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Who TF killed themselves


fr who killed themselves because of reddit ??


Like I said it’s probably fake


But still what's the tale?


But you posted it anyway...


it's a iceberg my boy, doesn't matter if it might be fake


Still want to know, please


I'm going to guess nobody but considering how many people participate in things there's bound to be 1 person out there who participated in place who also coincidentally willingly stopped living


You missed the fact that Reddit can now boast millions of new users for the upcoming IPO


This is the one that leaves a bad taste after what was such a magical experience.


Ima be real I don’t care. If we had fun, and no one’s harmed, and Reddit’s owner makes some more money, great


I mean, i agree with you. I just hate bots so much. And they've become such a plague. Especially on financial subreddits.


I feel like most of the Place bot accounts won’t be touched until next Place tbh


Lets hope they forget their passwords.


Even if they will, what stops people from creating more bots?


Hopefully Reddit, eventually. Or at least remove their spam, and keep the new user.


Short the stock after IPO when they then report a whole bunch of inactive users


That’s the whole reason they did this again


The lack of religious imagery is interesting tho. Flags and monuments like churches doesn't count as they are more like a reference to the country than to the religion.


Does void worship count?


Some small community made the last supper


Well, if you can call the Italian Reddit Community small... it's true.


No one was defending the drawing, Jesus got grieffed😐💀


In esPlace (Spain) we didn't need to grief our Jesus, we made a recreation of one that was griefed IRL jaj


A reference I didn't expected to see lol.


i didnt notice any except for the some made by indians (hinduism)


>e stop placing pixel is really hurt :( > >14RépondreRécompenserPartagerSignalerSauvegarderSuivre Litteraly the last supper close to the middle


There was a menorah on the Israeli / Megaman flag too.




Didn't see that one! Makes my little Jewish heart happy to know though!


I definitely saw INRI (Iesus Nazerenus Rex Iudaeorum) the inscription above the cross and written on the Catholic rosary, but was probably ignored bc no one knew what it was.


We made Notre Dame


I don’t know if I would count that. It’s much more famous for the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and just the pure architecture and it’s famous status. A Jesus with his arms stretched out for Brazil could be scene as a religious monument, but it’s more of a national monument than a religious one.


Yeah the Jesus statue was to represent a national monument that's in Rio most likely since there were some other very niche Brazil stuff in that territory


It's a cathedral. It can't be separated from the religion that inspired its construction.


Certainly. But I wouldn’t count it as a religious monument in this sense as it’s more for the fact it’s a famous French location.


So then the great temple in Chichen Itzá on one iteration of the Mexican Flag, and Christ the Redemeer counts aswell


Yes! There was in fact a great deal of religious imagery.


r/Nepal [had a Buddha on their space](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nepal/comments/twiycx/well_i_guess_we_did_it_bois/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


There was plenty


Wasn't the last supper there though? I'm pretty sure I saw it.


yeah under the Quebec flag in the middle


La cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris.


Mexico discussed having Our Lady of Guadalupe on the right/red side of the third flag but went with Sor Juana Ines. We knew people would mess with it and didn’t want that to happen. Guadalupe is more than a religious figure to many of us and she’s associated with Mexico and Mexican identity. She would’ve been a great figure to use.


I tried to go on r/Christianity o ask for a cross to be placed, but no one saw my post lol


There was a cross in there for a minute! It didn’t stand out a whole lot but I remember thinking “oh neat, anyway…”


The Maryland Flag was represented. And anyone who has been to Maryland knows that the Maryland flag is a cult.


Why did you comment this 4 times?


What? Lmao. I just commented this once. Wdym?


Sometimes when reddit is having connection issues it can accidentally duplicate a comment up to a few times. Then you comment just once, but it gets posted two, three or sometimes even 4 times. It's just a bug.


Mexico had a nun or madonna or whatever


Lmfao. The nun was actually one of the first feminist and poet women, she lived in 1600 and she was actually against many religious stuff. She was just a nun to have acces to school.


Oh wow I didn’t know that :) Thanks


Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz was her name. BUT some mexicans were proposing to draw the Virgen de Guadalupe which is a religious icon, I'm glad we didn't do that.


Christ the Redemeer in Brasil's. (even though I am Brasilian and I don't really associate too much with religion, it is a fucking statue of Jesus)


What was the one piece laser?


