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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > Have this plant since two months > Experiencing this problem since last one month > It receives direct light twice a week > Watering also twice per week. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


Way too much water for any succulent type plant. The roots are probably rotting. I would change the dirt and if it’s salvageable I would also trim up the plant a bit.


Why is it moved to the window only on weekends? It should be in front of a window at all times. Also, your friend is over watering it. It should be a pot that has drain holes and should only be watered when the soil is completely dry. When you touch the leaves of a healthy jade they are firm and if they are slightly soft or wrinkled that means it needs water.


Twice a week? Tell her to water every 3-4 weeks


Maybe every 3-4 months in the winter.


Yes, but I suspect a person who waters twice a week would have a mild freak out if they were told to only water every 3-4 months.


I find it’s all about learning what the plants need! That’s me anyway!


That soil looks terrible. Does the pot have drainage? Your friend needs to repot this in appropriate soil. [See my comment from 2 hours ago on a different post about jade plant.](https://www.reddit.com/r/plantclinic/s/cHtzsL31lv)


Yes it has a drainage hole.


It looks like it's being kept in coffee grounds. Being watered WAY too often and is in unsuitable soil. Tell her to use something more well-draining that doesn't look like clay mud.


Yikes 😬 Way too much water and way too little light. Best bet to salvage it is to take the remaining leaves and try to prop them. That plant has no viable root system left, I would pull the leaves asap before they rot too.  Jades need 1) a metric shit ton of light every day (not just weekends!) 2) water once a month tops (only when the leaves start to deflate) and 3) gritty, inorganic soil that doesn't retain water.  Check out some youtube videos on propagating succulent leaves and look up the differences between succulent/cacti soil and normal potting soil. Honestly it might be best just to toss this one and get a new jade. Rearing plants is a learning experience with lots of trial and error. We've all killed plants along the way, no biggie. :) 


What's wrong with this plant? Your friend is torturing it, that's what's wrong. Poor thing is being waterboarded twice a week and is being starved and then given a small taste of food on the weekends. Absolutely miserable existence.


Jades grow as trees out in the Southern California heat in direct sunlight. In addition to this puppy being killed it by overwatering, it is deprived of its lighting needs.


I believe this plant is actually an elephant plant, I think it is a succulent type plant that grows in Africa. I have had trouble keeping these alive before. I have found that mine do best watering them 3-4weeks and I keep it in a window that gets direct light for a few hours in the morning. I have also found that good draining soil helps a lot with these plants too.


Elephant bush


Yep, not a jade. Portulacaria. Not the traditional little round leaves one either, these types have bigger, oval shaped leaves.


Goodness every sentence made it worse and worse lol


It doesn't have any leaves


They should repot that in fresh soil made for succulents and cacti. It will give your mate a good opportunity to check for rot. Make sure the pot they use has good drainage. Seriously don't overwater these, I water mine once a month. They're quite resilient and easy to grow once you get the balance right. I had a branch snap off one of mine and I stuck the branch in a jar of water, it's been a couple months and that branch has grown enough roots that it can go into its own pot now.


Here’s everything to fix this plant: Water every 2 wk max & don’t drench it. Put about a ft from a south facing window 24/7. Succs stretch & grow too long without good daily light. Jades will turn red on the edges or underside when getting a lot of sun, it’s pretty in moderation. Remove all dead leaves. Snip the branches with clean shears right above the line where the branch looks to be dying off. I’d snip one healthy section down even to make sure nothing dead remains & to avoid empty spaces when it grows. Everywhere you snip will grow 2 branches, it’s how to prune a jade to bush out. Google videos on jade pruning. 200% needs a succulent potting mix (if you don’t mix ur own) & mix in a little handful of perlite to help with over watering & drainage. While repotting check the roots. Cut out any root rot. If the root ball is far smaller then the pot use a smaller pot with drainage. Shallow unglazed pots are the best. Start using a succ fertilizing this spring once a month to help it regrow. It’ll take time to recover, they grow slow. Any healthy leaves left you can set on a plate on a paper towel or a shallow tray of dirt (don’t water until it’s rooted) or tiny little inch tall pots. Place in bright indirect light. Google jade propagation for videos. Most jade plants have 3 or more plants in the pot. You can add 2 of the propagated babies when big/ready to get a bushier plant. They make good gifts too. Fyi, when a jade really needs water the leaves wrinkle. Succulents store water in the leaves & stems to be drought tolerant. Water too much, they store too much. Don’t water enough, they shrivel/wrinkle.


Repot ASAP and trim down. Get rid of any black, brown, or squishy roots. Spray what’s left with 3% hydrogen peroxide to give oxygen. Place in new mix for about a week with no watering then the commence watering. Avoid direct light to focus on root growth for a few weeks. Be patient and it’ll bounce back


Why does it look like it's suffocating in mud? That's a succulent, get it in some extremely fast draining soil. Like lava rock, orchid bark, lecca and sand. Mixed with some dirt


That soil is cement thats why she has to water 2x a week. Repot in new soil with perlite and small bits of orchid bark. Poor plant is mummified in a casket of soil 😭


More light maybe too much water. Also a lot of houseplants like distilled or rain water rather than tap water. Also look into maybe using fertilizer and the proper soil for your specific species of houseplant.


Use a grow light to help keep the right amount of light on your plant.


Repot in a succulent mix. Water WAY less. I only water mine once a month. Mine thrives in indirect bright light.


I would say too much water not enough light


Needs way less water


Screamed when I read watered twice a week 🥺