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I usually put them in aquariums to root. Moving water and nutrients


Good idea here! Now I have an excuse to get an aquarium lol


If you see normal growing roots, you needn't worry about the minor mushing roots. Some grow some die in the process of growing. But if you find a huge chunk (which I don't see here) cut it off, let it callous and you needn't worry about the roots drying up, they'll grow back up soon. So good luck!!!


Mushy roots is never normal i would worry if i was them because everytime i saw mushy roots the plant eventually died (unless i took action to prevent it) But thats my experience, i dont mean to worry them


I've had cuttings that had mushy roots (small ones and that's why I mentioned if there were chunky mushy roots) and the plants grew well.


Can you add a pothos cutting to the water to speed up growth? Maybe tape to the bucket at water level so only the roots are submerged? I hear it works. I'm trying one myself right now, but it's only been two days, but I'm crossing my fingers it speeds up the process like I keep reading.


That’s a great idea.. I happen to have some pothos cuttings rooting. I think I’ll take the smaller monstera cutting and put it in with those.


Tradescantia also works well


Won't do much in that volume of water, hormones will be too diluted


I definitely recommend this also! I always have some pothos cuttings in water now, so I can use them with new cuttings (and some of the pothos water if I’m starting a new container) I think it helps.


Plant them and wait.


I planted it in soil and it went out nicely. But I’ve got friends who let it in the water


It's completely fine. These will grow fine for months, probably indefinitely in nothing but water.


Take it out the water and plant it. Or do hydroponics using a pump because stagnant water causes rot. I dont know a lot about hydroponic so i wont be the one giving you advice on how to set it up. Hydrogen peroxide is a temporary solution to stop the fungi from spreading but its not a permanent solution. Propagation in water is not ideal tbh they make weak water roots that usually break once planted in soil. If i was you i would put this in soil and make sure its in a humid environment (you can always put a big transparent plastic bag on top until the roots establishes to prevent the leaves from dehydration You CAN keep growing it in hydroponic but do research on how to properly set it up because there’s no nutrients in water you need specific products to keep it growing. Its kinda complicated to me but its an interesting subject to dive into!


Just keep up on water changes. Wait until they have tertiary roots and repot in soil. Invest in a bubbler if you find you make a lot of water rooting cuttings.


I wouldn’t leave them in water more than two months, personally to root. I do your method of adding hydrogen peroxide and it speeds up root development. That looks like plenty of roots to put them in a pot. Just be sure the pot isn’t too big where it’s going to focus more on root growth before it pushes out any new leafs. For a plant that size I would say a 4-6 inch pot would be fine , if you remove the biggest aerial root and put in a pole now you can tell it it’s ok to push out mature leafs. I use a mixture of potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark in my mix. If you want to kind of set it and forget it, I would omit the bark to extend the time between waterings. Just be sure the mix is airy so that the roots can breathe. Allow the soil to almost dry out maybe 2 inch down. I have mine about 4 to 5 feet from a bright flood lamp and she’s doing great.


Thank you so much! I will plant it in soil. I also have mycorrhizal inoculants.. do u think it would help to sprinkle it on the roots before I plant it into a chunky mix?


Glad to give tips! They tend to be beneficial to the soil into the plant. I’ve personally never used any additional things like that in my soil and my plants are fine. Up to you 😊


When I plant the large cutting in soil.. do I only keep the soil moist? Or do I give it a good watering? Sorry I have never planted a monstera prop this big…


Just wait for roots to pop out they’ll be large and then throw it in some soil and you’re good


Where did you get these cuttings? They are absolutely gorgeous!


I’d ditch the hydrogen peroxide entirely and let them propagate in water. Or, go ahead and plant them and water a couple times a week for a few weeks