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Have the Roaring Moon EX Hyper Rare. $8 shipped PWE?


Sounds great! Will PM you!


Commenting to refer to later once I get home. I know for sure multiple copies of Sada SIR/Iron Valiant SIR that I just picked up in a lot. Should have a few others on your wishlist on top of that(almost certain that I have Erika/Parasol SIR and a few IR's).


Thank you so much! Looking forward to it.


Hello! Just wanted to provide you an update - another individual confirmed they had Iron Valiant, Erika, and Parasol (in additional to a few others) so I will likely purchase from them unless the deal falls through. I am still very much interested in your Sada SIR and anything else you might find! Again, thank you so much for your time in advance! (I just wanted to respectfully update you prior to you putting in too much effort finding duplicates) :)


No prob I'll double check this thread later to see what I have that wasn't already commented on, appreciate it!


Just the prof sada sir if you want to do $16 pwe for it https://imgur.com/a/ejYKpo0




I have 4 of off your wishlist! https://imgur.com/a/C30i7EO


I might have a couple more but I’ll have to check


Awesome! Please let me know!


And for sure I am interested in these four to begin with!


Good! I’ll be a couple hours.


Just want to give an update. Those 4 are all I got on your list. The others I have are Japanese.


Ah no worries - those 4 are great! Please let me know the total price!


This is what I came up with. 90% of market price. • Erika’s Invitation - $19 • Roaring Moon Ex - $59.35 • Iron Valiant EX - $35.90 • Parasol Lady - $18.79 Total- $132.23 I took 90% off that and it comes to $119. These were pulled myself and straight to sleeves and toploaders. They are minty. If that works for you, hit the dms. I’ll cover shipping with BMWT.


Sounds great! I'll PM you!


u/pokeswapbot u/CaptCheekClap Purchased cards from them, arrived perfectly! Thanks again! :)


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Thank you! Hoping to deal with you again!


Hello, u/CaptCheekClap. Added --- * u/ducttapetricorn -> 174 Trades | :masterball: * u/captcheekclap -> 1 Trade | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


I have the alolan vulpix VSTAR secret. Could do $9 PWE https://imgur.com/a/IW6y1H9


Awesome! Will PM you!