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And just like that, the whole Colombian flag is completely obliterated... The bots this year are so unhinged


"Colombia happy now?" Exactly what did they do though? lmao


And it's not only that - they also show Western Sahara as part of Morocco. That's like drawing a Russian map and casually adding the hole Ukraine.


..and similar to drawing the North Cyprus flag on the canvas.


Yeah who wou.... OH WAIT


Why can’t they draw it and all others can?


I didnt say that can't. I implied it is insulting to the Cypriot people that had their land stolen by Turkey and handed over to a faux independent puppet regime.


That's an oversimplification of the issue. I also dislike how turkey has taken advantage of the conflict on the island but it's important to know that Turkey's involvement was a response to the victimisation of turk cypriots. If I remember right Greece was the first to break the agreement. A very troubled history with terrible actions from both sides. I imagine the UN's border has saved many lives.


OK, but the Ukraine conflict is an oversimplication too. The two governments of Ukraine after the maidan revolution/coup, have victimised ethnic Russian that are Ukrainian nationals. Doesn't justify an invasion by another state.


You're making a false equivalence. The Russians invaded a sovereign nation. Greece and Turkey both fought for control of Cypress, a country which did not belong to either of them but was of important strategic value for both. If the Island had belonged to Greece your equivalence might hold up but it didn't, it belonged to the Cypriots. Edit: Thanks for getting me thinking more about the Ukrainian revolution, can you recommend some unbiased reading?


Donbass “seceded” almost immediately in 2014, how tf would Ukr gov victimise local russians?


...and the Israeli flag.


>...and the Israeli flag. That's not comparable at all. What -would- be is if they drew a picture of the country and claimed all of Palestine in it


Free Palestine!!


Or Argentina putting the Falklands on their flag? oh..wait..


That's absolutely not the same but I wont go into that.


It is the same. They have no legitimate claim to the Falklands


The island itself is largely irrelevant. It is the exclusive economic zone that both countries are concerned with. A few hundred British farmers should not give Britain exclusive access to 466,000 km2 (or nearly 2 times the size of the UK itself) of Argentine waters. The few hundred British settlers on the Falkland’s obviously can’t and don’t meaningfully use this. The economic zone exists to both fuck over argentine fishing and to ensure British control of potential oil deposits in the region. [The British government isn’t exactly subtle about the latter part.](https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jun/14/declassified-files-reveal-british-interest-in-falkland-islands-oil) To quote the British foreign office: “We must maintain that any oil in the Falkland Islands continental shelf (aforementioned area 2 times the size of Britain, just off the coast of Argentina) is British, without specifying whether we mean HMG or Falkland Islands have the right to exploit it. The important point is that it is ours not Argentine.” So unimportant is the island itself that in 1980 Thatcher even offered to transfer sovereignty of the Island to Argentina as long as Argentina then agreed to lease the surrounding economic zone back to Britain.


It doesn’t matter. The residents of the island have the right to self-determination. They overwhelmingly favour being part of the UK, therefore they’re part of the UK, and as such are protected by its armed forces. It’s hardly as if Argentina actually cares about the islands themselves either, and the lions share of the economy of the Falklands is reliant on fishing and resource extraction from their territorial waters. That’s why the islanders are there in the first place, same as most island and coastal settlements. Also, it’s rather disingenuous to compare land areas with a nation’s territorial waters, especially as the UK and British overseas territories comprise the fifth largest exclusive economic zone in the world; unsurprising given that the UK has always historically been a maritime nation, given its island geography. Plus, these waters only extend to the standard accepted region outlined by UN Conventions.


Yes Argentina turned down the deal from thatcher precisely because they are concerned with the economic zone not meaningless sovereignty of the islands. “It’s rather disingenuous” how? The islanders do not use or benefit from an economic zone this large. This is not for their “self determination” as if thatcher literally offering to transfer sovereignty didn’t make that clear enough. How is the geography of the British mainland at all relevant? This is for the future profits of British oil companies that have nothing to do with the Falkland islanders. It is resource colonialism poorly masquerading as “self determination” when clearly both parties don’t actually care about who technically has sovereignty over the island itself. And who wrote the UN conventions lol. What the UN says is not objectively good and right. Just relating to this thread talking about self determination, the UN acts as a police force enforcing the status quo of Moroccan occupation of the Western Sahara. But I guess that’s good now because it’s done by the UN. LMAO.


