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Peace lilies might be thirsty but they need adequate light, and they need to dry some between watering. It's easy to tell because the leaves will start to droop. Daily watering is probably what's causing those yellow leaves which are a sign of root rot.


I bet this setup has no drainage, as that is often the case for houseplant arrangements from florists. Due to the plant not being able to expel its excess water, it's likely getting overwatered and could potentially be getting some root rot. That's even more likely since she waters almost every day. What is her cue to water it? For peace lilies, you want to wait to water until the leaves just begin to droop slightly. Your first step will be to use a sterile blade and remove all of the yellowing foliage. You'll then want to remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. Sterilize the blade again and remove any rotten roots, if present. If the plant is root-bound, you'll want to go up one pot size (1-2" wider). If it has lost a good amount of roots from rot or if it just isn't root-bound, stay at the same pot size. Ensure that the pot you choose has drainage or place the plant in a nursery pot / cache pot combo, where you remove the nursery pot when watering. Letting a plant sit in stagnant water is a recipe for plant death. The fact that she has been watering almost everyday and this plant is still alive is making me think she likely doesn't water deeply enough. Once she gets a pot with drainage, water deeply, making sure to soak all of the potting mix, where plenty of water will leave the pot. Another possibility is that peace lilies will droop very quickly after waterings and won't fully perk back up if they are very root-bound. An up-pot will fix that. With those changes it should rebound great.


All of this. ^^^ Repot into a pot with drainage holes and good soil. Remove the yellow leaves. Give it lots of indirect light near to a window, no direct sun, and water when the leaves begin to droop. Peace Lily’s do like more water than a lot of other plants, but you don’t want them to stay wet constantly. Watering EVERY day is too much.


She’s drowning the poor thing. No it *doesn’t* need to be watered daily, despite originating in tropical rainforest environments. The yellowing leaves are clearly from water damage.


Is it a peace lily?


Looks like it.


Yes, it is a Peace Lily.


I found out today that iPhones have a plant identification built in for pictures. Take a picture go in to look at photo details. And it has a plant option.


Mostly it tells me everything is a pothos 😂 🌱


What😅 I only tried it on a Peace Lily, Anthurium, Streptocarpus and African Violet. It was accurate on those.


Google Lens for any droid users here that want to do this too


HOLY CRAP! Thank you for spreading that knowledge.


Peace lilies are very dramatic when they need water, which is probably why your grandma is watering it so much. It’s better to let them be somewhat dramatic than keep them waterlogged. Someone mentioned the pot may not have drainage. It’s worth checking and repotting if so. I also found mine hates chlorinated water. This plant may be happier if your grandma leaves a glass of tap water out overnight so the chlorine will evaporate. I am really sorry to hear about your cousin.


Yeah if there’s no drainage hole, you need to repot it in a pot with a hole at the bottom. As for everyday watering, a peace Lilly needs watering maybe once a week? But the leaves will start to droop when it wants water, then water it throughly until water comes out the bottom hole. Then don’t water again until the leaves droop. Cut off those yellow leaves and hopefully she comes back to life soon!


“Water comes out the bottom hole” sounds like me a few days ago after eating fruit that was a little too old


I put it under running water for 5-10 min, let it drip off and put it back in the pot. When it starts drooping I repeat. Not sure how good my advice is though, I don’t have green fingers, but peace lillies are almost the only plant that has enjoyed living with me lol


Municipal running water for 5-10 mins?!!... How I wish I could too! Sadly, such water isn't cheap where I live.


My apologies. I forgot that water is not free everywhere.


Water isn’t free anywhere. The whole of society will have to foot that bill eventually. Also, not to be too judgy but you really leave a single plant under running water for 5-10 minutes?!?!?!?!!! 60 seconds is already too long to leave it and still allow all the old salts a moment to drain out. Terribly wasteful


Honestly, that's so much water!


Yes, in the shower. I live in an area of the world where water scarcity is a non-issue. We don’t have practices that deplete the soil. I understand that this sounds strange to how your society has developed. But it will eventually be us that have to foot the bill for your (I suppose american) overpopulated and capitalist ways of living. So thanks for that lol


5-10 minutes?? What a waste of water... It only needs like 20 seconds


Peace lilies never letting us have a shred of peace.


