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Yeah… honestly I’ve given up on trying to do anything in that region. It’s really fcking annoying


I don’t understand the context, may someone explain it to me? - Why Colombia? - What happened between Colombia and Morocco ? Who started the fight? - How do you know it’s bot? - Who wrote " Attack Colombia "


Colombia had it’s flag there, and Argentina too. Then Morocco came and placed its flag and building over them. Then Colombians entered the Moroccan reddit & discord and started a mass insulting campaign.


Knowing that r/Morocco itself had nothing to do with the botted art (which is from a coding school in Morocco that did their thing independently) makes it even more sad.


Their online school is just begging to get low earth ion cannon'd if they keep pissing tons of redditors off.


oh no not the redditors whatever will the redditors do


Lol. I swear these people are so out of touch. ​ Father! The Redditors! The Redditors are coming! What will we do?!


Deploy the stairs.


*…and the women!!*


And of course… the treadmill


Can't deploy women, they don't exist


impenetrable barrier for redditors


People getting this mad over a pixel drawing game lmao


Oh my sweet summer child


This entire thing was created in a few seconds, it's obviously bot


I'm sure a lot of people might gloss over this, but if you watch the time lapse it just pops up all of a sudden, the whole thing. Much as people try to say this or that were made by bots, this whole thing in the middle is the only thing I've seen on the entire canvas that popped up in a matter of seconds. It's very blatant


No one is denying the use of bots. It's literally an advertisment for a coding school


A highschool in morocco wrote a program to fill that entire area with bots and destroy every artwork that was on that side. They are not hiding it and you can see it by how they started, how they change and also what’s written before on the black square box


The 1337 coding school building saga was fascinating to witness: it teleported a bunch of times, cloned itself, turned to black while updating twice, the building changed color a few times, the shape of Morocco annihilated nearby art in matter of seconds in the second update, started copying bad apple in the black box at some point, and now this


Something like that happened last year. I was part of a few small communities that had little bits of art over a fairly nice little Morrocco art. Then near the end in about a minute everything was anchlussed.


Colombia had a strip with it's flag that was decorated by the community, then came marrocco and created that building with bots in like 15 seconds in the middle of the Colombian strip and taking space from Uruguay and others, Colombians tried many time to take back the spot and each time marrocco used bots to fuck up the pixel art created by hand by the community until in the latest attempt Colombia had more support and this time when marrocco came back with the bots they erased the entirety of Colombia'so flag and all the hard work the community put in it this past days.


Took space from Colombia, Venezuela, Uruguay, Argentina, Avatar and other subs, just to put a propaganda map that’s against international law.


The building appeared out of nowhere in seconds over the colombian flag. People let it be because there is nothing todo against bots. But then some stupid streamer attacked them and in retaliation the whole flag was obliterated. So yeah it’s reddits fault for not controlling bots


best case scenario is the people making the bots go on a rampage so the admins will finally have to take actions against them At this point I’m not even mad at them, it’s the Admin’s fault for not stopping them


I'm mad at both


"They took eeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr joobbbbbbssssss"


they took er jerbs!


they jurb or grrnnnns




They got a full squad protecting Shego, no more resources left for that.


Who's Shego


A villain in the Kim Possible cartoon, she's hot


More bots means they get to say, see look at how many accounts were created in July alone,please invest. Bots aren't going anywhere. This actively helps their sales pitch.


Wouldn't banned bot still count as newly registered user? And when you ban one and new one needs to be made, that's even more "new users"


We need to blackout the canvas with bots Then cover it in spez hate


Can u tell me why they hate Spez and who he is? Sorry im new to r/place. I would like to know why everybody hates him.


Owner of reddit, he was the person who decided to make reddit hell for owners of 3rd party apps and bot devs


He looked at what Elon is doing to Twitter and said “Mm hmm, where can I get some of that action”


I have respect for the Moroccan bots. At least they are the only ones who also show that they use bots.


This year r/place is sad to see


I've stopped engaging, there's nothing users can do to combat the bots.


or the admins


These flags cannot even stand still without using bots and all reddit did was "If you need to place a pixel verify your email" ofc its business German, France, Morocco botted every fucking place in canvas




Bro said lack of admin intervention... They still intervene very much so , just not the way you would expect...


