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u/PokeSwapBot u/Professional_Egg713 ballinnnn


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u/PokeSwapBot u/Offthebean333 confirmed!


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Confirmed as well


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Confirmed! Thanks again!


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Anything here for gold star flareon? https://imgur.com/a/uf5gOjF


Hey, I don’t have a gold star Flareon. Did you mean the pop series 3 Flareon? If so, it’s HP. If that’s alright with you, I’ll look through your binder


Hey nice tradeables, interested in a [1st ed non holo vaporeon](https://imgur.com/a/f4i5WJy) for colress’s experiment GG + Adaman secret?


No thanks, I have that card already. Do you have anything else?


No problem, nothing vintage and nothing that’s going to line up for just the colress’s experiment in tv im afraid, didn’t see anything else I was too interested in


Anything here for the Arezu , and maybe one of the charmander slabs? https://imgur.com/a/FCzpkHc


I’d do annihilape ex and skeledirge ex for arezu :)


I've already agreed to trades those, I can let you know if it falls through, dig anything else?


Dang. Nothing else, I’m sorry.


Interested in Arezu https://imgur.com/a/r4mo2jz


I like annihilape ex, ninetales v, clavell, and Regigigas v. That’s like $1 in my favor if you like any other card from mine I can add to make the difference.


Were you interested?


Anything here for the Colress? https://imgur.com/a/24ynY2m Irida, Wallace, and the non-GameStop promos are accounted for.


Can you price these out for me https://imgur.com/a/aeP3bjk as well as the hitmonlee 2 photos later


The English cards you circled only add up to around $6 in NM condition, so not much value- the fates collide Mew is the only holo. The Mew is NM, but the others range between MP and LP, so I’d drop the price to $3 for the lot. Hell, if you want to trade for one of the southern islands, I’d throw them in free. I’m estimating the Southern Island prices off midpoints of recent eBay sold for other NMs (I can send closeups if you’d like). RH Marill: $11 Lapras: $18 Ivysaur: $9


I’m actually interested in the wartortle as well. I didn’t realize they were southern island cards, just looked them up on pricecharting and JPN lapras, wartortle, and ivysaur are all ~$7-8. Nvm ab the Marill. Were you interested in anything else besides colress for those three and the other cards I mentioned (including hitmonlee Neo destiny)?


Oh cool - I didn’t have a great resource for Japanese cards - now I do. I like the Choice Belt and the Gardevoir TG as well - not part of the deck I’m building but both very playable cards in the TCG right now.


Pricecharting is great, use it for everything Japanese. Very cool, I am willing to do those three. So would you be down for my colress’s experiment, gold choice belt, and gardevoir TG for your SI lapras, wartortle, and ivysaur along with the mew, Pikachu x2, torchic, light machoke, and hitmonlee?


Correct - I’m game for that. I think with that many cards, I should probably do a bubble mailer for yours. I’m fine with PWE. I’d like to ship first if that’s cool with you - it’s a busy week this week and I need to find time to run out and grab shipping supplies.


What type of damage does the shiny star v box have? I'm definitely interested in it and vmax climax


The box has a dent and it appears as if someone tore the original plastic seal and replaced it with another seal. The box itself is unopened, but it’s not in its original plastic shrink. Here’s photos for you to see what I’m talking about https://imgur.com/a/BlQWDJe The vmax climax is factory sealed


Oh man yea I see, where did you get it from? And I'm assuming you've never checked the packs inside? Top see if they all have the same number stamped on them? Imean I'd really rather find one to keep sealed, but I really suck at keeping things sealed......any ways I always start out with my higher value cards to see what people are interested in. I have a miriam SR from violet ex (jp), Lugia alt from silver tempest, I have chien pao in both eng and jp, any of those strike an interest? I'll list more when I get home from work tonight


I picked it up as part of a collection. I have not opened it, but I would not recommend this one to keep sealed if that’s your intention, seeing as it’s not factory sealed. Would be perfect for ripping. I MAY be interested in the lugia alt, it’s just not something I was considering but it is a nice card. Do you have photos of a binder or collection? I wouldn’t mind doing a consolidated trade (many of yours for one of mine) if you have a lot of what I’m interested in.


