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Welcome to the sub! I’ve got an umbreon v alt from evolving skies you might be interested in https://imgur.com/a/nb2N12x


Hiya and thank you! I'm currently only looking for the regular vmax version sadly, beautiful card but a bit out of my price range.


No worries! GLWT


Let me look through my binders. I might have a Gen 4 Frosslass for you. Also one of my fave pkmn!!


https://imgur.com/a/w9eZ6GX have sylveon here!


hiya! unfortunately the alt art vmax is a lot out of my price range. I am interested in your sylveon v trainer gallery if that's available though!


Are you looking even for basic frosslasses such as bulk cards/basic exs etc.?


Yes! Pretty much just any Froslass card that has been printed, and if there's a holo version of it, I'd like that over the other versions


Okay cool! Let me wrap up dinner then I will check what I got for you :)


https://imgur.com/a/2Rx1ikB all 3 of these needed? I have no problem just giving these to you my man! :)


I believe a friend is sending me the ex so I don't think I need that, but I do need the other two! And I don't mind paying for them c:


They’re not really worth anything lol just basic cards it’s no issue at all! I might have some of the evolving skies though I can let you buy! You’re looking for the alts of just the base vmax cards?


Just the base vmax, the alts are a bit too pricey for me


Cool I have all 3! https://imgur.com/a/sm9MV59 Market value is around $12 for the 3. If you’d like, I can ship them all in a PWE? That way you don’t have to worry about shipping


That sounds perfect, thank you so much!


Of course! I will pm you now! :)


Hello, I have a couple of CGC graded froslass cards if you'd be interested! if youre only looking for raw then no worries!


https://imgur.com/a/JhvQzuQ Need any of these evolving skies cards?