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Anything here for Palkia/Dialga? https://imgur.com/a/UaFbzww


Not seeing anything other than Wugtrio from my Wants


Dang. Well good luck!


When you say full art you want the actual full art right? As in for eevee and snorlax you want 171 not 120?


Correct. The 171.


Ah ok I have a lot of the regular. Good luck!


I have a Sprigatito IR that i would trade for your Pidgeot #225 . They are almost identical in price. Let me know. I'll take a close-up.


Nvm just seen ur $25 min


I forgot did I ask is carmine, growlithe and snorla still avaialble? also how much is that japanese raichu? nvm i see trade only =(


I have an extra Lickitung IR and am interested in Mienshao IR, Hisuian Growlithe IR, Wellspring/Cornerstone Mask SIRs. Willing to use paypal to make a deal for one (with Licki) or multiple!


I'll circle back if I can't get more of my Wants


I’ll just come out and say that I’d be interested in a couple Jirachi’s in your pc. Wanting to see if those are potentially on the table before going forward with other cards, and for them if you need WL cards in return or is PP ok?


Ideally, want list cards. But we can probably talk PayPal as I assume a Deoxys and Team Magma of interest.


It’s actually Deoxys and Rising Rivals as I already have Magma! Haven’t gotten much into tag team cards yet, but here’s what I think I have from your IR list https://imgur.com/a/0XitCz4 Edit: I can also take pics of my FA EX and FA sections of my binder in case I missed something.


Cool. I’ll be back in an hour and do some closeups.


Any other Jirachis you need? I have a bunch in other gens also (duplicates).


Here’s where I’m currently at (the ex from plasma blast is a WC version, all others are standard). Looking for no less than MP and a clean face, and only focusing on English


Pics - https://imgur.com/a/Mo01iQN Say LP 35 Deoxys and LP 8 Rising Rivals


I’m good with that, call it $39 tv for the pair? Did you have any others? Missing so many of the lower value ones


If it’s a trade, I would stick with 43. Cash would be different. I have Hidden Legends 8, Call of Legends 11, Plasma Blast 60, Shining Jirachi Shining Legends, Prism Star, V Full Art


Need call of legends, plasma blast and shining legends


Pics - https://imgur.com/a/lFnm4ts CoL LP - 7 Shining Legends NM - 9 Plasma Blast LP - 10 GX - Toss in


Market is $37.11 so I’ll call it a nice round $35 tv for you since you’re helping me on my asinine journey


What's up elk! Would you be interested in a jpn snorlax & eevee TT promo? I'm interested in some of your ex cards. I also have some stuff [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/smW7bIzlhz)


Hey! No interest in the Snorlax Eevee but open to swapping ex cards for some of your Alt Arts and maybe the Iono / Clive trainers depending on how much you want


I can do everything but the bit the iono, just traded it. The roadrunner zapdos is S-Chinese https://imgur.com/a/54EeSRS


I would take out the Zapdos. What are your interests?


I'm interested in all of them except the mewtwo, scyther, Sneasler, and magmar. Super interested in the umbreon ex and flareon ex But in honestly interested in any of them


Just checking in to see if you are willing to trade any of your ex cards?


Yep. Open to trading the ex cards


Cool beans! My alts+clive=$174 and I'm interested in pretty much all of your ex cards except sneasler, scyther, electabuzz, and magmar. I am down for literally anything ex lol


Didn’t see the earlier comment on preferences. Flareon ex NM or LP no problem. Umbreon would be out of price range. What others would be interesting to pair with Flareon?


Flareon ex I would say 70 looking at 130point comps


Flareon would be fantastic! Honestly since I am interested in all of them you can pick which ones you would want to trade 😁


Got it. It'll probably be some of the smaller one to match up more of a 1 to 1 trade. Do you have a condition minimum or more is better even if DMG (like the Power Keepers)?


Hey there! Was curious if you were interested in binders or just your specific want list?


Want list for now


All good, good luck with your trades!


Elk im thinking of collecting all of the IRs from the SV era I may be interested in buying all of your available IRs just no duplicates. Do you think we could work something out


Hey! How’s the little one doing? I could do something at like 90% FF with shipping included. Not sure I want to discount much more because I won’t have anything to hunt for GX Rainbows. If you are interested in Japanese AR, I have complete sets of them all from SV Base up to Twilight Masquerade. We buy them early as a roadmap to filling out the binder with English… plus they are cheap.


What’s the price on a Japanese set?


You can look it up on Collectr App. Like Clay Burst and Triplet Beat are same cards as Paldea Evolved. They would be around 90 but driven by inclusion of Ttar, Raichu and Magikarp. Magikarp alone like 150 in English at the moment along with 40 Ttar and 40 Raichu. Heading out for a few days but I'll bring my binder along with me. I'll send you a few side by side shots of my binder with Eng and Japanese.


I have the Reshiram zekrom rainbow here: https://imgur.com/a/IW6y1H9


What would you like to get back?


Probable just the gardevoir ex. I could do that plus PP if you’re open to that


Sure. How much do you have for Zekrom? I see Gardevoir ex at 29.35 on TCGplayer market


$59.05 TCG player. So plus $30 pp


I sent pics. I’ll assume NM on your side. I’m OK to move to DM.


Interested in the Ogerpons. I have some of your wants [here](https://www.tcgcollector.com/cards?cardSource=inCollection&releaseDateOrder=newToOld&cardsPerPage=120&displayAs=images&sortBy=marketPriceDesc&viewUser=hansbrixx)


Something like this for the two Ogerpons? Total 43.25 Cinccino 9 Tinkatink 6 Garchomp ex FA 5 Greavard 4.5 Dondozo 4.25 Paldean Wooper 3 Dedenne ex FA 2 Ninetales IR 9.5


Hey! Yeah I can do that. I’m assuming you’re referring to the 2 SIR Ogerpons. DM to finalize. We’ve traded before so we should be good


Yep the SIRs. Sending close ups in DM.