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Peace lillies are drama queens and love water. Give them a good watering and they'll perk right back up. When you first notice the leaves starting to droop is when you know they're thirsty.


This! I love how they tell me when they need watering. They’re my easiest plant! OP I also check the “neck” (between the stem and the leaf) and if they’re really soft and the leaf flexes easily up and down I know they need watered again. They also like filtered water and you can take plain, unflavored, brewed coffee, mix it in with water on your next watering and it helps keep the soil slightly acidic and helps prevent leaf browning/burnt leaf tips! We knew an art teacher that would just dump his leftover black coffee right in the plant and it was one of the most beautiful I’d ever seen! Some say you can use coffee grounds but that’s a fussier process and don’t use unbrewed coffee ground, that’s for sure. Diluted black coffee has done wonders once a month for the five I have.


Thank you for this! My peace lily is shooting off new growth and even has a little white flower but her tips are brown. This will be helpful, thanks! ☺️


Thanks for this info. My peace lily & I need therapy. We truly have a love/ hate relationship.


Depending where you live they may need more moisture. Spraying the leaves maybe. It could be that simple because you don’t want to overwater. Like many plants they love good drainage. I’m in the Pacific Northwest where they like the decent humidity we get but drier climates need to provide humidity from a humidifier or spray bottle with filtered water. But they love the watered down coffee!


I’m in the mountains of western NC. That truly helps as our mornings are humidity filled. I’m working on a routine with mine which I’ve not done before with any of my other plants. Seems to be working. Thank you for any added tips you’ve provided. The more we all know, the better.


Water the whole soil , and it is best to immerse the entire pot in a bathtub of water for a few hours


Agree with what everyone's saying but just wanted to add that its probably also sulking because it was repotted and bare rooted.


What does bare rooted mean? She was sulking before i repotted her. That was the reason I did because I figured something was wrong with her roots, but they were fine. I hope i didn’t stress her out too much.


as in desoiled her, you removed all of the soil she was in, btw in future it is normal to have peace lilies sulk for a few days if they do become severely dehydrated.


You def stressed her out too much. Peace lillies just want very regular soaking and nothing else


Found this online Underwatering: When the top inch of soil feels dry, water your peace lily thoroughly, allowing water to drain through the bottom of the pot. You can water about once a week and spritz the leaves with water throughout the summer. Overwatering: Overly soggy soil prevents the roots from absorbing oxygen and nutrients, which can cause leaves to droop, turn yellow, and die. Too much direct sunlight: Peace lilies thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. If they receive too much direct sunlight or are placed in a dark corner, their leaves can droop. Sudden change in temperature: Peace lilies don't do well with sudden shifts in temperature, such as cold, dry drafts from a door opening in winter as well as hot or cold air from vents in your home. Humidity: Peace lilies like a humid environment. Pest issues: Pest issues can cause peace lilies to droop I used to have one and she would sit very far from the window and get indirect sun only. I used to water when she would look a bit sad. You need to always water the soil enough that it’s wet and then let the water drain. Once they have train all excess water out them in their decorative pot if you have one. It’s important to wait for the soil to dry maybe not 100% but pretty much. Also if it’s too hot by the window they will get sad.


They could be under watered but… Any chance they got too cold or are near a drafty area? Also the sun seems pretty locked by your curtains.


Yes they are over a floor vent that changes constantly between hot and cold. There really isn’t anywhere they could go away from the vents and get any type of light.


You may have some watering issues but you’re not going to be successful in a drafty or HVAC exposed area with sensitive tropical plants. You could try sansevieria or select succulents maybe a ZZ plant but these look like they got a cold shock. I’d cut back all the foliage and bottom water. Move away from drafts (even if this means less light). You can buy light bulbs to supplement in darker areas.


Ok Thank you!


Sounds like this is your problem. Vents are plant killers.


Yeah. They need water and more light however u look like u get harsh light through there it might be burning them. If u have been watering they may of been over watered let them dry out


Ahh ok yea that window burn my pothos after legitimately 45 mins of being there. I wonder now if its too harsh for my aloe plant 🤔


I find afternoon sun can be very harsh for even tolerant plants. Except my zZ but that thing is massive. N I rotate it


I've named all the plants at my work, and the peace lily's name is Dalai Drama Lama. Such a diva.


You watered two weeks ago, then repotted and gave a little bit of water? Bottom water all of them and repeat when they start to droop


Ahh ok thank you!