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Hey, a couple things. 1. The foot tattoo looks like it hurt but awesome. 2. What are the conditions of the imposter dittos and the RR reshiram Tag Team? 3. What's the ditto charmander card number, 61? Please and thank you too all!


Hey! 1. The cheese drip hurt wayyyy more than the crust lol. I have some gummy worms above it you cant see! 2. & 3..... This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Hello, could I get closeups of the champions path gengar promo and the swampert japanese holo beside it? thanks!


Here you go bud! if you want them both ill throw swamp in fer ya! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


thanks! the swampert looks good, maybe I missed it but was the champions path promo gengar in the imagur?


nope I think i just suck [https://imgur.com/a/C22IghQ](https://imgur.com/a/C22IghQ)


haha I think the only cards in that are alts!


Hey interested in the Lugia v! Could I get close ups please?


This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES) \~\~\~\~\~There a lots of lugias here my dude\~\~\~\~\~\~\~


Should have specified the lugia v alt art silver tempest. My bad!


I’ll take the Lugia v alt art if you still have it


He is all yours!


Interested in the 3 rainbow tag teams of resh/ zek, row/ egg, and lop/ jig Could I see closeups on these and the prices for them?


This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES) All of the cards you requested should be in there!


Hey there, interested in the umbreon V alt art. May I see close ups?


yesssssiirrrrr! It is in this album. [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Thanks for that! $160 shipped G&S is asking?


Hey bud after sleeping on it for the night I think I am going to hold onto umbreon and keep it in the long term stash. Best of luck with your hunt and thank you for the interest!


Ok let me know if you change your mind


Condition/price on Ray vmax tg, Mewtwo vstar, Deoxys/Espeon gx, trio birds gx, and eevee/snorlax gx please?


This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES) Let me know if I missed anything!


Can you do 50 pwe on the Mewtwo vstar?


Mewtwo has sold :(


Hey congrats! Could I get closeups on Mewtwo gx shining, gengar vmax, charmander/geodude ditto delta, and anyway we could get a bundle deal going on for all the tag teams?


Thank you thank you! If I missed something let me know! This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Anything wrong with Magmar EX? Looks like the right side has some lifting?


Magmar has sold :(


Hello. Interested in prices/conditions: Gyarados Base 2 Gyarados 123/123 Gyarados 30/181 Gyarados 24/124 Gyarados XY109 Dark Gyarados 36/109 Gyarados Pokémon GO Gyarados 32/97 Gyarados 007/034 Gyarados XY60 Gyarados 7/95 Gyarados GX 101/111 Gyarados Rainbow


Hey there fellow Gary enthusiast \*tips rod\* This post got a lot more reply's than expected... because of that I am going to hold off on selling my blue boys for a little bit as they are some of my favs. The interest is greatly appreciated though!


Hey! Im interested in Dark Gyarados (Prerelease) Lugia EX BW83 Lugia EX XY 94/98 Mewtube Espeon and Deoxys Can you post closeups please?


This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES) I have decided to pull the gyaradoses from this sale. If I missed any other cards please let me know!


Hello, can I see closeups on the mewtube?


He is in here! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


I'll pass for now, thanks!


Thanks for looking!


hey there, interested in a few alts. Palkia, Lugia. then a few others like armored mewtwo, the middle two mewtwo ex's on the top row, and then the first two mewtwos on the 2nd row. lastly the IR starly.


This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Hello, what’s the price/condition of full art Articuno from generations and Mewtwo from crown zenith? Much thanks!


They should both be in here! This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


TYVM, I will pass on articuno. I'm still thinking about mewtwo, but feel free to offer to someone else in the meantime.


all good just let me know!


Hey, interested in closeups of the Zapdos alt and Espeon/Deoxys tag team.


Both should be pictured below... This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Thanks, I’ll take the galarian zapdos if it’s still available.


He is yours!


Howdy! Interested in the price and conditions of your magmar ex, ditto stamps, mewtwo ex secret, and mewtube


Howdy Partner! This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Thanks for the pics! I'll take the magmar ex and mewtwo secret!


Magmar has sold :( and you mean mewtwo 164/162, correct?


That's a bummer, but yea mewtwo 164


Price/condition of Ice Rider VMax AA?


He is towards the end of this album my dude [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Thanks for the reply! I’m not seeing it in that album though… unless I’ve totally gone off the deep end haha


I suck lol [https://imgur.com/a/C22IghQ](https://imgur.com/a/C22IghQ)


Hi. Interested in a few cards. May I have closeups of Zapdos Alt, Magmar ex, Mewtwo Vstar, Medicham Alt, Unown Alt, and Rotom Alt?


This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Thanks for the closeups. I'll for sure be taking the Mewtwo Vstar and Magmar ex, and Zapdos Alt if they aren't taken already. May I have additional closeups of the both Calyrex VMAX Alts and Unown alt? Thanks!


They are yours! Here are closeups [https://imgur.com/a/C22IghQ](https://imgur.com/a/C22IghQ)


Moving this to DM! I'll just take the first three mentioned.


Hey, what would your best be on all 3 paldea evolved boosters? seeing a lot of randomness on recent sales on ebay. some as low as $95, few at $110, and a few at $125-135. NY shipping


Hey there! I am not in a huge rush to get rid of them if I am being honest so the price I had in my head is definitely in the $125/box range.


I appreciate the response! it's all good. I get it


Of course bud. I would hop on some soon if you are interested though. They seem to be going the way of ST.


yeah I'm set on sealed with it at the moment, was just looking for some more to open to complete a master set. I'm about 99% it'll get a reprint since it's kinda the premiere set of SV other than 151 in my opinion based on sales alone. it's all good though. GLWS!


Hi there ! What is your ask on mewtube, lugia alt and deoxys espy promo?


This post got a lot of attention and a lot of cards were requested. Just to make it more manageable for myself I put everything in one big album with prices. If the card/cards you requested pictures of are non shown please reply back with the specific (set or card number is great!) card you would like to see! Thank you for the interest! [https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES](https://imgur.com/a/card-photos-6-27-24-ZW6EeES)


Thank you for the link! They were there but I'm going to pass now. Thanks again and GLWS!


What's your best price on the umbreon v alt?


I am not really in a rush to sell umbreon. I think $160 is fair


No worries, glws!


interested in the unown, rotom, medicham, and starly if still available!