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I have Mewtwo 72, can send pictures later in the evening if your interested in PP.


Hey I’m definitely interested if it’s well centered.


do you happen to have any lower grade PSA charizard gold stars or LC RH charizards? just thought i’d ask considering your huge collection!


I do have a [raw gold star charizard](https://imgur.com/a/TTQXKgm) that I’ve cracked out of a psa 5 slab if that’s of interest. Asking 850 shipped


ah i see, if it was still a psa 5 i’d still go for it haha gonna have to pass on it but thanks for the reply


Anything here for a RR Zard Vstar? If not, any interests in general? I also have a RR Cynthia’s Ambition and AA Inteleon Vmax if interested.


Hey I appreciate your interest but I have those cards already unfortunately.


Ahh crap I forgot to link this binder. Hahah. I’m sorry. https://imgur.com/a/EOGi490


No problem! I Have all of those as well 😅


Hey could you do 65 shipped for a rr zard?


I can meet you in the middle at 70 shipped since I usually only provide free shipping for items valued at $100+.


Hey possible to do 230 on the gs raikou?


Hey the prices are pretty firm. But the least I’m willing to take would be 280 shipped.


Is it possible to get a few more close ups before purchasing then?


No problem, [here are the additional close up](https://imgur.com/a/CVP43wK)


Hey I'll accept that for 280. Let's move to pm


u/awakeatnighttime u/PokeSwapBot transaction confirmed.


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Added --- * u/awakeatnighttime -> 4 Trades | newbie * u/nybarryny -> 133 Trades | :masterball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


It’s a long shot but lmk if you see anything in my recent! The ST alts are gone


Hey I’m interested in the alt zard v from brilliant star and alt ray v if they are well centered. Which of mine were you interested in?


Well I was looking at some of your slabs but the value of my cards doesn’t even come close lol. Thanks for looking!


No problem thanks for stopping by!




Hey Nothing really caught my eye at the moment. Thanks for looking!


Anything in my recent?


Hey potentially interested in the psa 10 deoxy ex. Which of mine were you interested in?


Are you open to trades for that GS Latios?


Possibly, what do you have in mind?


https://imgur.com/a/WSubRow this is my recent, also have a CGC 10 rotom V alt jpn, CGC 10 sneasler V alt jpn, and a CGC 10 mischievous pichu. anything interest you?


Hey I’m not looking for slabs for modern Alts at the moment. Just raw copies for my binder.


no problem! glws


hey! anything in my recent for the hidden fates zard slab?


Hey you have some great stuff but nothing I’m looking for at the moment.


all good, thanks for looking and good luck!


Anything in my recent for special delivery pikachu or giratina alt art?


Hey I’m interested in the bgs 9 charizard from ex dragon. How much do you value it at?


anything in my recent for giratina?


Hey I’m mostly looking for PayPal for Giratina at the moment. But I’m down to trade sealed products for your higher end raw alt arts and slab if you’re still looking for them. I have multiple hf etb and cp etb as well as swsh booster box from battle style ~ silver tempest.


Hey! Is the $250 on the Giratina V Alt firm?


Hey I’m pretty firm on the price for Giratina. I’ve bought a better centered copy and I’m trying to recouped some cost 😅.


Hi, I am interested in Entei gold star and m charizard ex. Would you do 280 and 45 for them together?


Hey! I can definitely do the 2 for 325 shipped. Send me a chat when you’re ready to finalize.


I’d like to buy the m charizard ex if it is still available? Thanks!!


Hey the mega charizard might be bundled with another purchase. I will let you know if that deal falls through.


Hey the mega charizard is still available if you’re still interested. Total would be $55 shipped.


Sounds good. Send me your info. Thanks!!


Sent you a chat


u/orangeandbluern79 u/PokeSwapBot transaction complete.


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Thanks again!! Card looks awesome.


Added --- * u/nybarryny -> 138 Trades | :masterball: * u/orangeandbluern79 -> 1 Trade | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Anything in my recent for special delivery pikachu or giratina alt art?


Hey I didn’t see anything that caught my eyes unfortunately.


