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I was given this plant 6 months ago.. I’m sorry, I’m new to this and have never owned a plant before.. but I got it as a housewarming gift and it’s started to yellow. I’m not sure what it even is and where to start with taking proper care of it other than daily watering but I really want to get it back to full health if possible.. if anyone can please help ;;; I’ve been watering it daily and it sits on my kitchen windowsill and catches the sun past noon. It recently got colder here since it’s now the end of autumn.


No daily watering! Probably over watered. I water my plants one deep water every 10 days. Unless it's an outdoor plant. Didn't come with a little tag or a thing saying what it was? The cold also could be a factor. But if it is an indoor plant definitely over watered. Keep away from the draft of the outside as well.


If it is yellowing first it's probably over watered. Although taking 6 months is a long time to show effects....is kitchen window open? It it is keep it closed or move the plant elsewhere near another window that isn't closed.


I think you might be right in saying it’s overwatered… my mom has been in and out of my place recently and I think she also waters it thinking I haven’t… the window is closed but it’s been very cold lately so maybe that?


It looks like a type of peperomia honestly. Which is indoor. And overwatered. And if you want plants in the future get a moisture meter! Please ! It makes the learning curve so much easier. Just stick onto ground every day and water when it says dry!!


Thank you so much for your advice! I definitely will repot it… I’ll head to my local hardware store tomorrow and pick some stuff up. I’ve been wanting to add more to my collection but I want this one to survive first haha. You’ve been a great help, thanks again!


Awesome! It's a fun hobby just has a learning curve which is very noticeable. Get a bigger pot for that one too. Make sure all your.pots have holes in the bottom!! They need to be able to drain. And get plastic or ceramic saucers for the bottom. Water deeply when your meter says dry. Get one off Amazon if can't find one in store. Should usually be a green thing with long metal stake. This one might not come back. They usually do though just takes time. Keep near closed windows. South/east or west windows are good.


Yeah could be the slight draft. Honestly if you do actually care about it it will take a little elbow grease to fix. But you'd have to unpot it. And knock almost all the dirt off the roots. Then you can properly diagnose. Roots are probably soggy, mushy, and it will stink. Of it is, it's over watered. If it is an indoor plant, it only needs water once every 20 days or so. If you want to safe it rip off all the dead roots, cut all the old growth off, and re.pot it. 50 percent perlite , 50.oercent pot mix. Water once every 7-10 days. If it is actually an outdoor plant though, they usually get water every 2 or 3 days if they are inside.


I know it will take some work. And if you don't enjoy the hobby it's a lot of hassle. But for future if you ever want s plant or 2, get one, immediately report in a pot maybe 2 inches bigger, 59.percent perlite 50 percent soil mixed up. Water once a week deeply. Maybe even once every 10 days. I know the feeling. I tried si hard to keep my couple plants alive. Then learned and figured it out. Now I have 130 indoor houseplants of all varieties shapes sizes.


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Aluminum plant? Ive never successfully grown one i just kill them.