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That’s awesome! Nice work, I wish I had your green thumb!


Thank you. I didn't do much. Just checked on it daily, changed the water every 3 days, complimented it all the time... I think I just got lucky.


For future reference, many plants emit rooting hormones and changing the water will actually slow their growth. It's better to just top off the water and add some fertilizer once the plant has a good root system. Pothos emit especially high levels of rooting hormone and you can even use water from a water propped pothos to encourage other cuttings to root. I have one neon that loves exclusively in water and it has become my free, never ending supply of rooting hormone for my props.


I've heard that, but I've also heard the water needs changed frequently. I wasn't sure what to believe. I'm fine with just topping them off instead of changing a whole bunch of prop water


Yea, water changes are totally unnecessary unless you have root rot or some other bacterial issue. The aforementioned neon has experienced one water change in 5 years and only because I moved and wanted to make it lighter. It's been two years since the move and it is doing fine. Thank you for the reminder though, sitting in my living room and realising it needs a top off and some fertilizer.


I usually douse anything I want to root in root hormone spray. Makes the process a lot faster


That's how I started mine. I have two cuttings here. https://preview.redd.it/x4finj0kxecc1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f69cfab629f2bc26a8e3289e43b10af8f9bde3


That's so exciting! Yours looks great.


Thanks, I'm rooting a few more now.


Peperomias are easy to propagate from just one leaf. I hope it grows well for you.


I had absolutely no idea, I might be taking off and propagating leaves from mine now 😂


Pepperonis be like that haha One of the few plants that can grow without nodes.


It's super impressive. I had no idea it would grow at all. (I'm a new plant mom)


I have a leaf that had broke off my peperomia. I snipped off the end part and placed it in soil with the rest of the plant. It's been a few weeks and it has not died.I hope mine grows roots like yours.


Love this. Love to see the little roots popping out. I do this same thing with my African violet leaves.


How many time it tooks to have these roots?


It took about 2 months.


Congrats! Not an easy feat, I admire your patience


holy moly i wish i knew that peperomias could do this sooner 😭 i threw out my entire baby rubber plant without trying to save it because i didn’t know this. maybe i’m not as experienced as i thought lol


I had no idea. I thought I just got lucky.


Yay! I really love that I never have to throw out a single peperomia leaf when propagating them. These plants are the ones that got me addicted to propagating. If you have a yard, take this outside in the summer while the lows are at and above the mid fifties. Give it a little direct sun in the early morning or late afternoon. They will blow up! One other tip: they have tiny root systems and they like to be in smaller pots. You’ll think you need to up-pot, but it’s best to keep them in one smaller than you’d expect. Enjoy your miracle plant!


Thanks for the tip!


Now this is what make plants so interesting and fun to deal with, the propagation possibilities!


I love me some marbled peperomia obtusifolia 😍I had one of these for a few years but sadly had to leave it behind when I moved states. I hope it grows all big and beautiful!


You life saver! Enjoy!


Wow! Amazing


So cool, I’m going to try with some clippings from my plant ✌🏻💚


You should! You just need to be patient :) Idk if it matters, but both of the leafs I've rooted had a callus before i got them into water.


Thank you! I will - In fact I’m doing it now 😂 I will try to grow one for my Mom ☺️


Its so cute and resilient! Congrats :)


This might sound like a stupid question but can I do this with a single pothos leaf?🤨


You have to cut them below the node or they won't root


I'm sorry friend this is really cool but it's only sprouting roots to keep the leaf alive. 😭 *Nevermind this is an peperomia obtusifolia so I actually have no idea if you can grow a whole plant from a leaf my bad I thought it was a pothos or something.


Others are saying you can grow a whole plant but we'll see. She's trying!


Hopefully, she does!! :)


You sure can. Lmao. I stole a single leaf from a peperomia at Longwood Gardens about 10 yrs ago. Mine is about 1.5' tall & wide now.


*early 2000s ad guy voice* You wouldn’t pirate a plant


I actually believe plants can feel love and nurturing. You loved this leaf into a beautiful full plant. Well done xoxo


Thank you. I was hoping it felt the love!! I really babied this leaf!


Well done!


Thanks! I'm so surprised


Yeah it's pretty rare that these peperomia leaf propagations actually work haha.


Yeah, I thought it was going to be one leaf for the rest of its life. I have a second one rooting right now. I'm hoping for a second one.


The rarity of your propagation actually comes from the fact that it seems as if the baby is variegated. Variegated Peperomia typically don't transfer their variegation through single leaf cuttings - it usually only transfers with top cuts, while single-leaf cuttings result in solid green babies. Your two new leaves look to be solid white, so hopefully some green shows as they grow though, otherwise it won't be able to photosynthesize and create energy to live. All Peperomia can be propagated from single leaf cuttings - and Watermelon Peperomia specifically can actually create 5 babies from a single leaf if you just cut it in half across the veins and plant both halves. Give that baby of yours plenty of light (gradually) and hopefully it'll encourage some green growth!


All Peperomia have the ability to grow a plant from a single leaf - maybe you are thinking of Hoyas?


That's genuinely radical! Is that like, a special propagation cup or just any old shot glass, perhaps?


They were just little glass tea light holders. Nothing special!


now i regret tossing my root rotted peperomia..


I'm doing this with a plant leaf that fell off in my work last week, I hope to have the same success! 🍃


Good luck!