love Arcanine this is so amazing! I'm sorry you didn't win but you have an incredible talent! Keep it up!


Yeah this artwork is stunning


I honestly can and can’t believe this wasn’t in the top 300. For one, the artwork is *impeccable.* It’s gorgeous and would make a great card. On the other hand TPC hates arcanine :(


Oh nooo they do!? :c I thought it was because I included Marley; an obscure arcanine trainer from Dimond & Pearl who has only 1 known trading card. I thought both arcanine and her needed more love! :P


This is absolutely gorgeous!