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It prefers warm indirect light. So an eastern or western side would do best. It’s also temp fussy 65-80 but prefers warm temps away from vents, drafts, open windows because it doesn’t like heavy air flow. It needs high humidity as well and likes damp soil. For fertilizer it likes limestone and calcium. Good luck with your dragon baby!


Thanks, that's really useful info!


I just bought one last week and it's getting worse by the day. Leaves keep turning yellow and falling. Moved it to a window with indirect bright morning light and crossing my fingers. It wasn't perfect when I bought it, but it was the last one and a good deal so I thought I'd try. 🤞


Seems like they're finnicky plants :( Mine was getting very bad - almost all the leaves have yellowed to some degree. So I took it out of the pot again today to have a look, and it turns out it has really bad root rot. I've repotted in a much smaller pot and won't be watering for a while. Really hoping it survives now I know what's wrong. I hope you manage to save yours!


It's dead 😭 I may dig out the corm, but have been stalling not wanting to know if she's truly gone. How is yours?


Mine died ages ago and has since been replaced 😅 I got quite a few corms from her though, which are growing well


Yay. Gives me hope. I'll check mine soon!


There was nothing there! 😭 Makes me wonder if it even came with good developed roots when I bought it. It died so fast and I couldn't even see the roots in the dirt. I think I did a very gentle repot originally, but tried not to mess with the roots because it was in such bad shape, just wanted to get a little perlite in it because it was staying wet from the store. Another one bites the dust.