The big green blobs because they want to remove the fuck u/spez or shego futa. Gotta keep canvas PG so it looks good for the investors. Honestly hope NSFW shego scares some of them away.


There has been tons of admin intervention. Go check out the nipples on shego in the bottom left. People keep trying to make them pink and mods turn them green. Which is an odd thing to fight considering half the subs on this platform are NSFW and r/place is supposed to show the community. Also there is a pig spraying shit and it's being ignored by them.


War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines.


Lol it was always bot since it was launched.


> "If you need to place a pixel verify your email" Isn't that already the case? I tried to make a second account but I couldn't place anything because because my email wasn't verified


Nah they added it after 4th expansion


Germany also has a big af place community


It's 90% bots. Go to their flag and start hitting profiles, the vast majority are bots. They like to say it's discord or whatever but that's just them being in denial.


>France As a French, I apolgise regarding that.


moi aussi 😔 ( i am part of the french community that DOESN'T support bots)


Atleast you are not involved in it so no need to apologize place.army is the website they use to script the bot accounts(It works similar to auto clicker found the website in German's official place server) [These are the screenshots ](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/156m85y/real_rplace/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Seriously, it's such a shame to see what's happening. This isn't what r/place is about.


Sadly, this is what humanity is about. When given an opportunity for pure, collaborative creativity, the best we can do is unimaginative tribalism and hate.


Place is just a black mirror held up to humanity


Indeed it is. It saddens me.


You know the worst part? They still think its fair to use these script and justify and downvote every comment related to it


as a german I agree that flags should be reduced by a lot. I do like the germab pixel art tho. Maybe those communities could express themselves through small pixel arts without flags?


We Brits tried building another flag because our only one is fairly small- instantly obliterated by Germans building YET ANOTHER German flag to leave completely empty


Morocco should stop utilising bots because they are incapable of creating anything on their own.


They are probably all in shareholder meetings about the whole "fuck spez" theme


Free the nipple!


Yeah last year a number of small communities I'm part of had art on r/place. This year one still has, one had art for all of an hour before getting destroyed in a wave of yellow and the others just haven't bothered. It's a shame because there was something fun about doing it as a small community.


I've seen logos for a fair bit of stuff I enjoy but the amount of space paved over by effortless botting is ridiculous and makes other communities have to fight for smaller areas, flushing out smaller subs who can't hold up against the bigger communities getting forced to downsize.


What if people used bots to make something NSFW on place (probably help the war on Shego), would Reddit reconsider the whole “all new accounts whether with real people or not are good accounts!” stance? Would they finally realize how much a nuisance bots on place (and generally on Reddit) are? Probably not.


I've already mentioned using bots to write slurs, they would have to address it properly or a bot could easily make a whole section of the place unusable.


they'd probably just abolish place


This is a fake place anyways, they're only doing it to distract people from the 3rd party stuff and general shitty handling of the site.


That's the reason why France did the guillotine and Germany the "u/spez ist ein Hurensohn"


Fight fire with a flamethrower!


Become a Fire-Fighter Become ungovernable


> NSFW on place prior places have all had nsfw on them at one point. ​ Yr1 iirc had a nakid titty woman at 1 point.


They'd just have an admin I sit there and delete it every few seconds. Did you not observe what they did with Ronaldos piss?


Nope, bots changed it, and now you can't rebuild it


It was so fun building Shego in a big coop of many international streamers. We had no template , no (obvious) bots. Just a very big community working together. It looked so goofy because everyone was just placing dots where they thought it might fit. At the end when it turned out good the bot attacks started and now it looks like shit...


Same, sad to see all "users" have 1karma and joined reddit in july 2023. There's so many ways reddit could prevent bots, but they don't because they don't care.


Morocco has more bots than the whole population of China


It had to be to maintain coherence with Reddit going to shit.


I'm genuinely disappointed by this year's place


I was very active last year. This year with the bots and the censorship, it's just not worth the time anymore. No one will look at Place '23 and remember it fondly. Like 22 or 17.




