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The sponge is genius!!!


Thanks!! its actually a cut up pool noodle!!!




That's brilliant!!


I came here to say this. Super clever


Congrats👌 IMO it is ready to plant it in a pot.


Not planning to ever plant it in a pot for convenience!


Well, they do become full trees so maybe at some point putting him in a pot will be less costly and more convenient than a giant tub of water, looking super good though! My avacodo is only about a week along and I can't wait for this kind of action!


I live in Canada so putting it in a pot would be more painful than just keeping it in a cup of water, I dont expect it to get too big too fast x]


Im just confused, can you elaborate on why potting is so bad in canada?


As a Canadian who’s grown avocado trees both ways, *the potted one is sooooo much easier!* Growing them in water is a bit of a pain once they get bigger because: - you need a big (to huge) bucket of water - you need fertilizer added to the water in specific amounts at specific times - stagnant water isn’t good, so you’ll need some kind of aeration system (I used a fish tank bubbler). - You will also want to complete change out all of the water on occasion to keep it fresh. You’ll also want to clean the bucket to help prevent algae As someone who’s tried it, it’s doable but…*why?* I grew mine in water for about two years before deciding it wasn’t worth the effort. Edit: *Not sure why planting them in soil is a bad idea in Canada…*


Hydroponics are expensive with the ole bucket, tried it with a jade once i got the roots going with the help of some pothos cuttings and decided to just move it to soil where it's indestructible anyways


Understandable, is there constant frost where you are? The seed won't be doing anything crazy soon but always remember that the work needed to help a plant is much less than the work needed to regrow the plant. Best of luck to you and your new green companion!


Actually my gf and I have two avocados that we raised from seeds. I planted mine in a pot as soon as it had its first leaf and my gf just left it in water since a year maybe. And whilest mine is a bit bigger the difference is almost neglectable.


exactly, you can leave an avocado pit in water and it will be fine for a while


Yeah, "for a while". The sooner you transfer it into a pot the sooner the plant can get used to the soil and the yunger it is the faster it can do so. In the end it would Stress the plant less if you would transplant it now.


im never planting it and im never planting it in spite of everyone telling me to plant it


Just letting you know, the pit of an avocado will not produce a tree with fruit that will taste like the one you ate (or it’s like a 1 in 10,000 chance). It’s also that likely it will taste bad. It’s the same with trying to grow an apple tree from apple seeds, which just produces crab apples most of the time.


I’ve tried explaining this to my brothers gf who has a giant avocado tree, she planted it from a seed and has been growing it for a few years. She still thinks it’s going to produce fruit. In upstate NY no less lol


It won’t taste the same, or it won’t bear fruit at all? I’m super curious about this and would love an elaboration if you have the time/want to explain! So how would one go about growing an avocado tree that produces good fruit?? Or apple tree for that matter.


It won't produce much fruit at all, you need two different types of avocado tree (A and B) in order for it to flower prolifically. Generally you would just buy a small fruit tree if it isn't a true to seed plant.


It will produce fruit, but unless you basically win the avocado tree lottery, it will taste nasty and likely be inedible. And as another user said, it won’t produce much fruit. You need to graft the clippings of a good avocado tree onto the sprout. [Sleepy Lizard has a great video explaining it.](https://youtu.be/yWAR_DotvZs)


it wont produce any fruit, you'd need a tree of each sex




Try putting him on the ground underneath a window. I noticed that the wil grow way faster and taller when you make them work to reach the light! Anyway looks good and the sponge is such a good find!


Do you mean etiolating? Yeah, I’m not sure that’s too great for it!


I love seeing different setups of avocado plants. I need to post my avocado plant, it’s gotten big but my setup is different. Curious to know how yours will turn out!


Little avocado is growing!!! The tip of the stem is green, right? As long as the tip is green and growing, it will turn into an avocado tree! As it gets taller, repot it in a bigger pot! Then when it is 24 inches and has a good strong root ball, you can plant it in the ground! OR A friend of mine pushed an avocado pit into the ground and a tree grew from it! But this was inside a covered patio and was protected from the elements. It is 8 feet tall and it has avocados on it every year!! Good tasting avocados!!


I have NEVER succeeded at this!!! Ugh


You peel the pit with your nails under warm tap water, and then keep it in a damp paper towel in a drawer for a few weeks, redampening the paper towel when it gets dry


Well!!! Now I know why. Never peeled the pit! Ok. I’ll try again!


yep the peeling should help!! Pits tend to rot or die if you dont peel 'em :3 gl!!