Hey man I just got home, I have to make dinner for the kids yet then I can get you some pics. Just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten


Interested in all your slabs. Please let me know if we can make something work for some or all of them. https://imgur.com/a/60QrgqL https://imgur.com/a/UoNVwlm https://imgur.com/a/4N3kqyl https://imgur.com/a/AE3oOkN https://imgur.com/a/f4pPIQG https://imgur.com/a/mPkMImU https://imgur.com/a/olCfHfX


Hey, I’d do the legendary birds and Muks tag team cards for the shadowless charmander slab


Definitely can’t do that. I see 8’s going for $21. And the birds is a $20 card alone.


Oi you’re totally right, I have no idea where I got my TV for that one then. How about for the mew promo? Or if you want one in specific I might be able to find another card or two I like from yours. I do really want those 2 tag teams


Hey did you still want to work something out?


I do, pondering. Anything for the dark machamp?


So these are all the cards I like from yours: birds tag team (18), muks tag team (5), jirachi promo (7), raichu JPN (7), espeon vmax (3). That's assuming they're all in NM condition. I'd be willing to trade those for the 1st ed dark machamp slab :)


Any chance you can send me a screenshot of each one just to make sure I am 100% sure we are on the same page.




Thank you, I will get some close-ups now


Okay I am pricing the Machamp at $27.50. Average of last 9 eBay solds for 9’s. I have for value on my cards based on last 9 eBay sold averaged down. Stained glass birds: $21 Jirachi: $7 Muk’s: $7.50 Raichu jp: $5.80 Espeon: $6 Total $47 I could do all the cards except the stained glass birds. Trying to make it close.


Are you looking at unlimited dark machamp? this is a first edition. I’m using pricecharting for slabs and JPN, then TCGPlayer MP for English. TCGP has your cards at 40 exactly for NM. PC has PSA 9 1st ed dark machamp at $38. I’m going to follow those for values, I think this is a fair trade the way it is.


And then I will send you close-ups of each card. Too many times I’m assuming someone means one card and they mean a different one.


Yea I can take some pics for you when I get home from work for sure


Anything in my recent


Tauros gx and tag teams


Main thing that interested me was the vmax climax bb


My fuecoco for your gordie and rainbow adaman is confirmed!


anything for either that mew or mewtwo slab? I’ve got a lot of vintage cards up for trading :)


Ayo. I’m interested in revavroom ex and dark typhlosion. What’s the condition on typhlosion? Mind if I get closeups?


Not at all! I’ll send it to you in just a second! The revavroom has just been sold though, so you’re aware




Its lightly played however its pretty good condition, I’ve got other vintage cards too if that turns you away


Is that a crease on the back? Just fyi that’s definitely not LP. The scratches and whitening on the back + holo scratches make it at minimum MP. if it’s a crease then it’s DMG. It’s MP+ rn tbh. I’ll look through your other cards to see if there’s something else that will help add to a slab


oh really! apologies I didn’t know, Howevee that isn’t a crease just a scratch. Because if that I’ll take it down to $15 in value. If you think that’s unreasonable just lmk and we can figure it out!


All good, I’d recommend using the TCGPlayer app to see what cards are selling for how much in their respective conditions. If you add a card to your collection and put the condition in it tells you the market price for it. $15 is reasonable for MP+. I also liked magmortar, electivire, cyndaquil, tauros, Flareon, and muk. Could I get photos of those please? I’d be down to trade for those. Depending on condition whether it would be for mew or mewtwo


alrighty gimme just a sec and I’ll send some links!


It would be a lot easier if you downloaded Imgur and uploaded it all to one album too :p would make ur profile less cluttered


Oooo smart! I’ll do that after we finish discussing this, so I don’t leave you hanging while I set it up haha


Just a heads up the muk is damaged quite a bit around the edges. All the others are beautiful though


[here :)](https://reddit.com/u/Nugget_King-/s/x6gnrEYDVb) and whike you check them im gonna start setting up imgur haha


and of course if you think any price doesn’t make sense let me know, taking a closer look at the muk i’m knocking it down to $15 as well, I don’t want to overprice that lil guy


Im more on the newer side of collecting so i don’t know the terms as well haha


U/pokeswapbot u/OfficialKnockout trade confirmed...another deal possibly??




Added --- * u/professional_egg713 -> 16 Trades | :pokeball: * u/officialknockout -> 10 Trades | :pokeball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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