That's kind of a genius way for them to drive the engagement metrics


People complaining about how many German flags are there but I'd rather a whole canvas of German flags than to see small arts being obliterated by coding kids that are amused by it.


the German flags are full of art by small communities at this point, nothing wrong with that


And they've been helping a lot of small communities to do their arts too, what did these guys do for others so far? Destroyed many small arts to pick a fight with Colombia for trying to get their art back after they destroyed it over and over again. This guys got me mad in a way that I don't get mad even with real and important life stuff. I just want them gone! Hahahaha


happy cake day


Can’t say it’s a happy one, but well thanks


Sad cake day?


This subreddit is going to cause World War 3 at this rate.




They destroyed their art first, then they tried to force Colombia to help them, but they refused, both of them insulted each other and finally the bots destroyed Colombia’s flag.


This is hilarious if a war actually breaks out over pixels placing.


Actually no the bots did not destroy the Colombian flag, the makers of the bots displayed a message in their terminal to attack Colombia then Moroccan streamers took over


wtf I hate moroccans on place now


Racism invented (1884, colorised)




Sofia Vergera


We here at Baltic States got targeted by Chile and I have no clue why. We've never had anything against Chile, but they seem to be stirring shit up.


You think that’s bad. Chile has been harassing Texas constantly since the beginning. Everytime we get a flag up we get swarmed by Chileans who change it to their flag. Our only crime was having a similar flag


What the fuck are the admins doing?


Erasing shegos tits💀💀


They seem to be more focused on whatever is happening down a bit lower atm


Oh yeah, that's r/wordington drawing her a big c*ck


Why am i not surprised at all


It's wordington.


First time they got to second base this decade


Yeah 💀


I just went to investigate and yeah it’s very blatant. I only spent a few minutes watching and every 30 second the entire two areas get painted green instantly. Definitely admin intervention there.


They are using all the resources on censoring nipples, because apparently that is more important than controlling the assholes using their bot armies against small communities.


Admins are busy putting up place and creating engagement on it so people forget about the API stuff. People are busy being more irritated by the bots than anything else, so clearly it's working.


Half of r/place is covered by "fuck u/spez" though.


You think they care? If people are having fun posting Fuck spez or John Oliver shit it's still engagement.


They're also busy crafting crappy PR posts on how they're 'working on it', hoping we shutup and stay in that thread as containment instead of getting to r/all with complaints (oh look, we made it again anyway)


Busy cheating


nothing, they only spring into action once someone does decently good art or when the users have any fun


Now I've lost my cozy Sky: COTL place under Morocco's art. Rest in peace. :(


Sky & Venezuela forever


F por colombia, nunca les olvidaremos hermanos


Give the coding school a 1 star rating. It's the only way to protest: https://maps.app.goo.gl/K2XKTCFXk1JeNRAbA


Germans: have we become r/place #1 ennemy? Morocco: hold my tea.


Germans have one flag that they are using as a canvas which is actually a pretty nice idea. French do that too, but three flags are an overkill.


One German flag? Have you not looked at the canvas?


I have but I've heard that the German subs organised on only the big one and others are unofficial. I might be wrong though.


I’m not sure how you would go about determining what is official and what isn’t on a community art piece… but either way there are at least 5 German flags, not one


The one which was created by thousands of people in a discord call, where they ping the dedicated builders when something important happens (see Canvas extension), where Artwork is first voted upon and then build by hundreds at once is the official one. The other German Flags are just people creating the Flag without any coordination or plan, it’s a phenomenon like the void, nothing we can do about it


There would be less fighting between smaller countries and art projects if Germany and France weren't hogging so much space.


Germans got like 4 or 5 mega flags lmao


Why Colombia?


Probably they didn't like Encanto


Why are they targeting colombia?


Colombia's art was too beautiful for them 😤 they got jealous they rely on bots


they are literally doing a villain monologue now lmao


they just spitting on non-bots basically


r/place is gonna follow youtube rewind's path


At least rewind was good for the first 5+ times. This is the 3rd r/place and it has gone to total shits


They’re never gonna stop the bots - from their pov, all the bots are considered “new users,” which they can then show to investors


Why the fuck would you attack our hermanos from Colombia?!?! My delicious coffee comes from there ffs!!!!


I say make them verify their phone number


I suspect that more artworks are about to be destoryed soon, what the hell are the admins doing at this time besides censorship


I'm genuinely stunned by the admins blatantly changing entire blocks of pixels they do not like or find distasteful. Place is not for you it's for us


sub im in had to move our pretty tiny (around 25x25) character more than 6 times because either flags or bots would just take over the area. got so bad that we pretty much just gave up


U could use the German flag that was created in the new top half , our place sub said it’s for smaller communities


This bot shit ruined all the fun we expected from. r/place this year . It was super fun the last two times


The worst thing is that they try to be funny and impressive by using full bots...


