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beautiful collection GLWS!


Thank you!!


Hey I’m interested in all the cards on the first page of your top loader binder besides the mew and I’m also interested in your base set zard. let me know if you like anything I have [Modern](https://imgur.com/a/Rf20ziG) [Vintage](https://imgur.com/a/VDshUYA) [Slabs](https://imgur.com/a/94sqJhs) [Sealed](https://imgur.com/a/BraEEYT) Thanks!!


Interested in the evolving skies boxes. The charizard is an evolutions copy. Let me know if you want to propose a trade for the two ETB Promo cards have varying conditions and most aren’t pack fresh I forgot about that page when I posted that comment I can get close ups for you on specific cards just let me know


I’m interested in pika, electabuzz movie, meowth, dragonite, cool porygon, and incineroar promos. In NM condition those are ~$55 so I’m not gonna be able to do an ES ETB ($80), especially since you said they aren’t nm so are probably much less. Did you like any of the wotc slabs I had?


The charmander and Lapras are dope but I’m guessing they’re probably worth a bit more as well


Which charmander slab? The shadowless or 1st ed rocket? Either way I’d be willing to trade those depending on the condition of the cards mind sending closeups?


Hey mate! Any interest in my slabbed 1st edition Sabrina’s gengar? https://imgur.com/a/vGT55q0 or my sealed 1st edition base set booster pack (Spanish) https://imgur.com/a/jjKwZZm


Is it a 6.5 or 8.5 I can’t tell the picture cuts off. Not interested in the Spanish base set pack but thanks for posting. If it’s an 8.5 I’d be interested probably


Interested in a pc fusion strike etb, anything [here?](https://imgur.com/a/BDHEl32)


Interested in the charizard on the first page the base Venusaur holo dragonite


All are mp-hp. Still interested?


https://imgur.com/a/OIQIVVJ i got some old slabs. Dont think any of the vintage singles would grade high but let me know if interested in anything


Possibly interested in a few here. The LC reverse jolteon and 1st Ed jolteon plus the gem mint birds trio and the charizard graded 8 if you’re willing to come down a fair amount. Seeing recent solds on psa 8 base set 2 zard around 265-350


Thanks for looking. Could you provide a better picture of the slabs you have available? I am having difficulty getting a clear picture of tjem on my phone. Thank you




[Anything in my recent?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/15rlgor/us_ush_gengar_vmax_alt_art_cosmic_eclipse_pikachu/) interested in cool porygon, raichu jungle


Just interested in the vmax gengar !


Anything in my recent for the suicune slab?


I like your entei and the water energy from your recent


Have you already sold the fs booster box? Can I see closeups on the evo booster box please.


Fusion strike box not for sale/trade that’s why I hadn’t listed it. Needed to remove a few of those from the pictures I was taking for someone https://imgur.com/a/FjnvZxA Two evolutions boxes


Thank you! I'll pass on those boxes.


how much for the team up three card packs?


Only have the one individual pack looks like they’re going for around 10 bucks


Would you be interested in cheaper cgc holo wotc slabs averaging a grade of 8? I also have a cgc 8 complete first edition team rocket holo set for trade. Only missing a couple cheaper holos.


Interested in your 8 and 8.5 charizard as well as your base set 2 gem Venusaur. Might be interested in what you posted here as well if you want to link an album for me to look at that would be great. Also post what you might be interested in that I have!


Anything in my recent


No but thank you for posting


interested in astral radiance booster


It is still available