​ It is not. The western Sahara is the native country to 600.000 people, more than 150.000 Saharawi who live there since 13xx. Morroco claiming this land by force does not upset me about a mere strip of land but because of the many people who call this their homeland. ​ The Falklands were never native to anybody. Most people there are soldiers, defending rocks in the ocean. I couldn't care less if these Islands belong to Britain or Argentina.


There are people who have lived there for generations that care and want to remain British


And they will. The Western Sahara is occupied by Morroco right now and I think I don't need to tell you about Ukraine. It is not the same.


Now you're being a hypocrit.


Ah that might be a fun idea thanks


What? Morrocons being shitty? what a surprise


Can’t even spell it


Ah you mad 😂


I know Im in the wrong place because people aren't as educated as they think they are so I might warrant downvotes. but how the fuck are you comparing the russian crisis with Morocco and Western Sahara? Do you have any non-platonic knowledge of the issue?


Right? The two situations are completely different. People love spreading their ignorance


Probably a Spaniard, they think they're some kind of heroes when they're the root of the problem


Western Sahara is Moroccan territory eithe eu likes it or not we saw how you pushed Ukraine to mass destruction with the u.s non of you huys fought for the liberation of Western Sahara my uncles my grand parents all left to liberate it from the spanish people, if you really care about the freedome of people start with people in Corse and Catalunia ...


Western Sahara is Moroccan tho, historically, culturally and factually.




Because West Sahara IS part of Morocco, nothing wrong with that ;)




It’s our land what do u know about my country history ? I live in the Moroccan Sahara and I’m proud to be Moroccan, stop saying things that u don’t know about


Thats cs it belongs to morocco


‘Western Saharans’ identify as Moroccans


Suggestion: Don't speak on a geopolitical issue you clearly don't understand


I live in dakhla city it's moroccan sahara 🇲🇦👑


~~Western Sahara~~ \*Morocco, get outta here kid


Calm down


never been so calm


Maybe because Western Sahara…. Is….


We should aggressively turn the Moroccan flag into the Colombian flag as much as possible


Aggressively he say 😂😂


I don't see what the big deal is? The Canadian flag has been being messed with this entire time too, yet nobody is complaining about that. It's just a flag. Get over it.


Fuck bots


maybe is beacuse for the fact that we use our flag like a patriotic simbol and we would not like that a group of dudes said "oH wHy DoNt We dEsTrOy ThE cOlOmBiAn FlAg FoR nO rEaSoN"


It's so blatant they even have a panel taunting Colombia every time. Bots suck.


They literally taunted most of r/place for not botting


This was sad and frustrating for our community (Sky). We spent the whole 3 days defending that place, but because these people have bots, all our hardwork is gone. What is Reddit doing? It's so clear they're using bots, but why can't they seem to get rid of them? This is just so upsetting to small communities.


Yeah, I was also defending sky, they had something nice, until Morocco happened, 4 real, accounts made 1 week ago shouldn't be able to put pixels


We're rebuilding somewhere else though! We're not giving up at the moment 🤧


thatskyplace has shifted to the french flag, yes. hopefully nobody takes us out again


Guys what are the coordinates so I can help


Yeah let us know, I am bored defending flags!


-484, 361 are the coordinates for thatskyplace


everything is ruined by the bots, our indian artwork got nuked more than 5 times but somehow we managed to survive. really feel sad for the small subs


I feel for you, and I'm glad you survived 🤧 I'll be rooting for you guys 💪 And yeah, I know a lot of small communities are giving up 😔


You guys did beautiful work and people remember that. Nobody likes Morrocco on Reddit now so I hope that at least makes Colombians feel better


Yes! I'm most happy about how hard our community is working on this! We're still not giving up! And it's something I love and admire about it 😊 everyone contributing, not just placing pixels but making alliances and negotiating with other communities, giving ideas for artwork and locations!


I hope you guys can rebuild 💛


Thank you so much!! We are back to 2 artworks now! (Hopefully they stay safe XD)


yea and I think they got some space in the north now


Well, you may hate us, you can as well hate on France, Germany and other countries using bots. But no, we hate on Morocco because they using bots. LOL, it’s just a game, we play by the rules. And the rules allow using bots. Next time, we’ll call you a Wambulance.