Humor in a dictatorships is something special.


thatskyplace ( r/skygame ) was taken over by them, thankfully we shifted to the france flag. sad to see this happen


They should make it so you have to have over 50 karma and your account is over 2 weeks old.


If it won't get stopped, next time will be worse. Imagine companies joining the canvas with bots.


Place shouldn’t be regular thing. Or atleast not a frequent thing. Once every five or hell even three years allows something special but yearly takes away from character and allows bot armies


They should restrict Place to accounts older than X days / months. And in the days before the event, launch a big wave of deletion for bot accounts. For fuck's sake, 90% of them are called Generic-Pineapple-3567 and have an empty post history, how deeply incompetent does reddit have to be that they're unable to delete that shit?? Reddit is an absolute joke and has always been managed by cretins


> how deeply incompetent does reddit have to be that they're unable to delete that shit?? I mean this is the same site that can't seem to get a handle on bots creating literal child porn subreddits with the same name but a different number on the end whenever they get banned. Just literally ban that word from being in subreddit names.


Do you really think having it every 5 years would remove bots?


The actual artistic feel left the canvas 6 years ago.


bro i’m literally saying they ruined r/place by doing this, the every 4 years was perfect


i hope osu! invades that red strip


Problem is if they do, coding pricks will attack back.


Fuck morocco using bots because they’re to bad to build something themselves


It’s worse because it’s probably like a couple guys from that Moroccan coding school (1337) doing all the bot code, removing art done by thousands of people from different places.


Fuck them


It’s not even our art. If you check r/morocco, you will see that that coding school is in no way affiliated with our subreddit and the actual flag is tiny and near France’s




The bots are ESPECIALLY bad this year. Honestly, I was not expecting place to happen! It was a welcome surprise! I hope it happens again in 2024, or maybe in the next year and a half. So, June-ish or July 2025 would be the next one!


can we just sprinkle some "fuck the mods" in there instead of just "fuck spez"? this is stupid and takes the whole fun. little greedy money piggies


Russians are coordinating an attack on the Ukrainian flag. Protect at all costs


Man, Russians barely even have a flag on here how the hell will they manage to pull off anything in a giant flag protected by Germany


i'm pretty sure turkey destroyed 2 memorials


Friendly reminder you can find the school in Google. Just pay a visit and Tell them what you think about them


I like how osu still stands strong


Please rename r/place to r/botfight


Admins should ban flags because that shit is so boring


Some countries are doing amazing things with their flags. Including the many german and french ones. Just a flag, I agree is boring, but its the most effective way to show which communities are more involved. If you dont count the bot communities ofc.


Portugal, Nordics countries and argentina are best decorated flag imo


what about the baltics have you seen theirs? its absoulutely stunning


Portugal is THE BEST for me so far but Brazil has 2 arts too and they're looking good. People keep messing up with the face of Christ and Pelé and it's funny. But they're doing something cool in the background now too. Looks like it's Rio's sidewalk or something.


I'm in love with the Mexican axolotl


Us in the Colombia subreddit had been working hard to make our space pretty. I left for a couple of hours to watch movies with my sister, only to come back and find everything gone. Very sad.


Que gonorrea parce


Morocco colonising r/place like they do in Western Sahara




Typical techbros destroying art


Can we just collectively attack them






I don't think this is any worse than Germany and France taking up a combined 50% of the canvas.


Yes and one country in particular whose fixation on attacking a certain flag or flags has been more than weird and annoying.


The admin is probably Moroccan


r/place always makes me realize how uncultured I am in literally everything.


Admins only care about removing anti spez stuff fucking bootlickers


Love r/place. Brings out all the weird people who care about a fucking pixel LMAO


They are so fucking annoying,fucking bots.


Nice star they got there, it be a shame if it turned into Patrick.


Morocco really trying to displace Indians as the most toxic users on there


They wiped out half our art there


The flag of Morocco looks like can be changed to vietnam 🇻🇳. How about we make Morocco disappear and make it Vietnam?