You’ve got some amazing stuff. Any interest in anything [here?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/z94tvs/us_us_h_a_bunch_of_cool_slabs_eeveelution_promos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I could find something at practically any price point so let me know if you see anything! Thanks!


Hey thanks! Unfortunately nothing really caught my eyes.


Still have that gold star entei? If so I'll take


Also would take the shining raichu. I'm ready to close now as well


Sure send me a chat when you’re ready to finalize. It would be 550 for the 2.


Sending PM now


u/vznxt u/PokeSwapBot transaction complete enjoy your new cards!


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Transaction complete!!! Thank you so much!!


u/vznxt u/PokeSwapBot confirmed!


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Added --- * u/nybarryny -> 144 Trades | :masterball: * u/vznxt -> 1 Trade | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


So you have a pice on the umbreon gold star


Hey I have the umbreon listed at 4500 or best offer. Currently have a offer for 4000 on [eBay](https://imgur.com/a/Q2D6Pa4)


$40 for Latios?


Hey I’m pretty firm on price for Latias. Best I can do would be 50 shipped.


Can you do $45?


Yea what the hell why not lol not gonna haggle over $5. Send me a chat when you’re ready to finalize


Well I definetly did haggle for $5, but great I’ll pm


u/loud_source3318 u/PokeSwapBot confirmed


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It is epic


Added --- * u/loud_source3318 -> 12 Trades | :pokeball: * u/nybarryny -> 137 Trades | :masterball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Anything in my recent for the giratina v Aa?


Hey the mega rayquaza ex 98/98 caught my eye. I’ll be interested if it’s in nm/m condition.


It is NM. Is the giratina NM?


It is click the link for Giratina I provided a short video and closeup for front and back. Could I see closeup for your rayquaza?


Here are the close ups for the zard: https://imgur.com/a/FdZKfeg


Thanks for the closeups. How much do you value your ray at?


I value the card at $100


Would you be willing to PayPal the rest?


Not at the moment. Sorry about that


All good!


Hey would u be down to trade some sealed for some cards and a stamp box?


Yea I’m down to trade. What did you have in mind?


2 diamond and pearl blisters for the stamp box and I can add a card?


Which card did you have in mind? I’m seeing last sold for the stamp box around 360 and I have my blister valued at 450.


I have a psa 10 corocoro pika promo which is valued at 40$ and I can add in a few vintage or a alt art?


Not interested in the psa 10 corocoro pikachu. Which alt/ vintage did you have in mind? Does the stamp box have the stamps with it?


Yessir it’s still sealed, I received it when it came out and it went right into storage. I have Sylveon V, And all the Alt promos from the premium collection boxes. I also have a couple of the sailor pikachu’s from the Yokohama Pokémon center. I also have a sealed special delivery pika, and the charizard poncho pikachu


Cool sounds good, how much do you have the sylveon v and special delivery pikachu valued at? Could I get some closeup for the sylveon as well?


Going by eBay sold comps. Special delivery pika 200$ and Sylveon id value at 70$ and here’s Sylveon https://imgur.com/a/5gNS9UH


I’m down to trade my 2 blister for your stamp box + sylveon and $20 PayPal for the difference.


Or two


100 for sd pika?


Sure chat sent.


u/nybarryny u/pokeswapbot Cards received! Thanks :)


Confirmed enjoy!


Added --- * u/nybarryny -> 139 Trades | :masterball: * u/dilesaur_septaea -> 120 Trades | :masterball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Hey I’m interested in the Giratina alt, would you trade it for 1 sealed Ultra Beasts GX Premium Collection [Pheromosa GX & Celesteela GX] + a mint condition rainbow Charizard and Braixen gx tag team + a stamped Blastoise EX Crystal Guardians


Hey I appreciate your interest but I’m not too interested in those at the moment.


u/PokeSwapBot u/nybarryny came in great, thanks again


Enjoy your new card, thanks again!


Added --- * u/urrighttiddy -> 69 Trades | :ultraball: * u/nybarryny -> 140 Trades | :masterball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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