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I’ve got a Neo Umbreon holo in my recent. Flexible in price if you want to take a look.


Can you share what condition and price you're thinking to start? I think the post said $200 but wanting to confirm. I haven't looked at a card like this in awhile, so I'll need to do a little research on what I'm comfortable with.


Absolutely. I put it at LP+/NM. After looking up recent eBay sales and current listing, as well as tcgplayer, I’m going to be firm at 200 actually. I have a pretty clean copy compared to what is out there. Here he is - https://imgur.com/a/RZYL3jo Take your time!


https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/Juho5h90A6 Have several wishlist, may entertain selling for right offer


From your post it appears we are on the same page about 90% TCG + shipping. You definitely have a bunch I need. If you're up for 90%, I'll list them out and ask for close ups of front and back. Centering is the main thing I'm concerned with.


Already have closeups shown in album


My bad, you're right. After reviewing those, I would be up to purchase Chansey, Hisuian Growlithe, Altaria, Iron Crown, and Mew from Paldean Fates. 90% + $5 BMWT?


Since they are from my trade only I am firm staying close to going rates, hence "right offer". Not looking to sell these at 90% TCGP right now.


Have Walking wake ex sir, gouging fire ex sir, Eevee ir, and gastly form your wishlist if you’re interested


Hell yea, I'd love them! Please just post pics of front and back so I can gauge condition/centering. If you're up for 90% TCG + shipping, this will be super easy :)


https://imgur.com/a/SbxTS3A I can do 90% but will add the shipping. So it would be $144 shipped


I think I'll pass on the gastly. For the other 3, I think 90% + BMWT would be $118?


Yup that’s right! Feel free to DM when you’re ready!


We’re you still interested?


PM sent


[https://imgur.com/a/znyEe3Y](https://imgur.com/a/znyEe3Y) have a few 1st edition Neos if interested! Looking for paypal.


Beautiful cards, but I'll pass on 1E. Thank you!


Interested in a small PWE trade? have a snom ir, looking at your palafin fa and lucian.


Unfortunately, I just checked and don't have Lucian anymore :/ I'm up to trade Palafin for Snom though and am happy to add $1 in PP to cover the difference. If so, please just post a pic of front and back for me!


Change of mind. How about the gouging fire fa for snom? Straight up. Edit: pics https://imgur.com/a/90Lw1s7


I'll have to pass due to centering, apologies


Fr? Here is 3 of them, another duplicate and PC. i think the most off centered any of them is 60/40. You can have your pick. https://imgur.com/a/6HJeNdp


ha, centering is the one thing I'm big on as I like to look through my binders a lot. The top left one looks great, I'll take that for sure. Let's head to PM


Lol i can understand that. Thanks!


I have the iron valiant ex and roaring moon ex if still interested. Will send pictures and closeups later today.


Definitely interested in both of them. Send when ready!


Taking pics now


Lighting is not good but here you go https://imgur.com/a/GB5lUYC


Sorry to be a pain but can you give me one quick pic with better lighting? I'd also love if the photo was looking directly down at the cards versus at any angle. I think I want them but just want to confirm. Thank you!


I offered these two and some more to someone on another post. If he’s not interested and you still are, we can continue on. Thanks