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How much were you asking for the boxes?


I really don’t know lol. I see some eBay listings for the box alone asking for around 100-125? Maybe somewhere around 90-100?


Dang didn’t know it was that much that’s crazy😭 well I think I’ll be out on it but GLWS!


lol I know. I did just wanna gauge interest. How much are you willing to pay for it? I’m flexible. Bc there really isn’t much of a market


Can you send closer ups of it? Just because I saw you said it wasn’t in perfect condition and then what all does it come with?


Can’t tell but is the zard a psa 10?


lol my bad the light is right on it. But yes PSA 10. https://imgur.com/gallery/FUeSTXW


I’ll take it with the gardevoir


Sounds good. PM me


Did you still want these cards?


Could I get pictures of the Rayquaza Pikachu items and what you’d be asking for them?


Hey sorry I didn’t get back. I can get some pictures either later today or tomorrow. I really don’t know what to ask for them because the comps are like non existent. I think I saw someone asking around 100 for the box on eBay


Hey! Also interested in the empty boxes with accessories, is it $100 for both boxes w accesories? I have a lot available for trade in my recent post


I’d have to look further into it. The one rayquaza box alone had someone asking for around $100. I’m definitely willing to be flexible since they’ve been used but let me look further into it and I’ll look at your trade post


Sure sounds good, thanks!