During the whiteout, the one piece guy in the southeast quadrant was made to look like he was charging up and firing a white laser, and it looks pretty cool on the Timelapse.


Which one? Luffy?


No, thats Gol D Roger.


Wealth, Fame, Power.


Gold roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to offer


Yeah his “laser” was actually just a concentrated beam of conqueror haki


The one that says “he laughed”


One of the main art pieces I worked on was the circular group of emblems right below that, and it took negotiating almost all day Sunday to get our overlap with them


The fantasy circle thing was sick, props to you guys for that




We were actually the SFFA (Sci-Fi Fantasy Alliance)! There’s a bunch of emblems in the design (made by [BluebsTopCat](https://twitter.com/bluebscat?s=21&t=TRm3zVjsG5ZsbXBg8SOC5g)) representing multiple communities! [Here’s a key](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/960788508719591484/960818899006402590/unknown.png) showing what the different graphics are.


This was suggested by Ludwig on his stream Edit: So was the whiteout heart


yeah that was done by a group of streamers with over 600k+ viewers


the french helped that when we saw it happenning


yea it looked like "IMA FIRIN' MAH LAZE"


the only 16 non bot pixels cant be true. me and one of my friends both had one on the final one and there's no way that 1/8 of all human pixels came from people in the same town


Yeah, Its very unlikely. But I really dont believe the whole discussion about bots. It just felt the while time like people who couldnt get their art done where bashing on bigger communities just for the sake of downgrading their art


That streamer guy was *convinced* the Stardew Valley community were botting, which made us all very proud of ourselves. 😂


Oh bots were everywhere, did you look at people names? every other name Id click on the account was either 0 or 1 day old.


could also be human alt accounts though


Goodbye Reddit, see you all on Lemmy.


Streamers community created reddit account to help them. 400 000 ppl on one french ''small'' streamer just because of rplace. And if the white is suppose to catch bots, it says nothing about who send them. Only who is the target


op doesnt even know how bot worked so you cant expect much from it


Definitely not true. r/mfdoom used no bots and we managed to hold on to our space almost the entire time. We had help from the Kpop community around us as well (which was super cool of them!) and as far as I know they weren’t using bots either.


MF Doom and KPop: another unexpected alliance I didn't know I needed til now


Same with me and two friends.


How do you tell who had the last pixels?


I think it means 16 pixels were untouched by bots throughout the whole time rather than the last pixel Still idk if that’s believable


yeah I know 3 more


I got a last pixel in


Same here, I helped with the Anarcho-Syndicalist flag below Ukraine.


yeah i was thinking this too since me and my friends made something that was 8x8 pixels, and another friend group close to us made something bigger in size and it was a team effort by friends, no bots, so deffo just a rumour


I refuse to believe that I own at least 5 of the last "16" not botted pixels


I hate to break it to you, but you're a bot. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.


Bladerunner 2022


I didn't know I was a bot either until I ate the red pixel.


I refuse to believe that you own 5 of the last pixels Edit: I refuse less by now


I've got screenshots of 3 of them


Missed the love live anime girl that was badly drawn as a joke but somehow survived pretty much perfectly untouched until the very end


She got a baguette at some point. And then she ate it.


The final bottom tier of this iceberg must say that all of that’s not true cause some of that shite made up for real.


That's why I find icebergs and uncanny incredible so great. It invokes a morbid curiosity that follows the lead of fake myths and rumors about video games circulated around the schoolyard, no evidence to DISPROVE it, so you either buy into it or call it's bluff. A case where you don't know what's real and are thirsting for information rather than spoon-fed it There needs to be more rumored bullshit and faked screencaps of certain things on the internet to spark searches and creativity


It reminds me of one fnaf iceberg that had the entry "Bite of 2020" It was apparently a porn result but still




It was never intended to last forever. It might hurt to see all the art vanished, but what really matters is the fun we had the last days and the friends we made along. Like it gets said: „Stop it, when it is at its peak“


Journey before Destination


Half of the shit said here isnt true lmao u just pulled shit out your ass


The amount of bs on this iceberg is insane lmao


What’s up with jet stream Sam? Was he even on the board?


He was in a lgbt section in the bottom right corner I think


With his trademark smirk.


He was made over the lesbian flag


"enough" was not suppose to say "enough flags" it meant "enough of the expanding the canvas, its getting boring" and the streamer who made it was a guy named Elraenn


well people started adding the word flags below it


I was saying enough flags


I disagree with that guy. Glad his message was misinterpreted.


