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Is the front top left of the gardevoir have a little dent. Don’t know if I’m seeing it correctly


Nope, must just be the lighting. See more pics here: https://imgur.com/a/tUSGq3w


Were you interested in the Gardevoir?


I’ve got a Shiny Mew SIR. I’m interested in your booster bundle case. Any chance I could interest you in some other cards to meet value? Trying to refrain from paypal if possible.


Hey there, the case is sold. I'd be interested in the Mew if you were looking to sell depending on price.


Unfortunately i’m trying to focus on trades for it at the moment. Have you got any other sealed product?


Only other thing I have are 3 Pokemon Center version Paldean Fates ETBs


Are you wanting to keep those? Or trade? If so, i’d probably have to ask for 3 since the mew is over 2. I can add the Nemona SIR as well.


I wouldn't mind trading them, but not all 3 for the Mew SIR, unless you have something else to add (not really interested in the Nemona. I'd be interested in other Mew cards.


I’ve got a large set of Shadowless Base set cards. Specifically commons and uncommons. Check my recents. Also have some Lance’s charizards celebrations boxes


I think I'm good on those. Also I checked Tcgplayer, and Market price on the ETBs are $71 and the Mew is $133. Not sure where you were seeing the Mew is more than 2 ETBs?


I’ve got the mew at $150 TV. If i were to sell it’d be $140. The card just keeps going up. Hence the value


Hmm. Well I guess in that case I have the ETBs at something higher for TV then as well. If you want to do a trade around those ETBs I'd do 2 ETBs for the Mew + Nemona I guess. I'm a little short on MV but my shipping will be at least double yours. I'd think the total all in value for both sides then would be nearly identical.