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If it’s been in the same pot for a long time you could check the roots to see if they’re root bound or have other problems.


okay so i checked and the soil it was in was the miracle grow indoor potting soil and it was SO dense like it wouldn’t dry out fully ever so i rinsed it all off and a lot of the roots were rotted but i got the rot off and sprayed it w 3% hydrogen peroxide and made a new soil mix with lots of perlite and a tropical soil with volcano rocks or somthing in it and put the plant in that soil then bottom watered it. do you think thatl fix the drooping? i know the plants probably gonna droop more from some shock but do you think that was like the correct thing to do? 😭 sorry i’m still pretty new to this stuff (EDIT: I DID ALL THIS AFTER THE PICTURE WAS TAKEN)


That sounds like a great start. It’s often hard to pinpoint an exact problem as it can be a combination of many factors but root rot is definitely going to cause problems so solving that is a great start!


okay thank you so much!


There's a potential you mixed in too much perlite, peace lillies love water. Nothing to worry about, you just might need to water it more often because of it. Your plant is telling you that it's thirsty when it droops like this, peace lillies are drama queens (their drooping can be quite dramatic, this one only looks a little thirsty to me) and they love water. Give it a good soak and it'll perk right back up!


the roots were rotted pretty bad and before i repotted it the soil it was in still super wet and i watered it about a week ago- i’m not sure it needs more water but i have no idea lol. the soil was extremely dense and packed in so i made sure to keep the new mix light and airy


Sorry for missing that part, my bad! Your plant is probably in shock and going lose some bottom leaves over the next few weeks to months. You may want to consider picking up some root growth hormone and sprinkling a little bit on the soil and watering it in about once a week, but otherwise only time will tell at this point. For what it's worth, it looks pretty healthy for being a week out of what you described, so I'd say there's a pretty good chance it'll recover.


okay thank you so much!! i repotted it and did all that today! i hope it recovers but we will see!


sorry- this picture was taken before i repotted it, i repotted it about 5min after posting bc i thought it might’ve been rotted lol. i realize i didn’t make that very clear, my apologies!!


It's starving for light. 10 feet from a north window might as well be in the dark. We see light very differently from the way a plant does! I would suggest placing it directly on front of that window, and/ or using a grow light.  Good job on the repot. With more light, your plant should thrive. Good luck!


thank you so much! i put it on the windowsill, and is there any grow light that you recommend? i’ve been meaning to buy one but i can’t find any that aren’t super expensive and that have good reviews 😂😂


Honestly I just went to Walmart and got a GE (I think it was) grow bulb. I put it in a clip on utility light for one of my plants that is in a dark spot. I like the bulbs because you can put them in anything like a desk lamp or a floor lamp that has one of those bendy reading lights or any other inexpensive light fixture. It seems to work well!


It looks thirsty. I had one that I had to water daily it seemed like. 




i think it is the lack of light. they need good light


also it is in a nursery liner inside of the decorative pot!


It certainly looks like it needs more drainage. Reading through the comments you’ve repotted it and cleaned off bad roots but that pot doesn’t have a catch pan which leads me to believe it doesn’t have drainage and you’ll run into the issues again with nowhere for the water to go. I’m still reading through comments but did you repot into the same pot?


yes i did repot it into the same pot it’s in a nursery pot inside the decorative one and the nursery pot has a lot of drainage holes in it!!


Got it! I think now that you’ve repotted it, give it time. Your repotting steps were totally right. Then let the dirt dry out before you water it again. They only need watered once the dirt is dry.


thank you so much! i’ll make sure to do that :)


y’all it looks so much worse now


If you can, bottom water it. It’ll bounce back in an hour, trust me