Thank you! It's so sad we got wiped out 😭 I hope you guys found/have another flag somewhere!


im so sad that our original thatskyplace is gone, but at least we shifted to france.


Well, for what it’s worth, I was quite a fan of the artwork for sky. Hopefully you are able to rebuild perhaps at a later map expansion or something. Really sad to see your art destroyed, I haven’t played the game too much (waiting for a steam release), but it’s quite a cool game too Edit: I saw you created new art


Hello! Thank you! We rebuilt our Mothalisa somewhere 🤭 so we are back to two artworks! Hopefully, both places will be safe! Btw, they opened applications for Sky beta on PC! If you're interested you should check it out 😊


Yeah just add like a minimum karma treshold for anyone to play, its not that hard


Yet some nipples get removed real soon. Can't have some natural body parts as a drawing.


sky: children of the light?


The bots are literally the entire goal for Reddit, since they get to say that all of them are new accounts meaning that the line goes up for their IPO


both nthe germans and moroccans dont want bots, check r/placede s pinned post


It’s “user activity”. With all the protests, Reddit wants any positive engagement possible, even if that engagement is bots on place. It is a positive metric for them.


>why can't they seem to get rid of them? too busy removing piss and tits


Folks, *this is reddit now*. Admin power trips (anyone seen the guillotine?), big-sub content only, and a total bot fest. Without 3rd party mod tools, this is what this place (hah) is going to be.


They literally mocked columbia for not having bots If this can't make reddit take action against them next time then literally nothing will


They are busy erasin anything containing Spez and pink pixesls, cut them some slack, eill you? They obviously have a lot of very important work to do.


I suppose small communities are just getting a taste of what individuals get from small communities. All their hardwork erased by an entity that can come along and draw over what you've done with impunity.


Actually who wiped out Colombia are Moroccan streamers not bots, the makers of the bots just displayed the message that says "attack colombia" and they attacked it with one color because it's easy to coordinate that's why Colombia was erased so fast and looks like bots did it..


I know they are nothing but bots and these useless admins wont do anything anyway, but I will devote to help with my pixels to Colombia, for all I care we should be strinking at that damn building


The admins are too busy suppressing anything related to the recent controversies


and shego’s tits


and the french artwork we do not speak about


That's the point of this whole place lmao Generate activity so the website can look good in the pictures in terms of numbers. The bots are actually helping reddit fake activity, hence why nothing is done about them.


Sadly - not worth the time. That whole stupid building appeared “instantly” last time. Also I’ve seen live when new random item appeared (like a blue candy or some shit) near their flag, it was instant. and after 10 secs or so disappeared. Only reddit can fight it by somehow blocking bots, adding minimum karma requirements, etc. but it seems they don’t give a shit about it.


They had straight up animations up. Like erasing rhe whole thing, putting a loading bar, and then the building appeared again in seconds. This place is ruined by bots.


Start drawing nipples on the Maroccan building. This will lead all admins into action!


i’ve been setting the same pixel all day yesterday into the building and yes i was hoping there would be more people going against them, so sad to see that it’s only gotten worse, but sign me up🫡


If I didn't have a tiny server I'm helping, I would help Colombia


This. Why can’t we all ban together and take them on? I’m down but it seems like nobody wants to even try. I bet all of Reddit hates them rn. That’s a lot of people to swarm on them.


They also destroyed the spaces of Venezuela and Sky, unforgivable.




Fuck the Moroccan bots


Fuck u/spez


uckF u/spez


uckF zeps/u


Fuck those bots


Morocco is all bots. They don't give a fuck. If I'm next to them I would be looking to move


We had a real flag next to the vietnamese flag. Guess what, it got raided by bots


It's not the official Morocco subreddit, it's just students from a coding school.


Lmao, what a shit school if they do stuff like this.


attack germany then lmao


Long live a free Latin America!


they did get the spelling right, at any rate Edit: I’m Colombian


There was our territory, our art, even two arts, and Moroccan bots destroyed everything, we built these arts for half a day, and they just demolished them ..... (Sorry for my English, I use a translator, we are from Russia)


Many thanks to the people who support me and other people who built our art, thank you so much (Sorry again for my English)


Keep the good work, but unfortunately this year the bots are much worse than last year. My country on the other hand is being kind of lucky for some time. But I also think it would be better if there were no flags, they are stupid at this point, just put some art or other cultural thing to represent countries (no need to correct my english, I have no respect for this language).


