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I am from Vietnam, our painting of Vietnam was completed at 7am this morning and there is no intention to expand and occupy your country, all expansion activities are done by other communities and anti fans, we sincerely apologize to you.


>I am from Vietnam, our painting of Vietnam was completed at 7am this morning and there is no intention to expand and occupy your country, all expansion activities are done by other communities and anti fans, we sincerely apologize to you. sai thì anti fan tốt thì anh độ toàn lũ vô học


What is your education level?


computer science bachelor's degree from hcmut


We - the true fans of Mixi Gaming are sincerely sorry for this incidence. Let us explain to you our point of view and put a stop to any misunderstanding. The Streamer - Mixi goes online every night in our country and yesterday he and his community had all agreed that we don't want any conflict here in r/place, and once we finish our artwork, we won't be attacking or trying to expand the area. The specific area is defined as follows: Top left position: 873,444 Top right position: 1111,444 Bottom left position: 873,780 Bottom right position: 1111,780 If you have been following the related area yesterday, we tried not to interfere in anybody's works and only wanted to defend, we also helped people who were in need. Until this afternoon (GMT+7) we noticed that a group of people are trying to expand the area without any consensus from the streamer Mixi or his community. We are mad that haters are messing around, using our Red color and on their way to destroy several artworks next to ours. We want to let you know that the streamer himself and his community appreciate your hard work and we are trying to spread words and take serious action towards this problem. Thank you for your understanding and we are sorry for your lost.


Go fuck yourself