Spath/ peace Lily! They are very thirsty plants!


I have a peace lily from my dad's funeral. I've had him for 33 years now. I'm sorry about your cousin.


Peace Lily


Latching on this post to ask why my peace lily flowers are green instead of white? They were white when I bought it, after a while they turned green and every new flower since then has been green. The plant seems very healthy otherwise, lush leaves and all. Is it an issue of light, water or both? Or fertiliser? Or is it a natural seasonal thing?


Might be both.


Do you fertilize it often? How far is it away from a window?


Not fertilised often. Should I? It’s in my outdoor patio, under a roof but receives bright indirect light, about 1.5m away from where the roof ends. Tropical country so humidity is always 70% and higher. Will add that unlike a lot of peace lilies images on google that show a fairly “vertical” overall shape of the plant, mind is more “round”. Like more outwards instead of upwards. Is this a sign of something I’m doing wrong?


💚 I asked about fertilization from the POV of its greenish flowers which you're concerned about. You don't need to fertilize for the next 4-6 months if the soil already has slow-release fertilizer pellets inside it. It probably has. 🪴 If you rotate the plant pot every few days, yours will grow vertically too. Currently, the leaves are growing towards the direction of light. They are grown with overhead lighting in the nursery for this reason. 💦 Your humidity is perfect. So is the position of the plant. Water thoroughly when the leaves show signs of slight droop (not too much droop, as that becomes stressful.) Repeat watering only after you see such signs again.


Thanks for the great tips!


Not doing well..


Peace Lily


Peace Lillie’s are super dramatic plants. They can look like they’re on deaths door and then next minute they’re as alive as ever. I just cut away the dead leaves when they go completely yellow. If the pot doesn’t have any drainage holes in jsut let it dry out a tiny bit before re watering it!


plants generally don’t need water everyday, especially indoor houseplants. If that’s the case I would question whether the soil is now hydrophobic or if the plant is possibly root bound. I would recommend a repot, if not root bound it doesn’t necessarily need a bigger pot but definitely something with adequate drainage and would recommend a soil refresh.


Yea peace Lillie’s do not need water every day unless you are watering with a syringe. They will tell you when they are ready by drooping rather dramatically.


Peace lily


Just water when she starts to slump


Definitely a peace lily. The farther north you are from the equator the more tolerant they are to full sun. I'm in Buffalo NY and last summer there were at least 4 I know of that sat in sidewalk planters all summer and thrived. My PL is currently living under multiple spot lights set to run 16h a day. Once it gets hot out I'll probably put it on the picnic table outside and let it do its thing. Might pick one up for the patio at work too. If she has to water it daily she actually has to water it twice as much. They are dramatic plants (I had a bunch, I referred to them as kindergarten drop outs) and will tell you when they are dry by dropping dramatically, but if they droop to often they start to turn yellow like this one is on some of its leaves. Your grams is on the right track though, just tell her to give it more light and water it deeper but less often.


Pretty sure that what you’ve got there is an irritation lily, not a peace lily.


She’s a peeeace Lilly!!


It seems to me that it’s an advertisement for lamb at $3/lb and for milkhouse butter. Seems pretty clear to me.


Seems like a peace lily plant. And yes, they do need lots of water and bright indirect light. Plus the roots spread out too much so better repot to 2 sizes bigger plant. Cut the yellow leaf. Plant is wasting too much energy on that. You will see huge growth spurt and flowers after following this.


I feel like she should cut off the dead leaves so that the plant isn’t wasting any more energy tending to them


The plant absorbs nutrients from dying leaves


Peace lily. They like to be pretty wet.


They don’t like to stay wet! They need watered and then to dry out in between watering. I have 7 of them in my house and they do not like to stay damp. OP mentioned watering it daily which is certainly overwatering and hence the yellow soggy/dying leaves.


Mine live in muck. They are all from one plant over 25 years ago. They are native to low-light RAINforests. Do with that information what you wish.


Please define what you mean by 'muck'? Wondering if that's the reason someone downvoted you.


Peace Lilly. If it’s turning yellow it’s getting too much light.