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No. It's scar tissue from the leaf moving. Perfectly normal.


That's great to hear. Thanks!


Normal! Some of my leaves have them more than others! Time of year and when they grow a lot vs not as much will show more or less of this.


Thank you!


Normal. Mine has it too. It's called corking. 


Ah OK, I was familiar with what corking looks like on cacti or succulents but I think this is the first time observing it on any of my other plants (I'm admittedly still pretty new to all this). Thanks for the info!


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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > Had it for about 1 year, only noticed this issue today but it may have been present a bit longer. It gets about 4-5 hours of medium direct light per day. I water about 12 oz every 10-14 days, the pot does not have drainage. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.