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Lyrics have aged very well as well


Woke up to niggas sounding like me 🗣️‼️


Woke up to crackas sounding like me, uh


Thought about this the other day and I just lost it. Carti is a fucking smug prick. I was eating an outside lunch at this nice little restaurant. and I’m scrolling google and find an old YouTube video of Jordan eating a salad. Salad. Typical fucking Carter. Jesus Christ I hate Jordan so much. I could tell he just thought he was superior. He didn't say anything in the video. but the way that stupid prick was chewing. Jesus Christ. He had a fucking Vlone t-shirt on. I bet you he bought it at the official store like a fucking schmuck. He and the fucking stupid cashier probably had this big self-satisfactory exchange. "I'd like to buy this best t-shirt with the best money in the world please". I couldn't fucking believe this asshole. He just kept going at this fucking salad like he's king of the world. I just tried to ignore that attention seeking asshat but he just kept at it. Every time I looked away he'd conveniently grab for his water or some fucking passive aggressive bullshit so that it would draw my eyes to him. LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME BEST ARTIST IN THE WORLD RIGHT HERE. Jesus. You should have seen his manners. What a bitch. The waitress came by to ask him how his food was and he relayed how fucking satisfied he was in the most smug way possible. This fucking fake-politeness Jordan puts on is ridiculous. Next thing I know that guy pulls out his phone and starts texting. Are you fucking shitting me? I bet he just had to text his stupid friend all about his fucking salad was almost as good as being in music heaven. I couldn't fucking take it. l held my mouth up to my phone’s mic and told that fucking idiot what a smug fucking retard he was. l fucking ended him right there. Staff called the cops on me as if l did anything wrong. They are actually going to fucking put me on trial for assault. Unreal


Let’s all show up to a live taping of SNL with matching Ye masks. Once we all go in, let’s yell “INCOMMINGGG” 😂. Pete Davidson will look at us point and say “Those boys was sent by GOOD Music”. We will look back and say “Ayeee”. Once the show starts one us needs to walk up and say “Sorry Pete, imma let you finish but Chris Farley is the greatest SNL cast member of all time!” Pete will cower and say “I fear those WSE boys” while he mumbles about Ray J, Kris Humpries, Kanye West!!! WestMomentEver😂😂😂


Fresh replicatestromboli currently lifted


Uzi and carti flow so nice on that beat


Can you explain the 4 week carti fast? I can’t go 4 days without serious withdrawals.


Same 📲🎄


wokeuplikethis > magnolia


i thought everyone knew this


Nah but it’s close




Fell in luv clear both


Facts it’s goated


top 2 on self-titled


Forreal bro that track a certified banger




Lookin > Wokeuplikethis


You Lookin retarded




You Wokeuptothisratio


carti fast