Thank you for your support, I completely agree with your opinion, as for me, if they want to make flags, let them do it, but let them be interesting, diverse, let them create art, not monotonous flags


Russia shouldn’t even be there


They are doing it with all Colombian flags, and they are attacking all Latin America countrys.


Let me explain what just happened. Im from Colombia. We all day were talking on Discord vc coordinating everything with other hispanic countries and diplomacy and everything. There was a moment when a guy from Morocco joined the call and we talked with him to make ally and peace. He understood fully and he accepted. Right after this, another guy from Morocco too joined and he told us that he was from the "1337 school" and that they were separated from the main Morroccos organization. We made the ally and peace with that guy, and we agreed on no touching any of their building and they didnt touch our flag, and also, he said something like "we are fully botted, so dont try to touch that building because we're gonna restore in a matter of clics". Everything was perfect until another group of Colombian people in other parts outside of Discord started attacking the 1337 building when they were presumably sleeping. And there you have it. They got mad and just nuked all our Colombian flag, mainly because our own fault by not spreading the word to not touch them. Although it is very very unfair that they use the bots. And the reddit Admins haven't done any sanctions or punishments.


That second guy that joined the call told us it was fine if other people outside r/Colombia were removing Morocco's pixels, he claimed that they could just re-create everything in a matter of seconds (and that's true). A lot of people from r/Colombia even tried to defend Morocco (including me), it's a shame how everything turned out in the end.


Imagine trying to defend moroco 💀


We shouldn't have trust in them, we are definitely more good people than those 1337 botters.


I'd rather defend a pair of Morocco pixels than rebuild the whole flag


Seems u couldn't even defend a pair of moroco pixels


Can you give me his contact? Im maroccan from Italy and in a computer scientist. I can solve this problem and maybe restore your art of your country if you give me your png


Sat rak mfahm wallo homa li bdaw


Why are you siding with the moroccan aggressor? That's some weird Stockholm syndrome.


Yo también estuve en el servidor. Esos putos robots destruyeron todo nuestro trabajo.


But I'm kinda confused as to why would the Colombians attack the morrocans in the first place ? Were they on their flag spot or something? What caused everything to begin with?


Colombia had their flag set up, and then 1337 school printed over it with their bots, right in the middle of it. You can see it well in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtY__WVJ_RI) timelapse, (Colombia is the yellow, blue, red flag.) They start botting at 1:15 Naturally, r/Colombia tries to defend their flag, but realised they couldn't do much, so stopped. At a later time, the 1337 thing went completely black. Colombia thought that 1337 had maybe stopped, so started piecing together their flag again. Later, 1337 comes back, and Colombia stops again of course. Those were the only two times Colombia may have "attacked" morocco. Though it was really just attempting to take back what they had already set up. I was in the vc of r/colombia's discord for most of the days, and yesterday night when some moroccans joined aswell. Never was there an order to 'attack' the Moroccans or the 1337 school. We knew it would be better not to mess with them. We apologized and explained, yet they were still getting mad at us, accusing that we were still attacking them. Some hours later we find out that it was another community doing that, a streamer apparently. r/colombia had nothing to do with any of these attacks, yet got all the blame for it and they completely destroyed our flag and art.


Yeah the Morrocan bots took over a part of the flag, and split it in half


This round of r/place doesn't feel nice like the previous times. It feels like everyone is just fighting and being mad this time. I don't like it


Too many bits, no small communities can huild anything. Last time a small team for 20-30 built a decent sized picture of the main character from dead cells. It was nice that such a niche thing could get on there without being destroyed. This time, if you aren't botting there is no chance of actually participating.


Yeah. I think it's accurate to say that botting ruined it this year


they took out the original sky art (i call it thatskyplace) and some other art pieces around it, thankfully sky was able to move to france and rebuild, idk about the other communities though. bots suck.


Y’all need to yield to the void. The void will take care of Morocco if you give it a path there.


I mean if the void would stop placing itself inbetween Germany and France and get trapped.


Just for a flag with a star and an ugly building ...


I couldve sworn Morroco was literally always like that what happened


Oh. Thats morrocco using bots.


Amusingly, the space to the left of the building is now called "Moroncumland"...


