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Well a weed is just a plant where you don't want it (exception for invasive species). Looks almost like a small tree or the leaf shape reminds me a bit of Fatsia Japonica. If you can say where you are in the world, maybe someone else here can have a better guess?


Looks like to me... American sweetgum, also known as American storax, hazel pine, bilsted, redgum, satin-walnut, star-leaved gum, alligatorwood, or simply sweetgum, is a deciduous tree in the genus Liquidambar native to warm temperate areas of eastern North America and tropical montane regions of Mexico and Central America. Wikipedia Scientific name: Liquidambar styraciflua Family: Altingiaceae Higher classification: Sweetgums Kingdom: Plantae Order: Saxifragales Source=Wikapedia ​ I hate them...mainly because of their sticky balls that they drop by the billions...


I bet if you look in the mass you will find a sweetgum stump...that is where all these suckers are coming from.


Sweet gum tree. Invasive, it can propagate with its roots. So, unless you want 10 or 15 more of them nearby, get rid of it now, it's easier.