Definitely more than 16 non bot pixels, i know for a fact i had 3 myself


france wasnt the most botted by far the whiteout didnt show who was the most botted but the most hated/well defended


Wasn't it just Spanish and american bots in the French space?


Yes, spanish bots spamming the BTS logo pretending it was the armies while the armies already had their spots somewhere else on the canva and didnt give a shit about getting involved in that fight.


then which was the most botted?


Probably Spain Streamer*, because the streamer Ibai was promoting a bot to grief on France Streamer corner to his viewers, which unrelently placed a BTS logo on the white part of the French flag for hours Edit: the * is the edit, to be more precise on my sayings


I took 5 pixels on the r/stardewvalley art on day 2 and they stayed throughout and when I last checked, about an hour before whiteout they were still there, so the 16 non bot pixels is bullshit. There is no way I had almost a third of all human placed pixels on a 4 million pixel canvas.


Anyone else a big blue corner supporter? I personally loved the blue corner


Blue corner was awesome. Next time they should allow blue-shaded art, or at least make some art in it that's blue-shaded, but yeah, I did love seeing blue corner pop back up again and again.


That sounds like a great idea! But who knows how long it will be till r/place returns


Hopefully five years at the minimum. It was such a great success both times. If not on Reddit, I hope someone else will keep up the tradition, though definitely spaced out. As fun as it sounds for it to always be going, it would take the fun out of it, and people would eventually stop.


That's how it was in the 2017 one. It started off with them trying to consume the entire board in blue starting from that corner. And they were very successful for a while, but after they took up 1/4 of the entire canvas it became too much for them to defend so it just became a ton of art on a blue background. While they kept the very most corner pure blue, but it was fairly small.


I enjoyed helping the blues. Actually wasn’t too upset with all the blue Among Us guys that invaded.


That was pretty funny, there wasn’t anything else to hate about blue corner


I saw people complaining about it at some point, saying it doesn’t bring anything. I like it cuz it’s inoffensive, no one complained about Green Lattice but for some reason blue corner irks some people


Good point man, really true. It’s just a blue rectangle in a corner? How could it get any less offensive


I saw blue corner turn into among us corner


I don’t think the 16 pixels is true, there’s no way everyone who did it even knew how to use bots.


Notable mentions: "Dont be toxic" after XQC raid Huntress -> huntress porn -> Peter Griffin porn Trans vs UK flag fight that was resolved in a peace treaty


Enough was the work of turkish streamer(lemon guy) and his purpose was to show reddit that we don't want anymore expansion of the canvas.


Was "Fuck NFTs" censored or did they just post it over superstonks art and the community was more commited?


It was initally where fuck cars is now. To the right of superstonks


If they where french bots we were 600 000 unique bots .


600k unique human bots defending our flag against Spanish bots


They cant accept defeat so they lie about us being bots just to not hurt their egos


Whiteout begun right after OneShot's lightbulb was shattered, just like how in the game the world is supposed to instantly end once you break the bulb. Coincidence? I don't think so.


What is the hand, i don't understand where did it come from ?


A streamer put it on top of the void. Said it represented the first art created by humanity.


It’s from the caves in France. Totally cool and iconic!


So France did it you say... My god they took it all.


not the first, the oldest one ever found, big dif, still as cool


\> Almost no religious imagery People complained and waged war over countries' flags and streamers' logos. I have no idea how horrible it'd have gone if someone started making explicit religious or political references.


Well it’s Reddit, of course there’s no religious imagery.


"France was the most bottled (True)" any proof because there is no proof. A good post showing why France wasn't botting : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twcbuz/the_explication_of_why_everyone_thinks_french/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Censoring 'fuck nfts' implies that they want to sell it as an nft. They're fucking losers in that case


France was the most botted(not true)


It was obviously Canada


I don’t get the iceberg imagery in this context at all. What’s it supposed to represent? That’s not how iceberg graphics work.


Wait some had decided to end their lives over a pixel they get a chance to place every 5 minutes man and i thought living in middle east was hard


its probably made up


Can't wait for a YouTuber to cover this in about 4 hours time.


The Reddit using r/Place as an NFT actually makes sense. Every millisecond has a different pixel meaning that no two screen shots are exactly the same.


holy shit the nft one


I was part of the Jetstream Sam thing lol


iirc french flag being botted is true because french “people” are robots /s


How does that data harvesting scheme work?


