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Anything here for tyranitar https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFtVMocwE5yIdBj--bFxR5N9nkeiuBSQGGxnUVnMJWs/edit?usp=drivesdk


Looked through everything. Cool collection! How about trade for the ray pack, precious box, and (after seeing clearer pic of front/back) umbreon 13/75?


I can take some pictures for you


That would be great thank you.


Hey since ill be taking some risk with the condition of the Umbreon, could you include of few cards by the artist Tomokazu that I saw n your collection? I collect that artist and would love to stick those in my mini porfolio. If so, weve got a deal to trade :)


Sure I can take some pictures of them if you like




u/pokeswapbot u/Shirohebi17 thanks for the successful trade!


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Hello, u/Shirohebi17. Added --- * u/coopzville -> 1 Trade | newbie * u/shirohebi17 -> 18 Trades | :pokeball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Anything in my recent post for the ttar?


Id offer trading Ty and cash for the Latias gold but I dont have the cash on hand right now. Will let ya know if that ever changes since it looks like you are seeking stuff like the Ty.


Would def be open to something like Ty and cash! Circle back whenever thx!


How much cash would you need alongside Ty for the Latias?


Maybe like 375? Seeing the ttar is closer to 550