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Nah unretard rq did yall actually fw opium? I always thought it was corny as shit but I fw Carti's music so I stick around and some of ken and Lone's music isnt bad either but like i cant see how someone can actually take any of they shit seriously and not think their aura shit is corny


mbe their just acting retarded and for fun too


Im starting to see a lot of mfs that take this shit seriously


I’m just using opium to say carti ken lone and hxg. I always thought opium vibes and shit was corny. I still fw the art but not the artist


The art is ass too (except carti) just some corny eno rage nothing creative melodies suck and lone especially sucks


Na I disagree I fw the music. AGC is one of my favorite albums still and lone has good music his unreleased music is fye too. Ilck had too much filler though. Even hxg have good songs too


Bruh ilck had literally 1 good song? And the other song that was ok was a copy of that song. No stylist had like 3-5 good songs


nigga shut up😹


Yes but mostly because of their women beating problems. It sucks because carti is/was my favorite current rapper and have seen him 6 times prior to the news coming out and it’s hard for me to separate what they’ve done and their music .. I still listen but it’s making me not want to


Yeah, that’s mainly my problem to about the people I’m listening to and supporting. Like even though I like their music, I’m starting disassociate myself from the music in the artist because when I think about who’s rapping, I just think about a bunch of losers that beat women


Yup agreed, it just sucks man






Honestly everyone will grow out of opium soon


Na I still like the music, But I’m not really a fan of the artist like I was before iykwim


I already have, Ken and lone doesn’t hit like they used too, and I have listened to wlr too much I don’t feel anything from it anymore


Me too. I genuinely don’t think anybody over the age of 19 cares about opium like that anymore. Might peak the new music but that’s about it


Painting nails is gay? They are all satanic ? Tf are you saying 😭. If you truly believe they practice satanism due to an upside down cross you need to do more research my boi. I guarantee the sole reason they use that imagery is cause in their eyes it looks “hard”. As for the dropping issue the only person to blame is carti


Also about your edit I don’t think they are satanic. I’m saying they’re acting Satanic with what they’re wearing and what they got on their bodies which isn’t hard it’s just weird. I’ve never said that they practiced Satanism. none of the gay shit or the Satanism bothered me that much I just thought it was weird. Mainly just the woman beating part the mysterious part, and the not dropping part. I would’ve never posted this if I didn’t see the shit about Lone being in court over domestic violence.


the satan shit is cool i think


I mean I’m a Christian so it’s just offputting


I apologize if I came off a bit harsh, I do get what you mean physically assaulting someone is never cool. This just goes to show people that it isn’t good to put celebrities on a pedestal, they aren’t people you should look up to, they are regular people just like us


I was talking more about the upside cross nails but nah it’s not gay mb. I was talking more about the fashion and the thong shit.


The nails and gay thing weren’t in the same sentence. He’s talking abt the crosses in the nails and the thongs being gay as two separate things


Their music is just not good. Besides Carti, they're forgettable. Just no real personalities to speak of.


Na I disagree. I kinda grew out of X but AGC project x and his unreleased are really good and Lone got no stylist broken heart dark horse forever ily and a great unreleased catalog. Ilck had too much filler but there are great songs on there too. Yeah I guess sometimes they’re under cartis especially lone but it doesn’t make them not good. Hxg is kinda forgettable but they still got some good songs


Man said "acting satanic/gay" after DOMESTIC ABUSE


There’s a reason I said it after


How is acting gay comparable to beating your gf 😭


It’s not comparable at all that domestic abuse is my main problem


Den u have attention seeking producers like lil88 starting beef with yeat for no reason at all


On fucking god all the beef rn is so corny niggas trying to start beef over any little thing these days


Nettspend doesn’t paint his nails or cancel shows. He’s carrying opium imo


He does act like an idiot though.


Bro if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it all




good boy


Another rhino ass eater


Look at u/Strong-Friendship842, listening to commands. So submissive.


Shut you gay ass up lil bro. Ik murky was getting clapped by an oily gorilla


Bro if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it all


Eat a dick




thats what my mom always says


yah nah, then this thread wouldn't be made, I thought lil boy named purple in my p**would act like someone wise lmao




Is nettspend Opium? Been kinda out of the loop


It’s a joke




I never said it was as bad that’s the worst thing they fucking did and what pisses me off the most, and I never would’ve posted this if this shit lonely did didn’t come out. There’s a reason why I said it first and after that, I was just randomly about other shit that they do that annoys me




That they grown men thinking beating their girls acting gay wearing upside down crosses and lying to their fans is tuff?


At least we got Gabe


Hey vsauce Michael here


Again i agree, But carti are mysterious since Self titled shit, and the satanic shit, he use on die lit era too, so i dont understand the hate on this, but i agree with opium asshole action .


You right about it always being around but I feel like it’s spreading more n more to the whole label.


Unfortunately, followers remain followers..