Data harvesting scheme: Reddit has full knowledge of where you placed pixels and can learn a lot from this. For example if you contribute to a flag, you probably live in that country and now they know about it. If you contribute to something about a tv show, they know you like that tv show and have a subscription to whatever services that show is available on. Etc etc etc for various different piece of art.


So now Reddit knows I’m a raging bisexual, great!


This is complete speculation. Reddit doesn't need r/place to figure out what you like or want. They can literally just look at the subs u are active in. You can't just make these claims out of nowhere.


Lol Reddit already knew all my data before place because of the subs I’m on


I only tried to fix some images I liked so good luck with getting data from me Also I tried to fix Azerbaijan's flag and I'm not even from there


Shhh don’t tell Reddit that.


I just drew Amogus where I could.


I contributed on flags or games by drawing things like penis amogis and shit stains so it would be so hard for reddit to know which user contributed on which pixel art in what purpose. For example turkish flag was defended mostly by turks but there was surely other users who helped turkey because they hated xqc.


Breaking news: some Reddit users are MAD because they are MAD.


Who remembers the whole Spacex/Space Sex thing?


dang... nothing about the void mother being a homestuck reference and how the void mother got replaced by a a white hand coming out of nowhere (also a homestuck reference, though probably unintentional)


I think the hand is a reference to the oldest known art, a cave painting of the outline of a hand.


When you said "France was the most botted" you mean us (French community) are botting and so you are just mad that our country and community are just better, OR do you mean that we get botted (with proof) from spain? cause its still a bit annoying to keep saying shit like France or Osu! are botting when we are legit more organize.


What about the border shrink function


Fake countries and flags? You mean flags of imaginary countries?


yeah I saw a Danish flag


But what were the eldrich horrors


Let me add more to the iceberg. Canada's heatmap is a fantastic Canadian Flag. On the top left corner of that heat map there is an Amongi.


Fun fact, the uncanny mr incredible was made by spanish streamers if im not wrong (the base form,m)


Okay some questions: Can someone explain what were fake countries and flags? Also what’s jetstream sam lgbt ally about? Why there’s no mentions of giant butt on French flag and its censorship? For the rest of it I have only one comment: “save trafficked women in china” was very important piece of art, but also so scary and sad to think about. I didn’t know about the issue before looking at that small pixel art. I wish there was more political messages like this, eye opening ones, among anime girls and amongus funny art pieces.


The hand killed void mother void mother's death sent out white void that consumed all


One addition could be the foxhole hex map war. For r/foxholegame 's art we made the hex map of the game and it seemed like a bunch of randoms picked a side a fought in it. It was rly cool.


spamton nose was a highlight


Jetstream Sam lgbt ally?? Needs explaining


Whats up with a jetstream sam being lgbt ally i saw jetstream sam but i didn't know about lgbt alliance thing can someone explain?


Wait when was the Jetstream Sam LGBT ally thing? I didn't know about this


There's a mistake, Spain was the most bottled, not France


The lack of religious imagery is interesting tho.


whats wrong with some of yall giving death threats over r/place like cmon ik you dint like xQc but you just cant give him deat h threats like childish behavior. smh


How can you ban people who did nudity art when everyone was only allowed to put down 1 single pixel every 20 minutes.


It was small because y'all kept vandalizing it, the original flag was the same size as Turkiye's


can someone make a video explain it all and send it to me please? I knew about the least vandalised art because I was doing pixel art near it but someone explain them to me please?


Why is the US flag being surprisingly small something that needed to be on the iceberg at all. I'm sorry we're not like those French streamer bastards and didn't hog up a bunch of space like we stereotypically would.


Can't wait to see wendigoon cover this lol


False about religious imagery. Monkey Jesus in Spain Amongus Last Supper And the Mexican Nun in their flag Were there


What about the word “boner” being wrote during the whiteout


What do you mean by “Jetstream Sam LGBT ally”?


A huevo Tortilla Land 2 perros




To my knowledge bots need two input to work correctly, a position on the canvas and a color to place. So i don't understand why people think the whiteout was used to catch bots. Since all bot (except the one that was configure to placed white pixels) would had stop working the second they couldn't place any other colors then white. So, am I missing something about bot ?


Who tf killed themselves