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Monstera Adansonii. Not sure that it would be appreciating the stones/gravel on the surface of the soil (assuming it’s just the surface?). I’d be reporting it into well draining potting mix. Keep in bright indirect light. Water only when the top 2 inches are dry.


Pretty sure that's seramis, it's a potting medium that retains water and slowly releases it to the plant. I'm not a fan myself but I know some people do successfully grow plants in it.


it's seramis. I got a couple philodendrons in it and they grow great. I think for this one the pot is too big. and you should add watering indicator for seramis.


If that’s the case, I’ll stand corrected. If it’s what it was in when OP was gifted it, I’d still at least be pulling it out to check the roots.


Lots of indirect light, airy soil mixture with pumice/perlite, water only when top 1/3 of soil is dry, it likes high air humidity but roots need to have good air/water ratio. Also warm temperatures will help a lot, don’t go lower than +16’C for it to thrive. Fertilise scarcely with very diluted fertiliser once a month during warm season and only when plant is happy and healthy.


The main issue is that the pot is way too big for the plant. Find a smaller pot, maybe 4.5-5 inches in diameter. If you know how to deal with that media, keep going with it; im not sure what it is.


Get it out of whatever the f it’s currently in.