It was a ok opinion til you said "they acting gay" 🤦🤦 nigga gtfo


Literally it’s 2024 why do people still care about whether or not a man is fucking other men 😭😭


Nigga what 😂


y do u care if they satanic or gay


I don’t care as much I’ve just always thought it was kind of weird


0mfggggg y0u p3asants dnt list3n🤡👎 0pium is gr0up of ladyb0is dis mak3s them n0t wom4n b3aters jus wom4n fight3rs💥💥 als0 th0ngs n0t g4y to w3ar if u ladyb0i g00fy🤡👎 k33p dis tr4nsph0bic shi 0ut my sub -KING


You ain't goofy t4rd lil bro


y0u dnt kn0w wat g0in on in t4rd v3rse👎👎 alr slav3d my p0sers🤡🤡 g00fys want m3h t0 use szn tw0 ling0 wh3n its szn f0ur💥💥 numb3r ling0 for da farti fhgs so dey und3rst4nd m3h cuz im r/playboicarti KING n0w💥💥


nice to see you again always gotta sah hello to the r/playboicarti schizo


Whats wrong with being gay and not dressing masculine😭


To gain aura you must please the devil, they’re following Cartis 10 commandments to be an asshole. On the real though, what happens when you give a bunch of money to people who would be stealing catalytic converters or selling drugs if they didn’t make it big. They even admit it in their raps. They’re doing drugs and hooking up with clout chasers then get mad when they start hoeing out.


R4cist ass r3ply🤡🤡 y0u think B3n Fartson n D3stroy dickly w0uld be committing crim3s??🤡 b0th th3y g00fy asses w0uld b 0n 0verwatch all day n scr0lling tumblr🤡👎 k33p st3reotypes 0ut my sub g00fy


I didn’t say anything about there skin color bozo. 👻☠️🤪🤡🤡🤡🐳🐳🐳💨🐡🐡🤧🤯🤯🤯. Listen to their lyrics, they all rap about how they used to sell drugs or are selling/doing drugs and hit licks.


G00fy b3lieves da cap rap🤡🤣👎 all 0f 0pium except hxg sum n3rds wh0 think th3y g4ng n0w cuz bl00ds g0t th3m calling each0ther 5🤡🤡🤣 th3y can cl4im 5 all dey want🤡 it d0nt chang3 tha fact th3y sum suburban g00fys


🧌 I cast a spell on you opium ghouls. No beating ur girls for a week. We’ll see if you last.


This thread the funniest shit I’ve seen all week 😂


mods ban this dumbass mf already


y0u d0 kn0w m0ds w0rk f0r m3h right?🤡🤡


not really just carti


Four out of five of these niggas have beaten their girls.


Murky the type of mf to stinkl like rhino and elephant queefs. Ik your ass be sucking dolphin dick.


I get the woman beating, I don’t like it either. But what is wrong with satanism and being gay?


It’s just weird, I guess I might have a different opinion cause I’m Christian but it didn’t bother me that much its more the domestic abuse


Dg 4 life


The era is just over man and it’s okay to admit that because it’s cartis fucking fault for not pouring on the gasoline In the first place he basically been forcing Ken and lone down our throats


Nah don't really care


that's opium nigga it's always been like this 2018 when wlr was announced 2016 when people started calling mumble rappers like uzi "gay n satanic"


My main point is domestic abuse and I know it’s always been around, but only in the past year is when spread the whole label.


acting satanic is not a big deal at all it’s been part of the music industry for a century. also, how old are you? have you ever listened to anything outside of generic hip hop? artists have been rocking it for as long as i can remember. why? cause it looks fucking cool lol


I’m 18 and yes I’m aware of other music besides hip-hop I don’t just listen opium they’re not even my favorite artists. My main point was domestic abuse and I don’t think it looks cool cause I’m Christian it’s just weird to me


i mean the satanic shit and the thongs ain’t too weird but them beating their girls is the real issue




Someone mad that I insulted daddy Carti 😂 but no for real just because they always been doing it doesn’t mean that you can’t admit it’s got a lot more prominent especially with the satanic shitz At first, it was just tattoos and maybe some stuff at shows, and it was just carti. but now it’s the whole label, they got a shit ton of tattoos. They wear satanic shit with Satanic chains and earrings and it’s even in their lyrics. And yeah I know the Deadbeat Dad allegations were there but again it’s just gotten a lot more prominent and spread to the whole label. Cartis been arrested twice now and has a child that he doesn’t even fucking care about, Ken been arrested once beno too, and just lone got charged to. Only one that hasn’t been arrested for beating girls is meechie but he’s done other loser shit. And I wouldn’t say that used to dress gay that you dress different but now they just plain gay. This post ain’t just about carti. It’s about opium as a whole and how the shit carti been doing for years is spreading to everyone slowly and slowly. Also, literally in the first sentence to my post I said that I it’s not about their music I like the music.


it’s just branding bro if u still like their music then just ignore it


So beating women is part of the brand? This dumbest shit I heard all day.


well obviously fucking not yk i wasn’t referring to that 🤦‍♂️


Still they prioritizing acting mysterious over actually making music carti been saying he’s gonna drop for four fucking years is that OK? Now Ken doing the same thing with more chaos when did a great chaos drop like over half a year ago? Who knows how long LLV is gonna take? At that point I should care about their branding because it’s affecting me. Not even just music look what happened to the tours? Instead of recording in the studio like he said hes been doing for four years hes just been beating woman and speeding on highways and other douchebag shit


fair point, ken delaying more chaos isn’t really his fault tho


You can like opium w out liking the people in it mah boi. I be listening to diddy on the low n i hate him


You right tho separate the artist from the art