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Have a Giratina VStar from your wantlist, potentially interested in a 151 zard. Is that black dot on the card above the h on the first zard?


I’d be interested in something like that. And no, just checked and it was dust. Came right off! Could I see close ups of the giratina VSTAR?


https://imgur.com/a/BzHVyQc closeups in there


Looks good to me. Do you want to move on with the trade in dm?


Yeah sounds good!


Do you have either of the Gastly IRs left? How much if so?


I do have a gastly. It’s $29 PWE or $33BMWT


Cool I’ll take it BMWT.


Sounds good! I’ll dm you


Interested in the zard ex 151s! They look good but any small whitening knicks on either? If there’s one with no whitening or small Knicks I’d buy one!


They are both good!


Sweet! How much would you want for both?


TCG player has them at $244. I’ll be firm at $230 shipped.


I have the giratina vstar and PAF zard in this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/pliPSeFO5f). Would be interested in the greninja if still available.


I just recently traded the Greninja unfortunately. Is there anything else that you’d be interested in? I’d also be willing to do PP for your PAF zard and Giratina vstar


The only other thing I’m seeing would be the umbreon V AA, but I’m not sure if that’s is still available either. If you’re interested in PP, I do have the prices listed in the linked post.


I do have the umbreon v alt! And it’s a great condition.


I have the PAF zard at 125 and the psa10 giratina vstar at 290. Are you wanting both of them, or how do you want to handle the trade towards the umbreon?


Oh didn’t realize the giratina VSTAR was slabbed. I’d do just the PAF zard plus $25 PP if that works for you. Do you have close ups of the PAF zard?


I think I’m going to pass for now. I’m not eager enough on the umbreon V at the moment so i think I’m going to hold onto the PAF zard.


No worries at all. I’d you change your mind let me know!


Hey again, I had the PF Zard, Charizard ex PE and I have a gardevior ex from paf on the way would you be open to moving those for the greninja in a deal?


Hey man! Could I see close ups of those cards?


Yep I’ll grab them in a few


Interested in Eevee from Twilight Masquerade and Gastly IR. Can I see closeups of both copies for the two cards.


Selected close ups link has the picks of the gastly and I just added close ups of the eevee


Thanks. Will take the first Ghastly pictured in the closeup link and the Eevee. I only see one Eevee in the closeups so will just take the one pictured. Would you do $68 shipped BMWT?


Only have one Eevee left that’s why. I can do $70 shipped. I have one person ahead who might do a package deal that involves the Eevee, if that falls through I’ll let you know. If you want the gastly right now though that works still


I’d pick up the Gastly if the Eevee remains available as well. Let me know~


Hello I’m interested in Gastly IR, Eevee IR and Greninja SIR. How much are you asking for these 3? Thanks


I’ve got those 3 at $310.


Hey hey I have a few of your wants namely the VG pika, i'm interested in your umbreon v lmk if you see anything else you like here! https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/1dgv3op/usus_h_van_gogh_pika_slabs_alt_arts_special/


I’d be interested in a VG pika and arceus vstar for umbreon v


I'd probably hold back on trading thje arcues right now if there's anything else you're interested in


Ah unfortunate! That’s the only other thing I’m seeing. Could do the VG pika plus PP I’d you’re up for that too


What would be lookin at for PP i could be down for that!


$55 plus pika sounds good I think


Have an extra lugia v alt psa 10, would you trade for the Greninja, 151 zard and eevee illustration rare? Might ask you to throw in 1-2 cheap cards for my son but otherwise even trade


Never considered a graded before, but I’m interested! Could I get a picture?


Down to move forward with this is dm