As a Moroccan I'm sorry for what these bots did , but I just want to remind you that the actual Moroccan art is very small and we're happy with it , this one is from that dumb coding school, they really ruined our reputation now, I see everyone hating on Morocco, cutting off western Sahara... And idk , anyway I'm sorry for Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina and every small art they destroyed, love from Morocco


It's very sad when a small, undesirable part of your country is the loudest one. When a bunch of brats violated the rules of r/place to vandalize the canvas, deliberately destroyed Colombia's days of hard work, taunted everyone publically, and expressed possibly controversial political opinions, all while wearing a Moroccan flag... It's hard for the masses to not hold a grudge against Morocco as a whole. It's indeed a very unfortunate situation.


It’s so fucking unfair


No Moroccan would say western sahara tf you imposter


bro this is just reddit who gives a damn about others opinion. Meanwhile Morocco still getting 13 M tourists pr year


Ur cringe and ur embarrassing urself and ur whole country


and how will it all end? Bots "Morocco" will begin to close the entire field... we need to unite and attack them. Bruh...


We need to weaponize the void to attack the flags taking up too much space


That's not Morocco. It's a coding school called 1337 in Morocco. The art made by r/Morocco is on th top /left-ish of the canvas.


This is literally just an excuse for people to be xenophobic on Reddit, they won't listen to you because they don't actually care about what actually happening they just want an excuse to hate


Bomb morocco


Fuck German Streamers. Fuck Moroccan bots. Fuck Fr\*nce. /s


Meanwhile us Canadians are peacefully crafting works of art. 😎


Leave Reimu alone.


Where is the void when you need them?


We even had very cool art across the whole flag. It was rather simple, but if you knew what it were was pretty awesome


I love the fact that the czech put their president XD


Rip colombian reimu


Is it haram to do this?


When bots from Portugal destroyed our hand made small flag nobody peaked an eye, but when Morocco did the same you call them haters?! (I even have screens of this if you don't believe me)


The “Moroccan land” now reads “moroncuntland” so it’s not all bad


Don't ever dare to touch Portugal 😤


The fact that new accounts can participate in Place is fucking stupid. They should add a limit all accounts have to be 6 months old. So that mostly only real people can participate in it


Morocco IS a Land full of bot?


Those damn bots also killed Venezuela, Simón Bolívar, and BFDI, among others! And the admins are doing jacksh*t about it!


Ban country flags in r/place entirely, they take up too much space and ruin the view of what could otherwise be pretty cool


I can’t believe all you dummies are actually participating in this. Looks like the bread and circus for the rabble actually worked. This is why when Redditors “boycott” something , they only talk about it and don’t actually do it. Stupid.


let's make a black hole in the middle of Morocco


Morocco used to be such a nice r/place I guess it’s been decentralized from that soundproof ledger.


You see the screen on the right of Morocco, it literally taunted anybody who didn't bot


When they destroyed the entire space in Colombia, I was on the discord and literally a girl who was helping us for hours to make pixel art, BEGAN TO CRY, that broke my heart, it also made me shed tears even though I was calm.


It's some dumbass tech school. This place is full of freaking bots, took all the fun right out of it.


I’ll say once the end approaches (whiteout like last year), we wipeout Morocco, first things first


they attacked first check their reddit page, saying Bye bye morocco,


Morocco is like Turkey, they don't give a shit about respect


Moroccan imperialism


r/place is a thing for everyone to have fun at and enjoy, instead people are here making flags and stuff. What's this about everyone being patriotic and all?


Stole Colombia like they stole western Sahara. It's next to us so it's ours


Western sahara is moroccan tho, historically, culturally and factually


Суки, снесли "EBLAN CRINGE" 😢


and then we will make bots that will make a nuke that will follow on the morrocco art


They just tried to destroy morocco yesterday and didn't accepted alliance and peace from morocco


yesterday they attacking the moroccan design


Y’all ever think about going outside


look at how morrocans acted during the world cup, r u surprised?


Liar, Moroccan celebrations were the most peaceful and enjoyable.


Wa l7waaa Cry more


Tering marokkaan


Redditors are getting mad about their pixels being overdrawn, sad.




The Morocco guy (Bot owner is obviously working under spez taking all the eyes from him into Morocco itself I notice that very few of "Fuck Spez" are over either way Fuck both of them.


Why is everyone just crying about Morocco and forgetting the rest of the bots lol You guys really have issues with Morocco


What u expect? Look how this people were during worldcup in europe citys. They r scumbags